I really want to hit the street

Chapter 292 ‘Zhongshan Novel’ is online

After Tian Gou’s explanation.

Xiaoxing sighed: "I will never despise dog licking again."

Ridiculously covering his face: "He is really good at licking!"

The two of them roughly understood his train of thought, and were shocked to find that it might actually work.

And if you follow this method, even if you don't succeed, you can at least make ends meet. Even if you lose money in the end, the company won't lose a net loss of 100 million.

In that case, Mr. Pu is afraid that his mentality will explode.

Xiaoxing knows that as proud as Mr. Pu, he will not allow failure cases in his entrepreneurial history.

Mr. Pu in the state of throwing coins is just an attitude for everyone to see.

If anyone really thinks that Mr. Pu will be happy after losing money, then his ideological level is too low and he is not suitable for working at Duoyu Company.

The direction of the Internet Literature Department has been determined, and they finally don't have to rush around like a nest of headless flies.

At the same time, the crew of "For Fans" began auditioning actors and selecting locations, as well as the director's drawing of shots.

The entire Duoyu company has a unique atmosphere due to the addition of interns.

Neither good nor bad.

There are often some laughter in the company, the entertainment area is used more and more, and the company's overall operation is rising crazily after an initial stagnation!

half a month later

Monday, September 19th.

It is advisable to eat it but not to eat it.

The cast of "For Fans" was quickly finalized and filming officially started.

Mr. Pu attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony and looked at several actors whose names he could not name at all. He was polite.

Mr. Pu is very satisfied with this casting selection.

Wu Ma and Zhang Yang did not choose popular celebrities and established movie kings, nor did they choose young actors who were just starting out. Instead, they chose some outdated actors who were not very popular.

There is no traffic, the price is not cheap, and there is no gimmick for actors like Chen Mingdao to join.

It is difficult to use actors as a promotional point.

There are almost no people watching movies looking for actors.

You know, although the salaries of popular celebrities and big-name actors are expensive, the traffic they bring is really huge. Many people don’t support movie tickets when they see their idols acting in movies. One person buys a family bucket to watch. .

Watch it again and again!

Of course, we have passed the era of relying purely on popular actors to make money. If the movie is not well made, except for the idiot fans in the fandom, most viewers will not pay the bill, but even if they lose money, they will not lose too much. More, the basics are here. If the actor himself mobilizes his little fans, he can get another wave of leeks.

In the current Chinese-language film environment, best actors and actresses are the guarantee of box office. "The Man from Earth" has a box office of over 100 million, in which Chen Mingdao is indispensable. Not only is he a good actor, but he is also highly topical and can attract a portion of the box office.

Both of these will bring a lot of traffic to the film in the early stage, and Pu will never choose it.

The price for pure newcomers is too cheap. Some even don't get paid, and they have to act even if they sleep with the director, just to be famous.

Not letting Mr. Pu spend money is even more uncomfortable than spending his own money!

It's no longer considered.

In the end, two lesser-known second-tier actors won President Pu's favor.

Because they were the only ones asking for high prices at the time, 5 million for the protagonist and 4 million for the supporting role.

The filming location is at the Kyoto Film and Television Base. There are not many locations in this movie, and they are all based on modern materials, so there is no need to travel so far.

"Bang bang bang!"

After Mr. Pu dropped his scissors, ribbons and salutes were opened around him. In the splendid scene, Mr. Pu seemed to have seen the fall of 30 million.

"Tsk, tsk~ Such a mediocre script will look like a documentary and no one will watch it. Even if it is released, theaters probably won't be willing to give this kind of film a lot of scheduling. Commercial blockbusters are still the trend."

Mr. Pu is often glad that "The Man from Earth" was a blessing in disguise, as it happened to avoid the schedule of commercial blockbusters and compete with a group of children's films.

Below, Wu Ma looked at Mr. Pu, who had a smile on his face, and asked Zhang Yang: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Pu seems to have a good temper and is very happy to allocate money. Such bosses are really rare."

Zhang Yang glanced at Wu Ma with a look that you didn't know anything about.

"Director Wu, you haven't spent much time with Mr. Pu, and you still don't understand his habits. Do you know what Mr. Pu is like when he's throwing money away?"

Wu Ma: ()

Zhongshan Novel, a software developed by the Internet Literature Department, is officially launched.

The name is taken from "When you stand at the top of the mountain, you can see all the mountains and small mountains at a glance".

Mr. Pu hopes that Zhongshan Novel can be like the novel websites that tried to replace Qidian's status, but eventually became Qidian's losers.

The name can be said to be very auspicious.

After experiencing so many things, Mr. Pu gradually became superstitious and never let go of any metaphysical strategy that could harm Duoyu Company.

It’s not about believing it or not. What if it works?

Foreign scholars have commented that the Chinese people's beliefs are very utilitarian. They only remember to worship when it is useful. When it is useless, what kind of god are you?

Pragmatic demigod.

As soon as the software was launched on major mobile application platforms, the download data began to increase.

It’s completely different from the treatment I got on the first day at Duoyu Listening!

Because they advertised.

Regarding the Zhongshan Novel project, Mr. Pu changed his mind and allowed them to promote it.

Because if you don’t spend money on advertising, it will be difficult to burn through 100 million in half a year.

In the competition between major Internet companies, the most important thing is actually traffic competition.

Only by spending money to buy traffic and spending large sums of money on publicity can the company burn money quickly.

Otherwise, no matter how much you subsidize your website, no one will know, and you won’t be able to burn it even if you want to.

And the most important thing is that Wang Yiyun listened to the book "Pearls and Jade First", which made Mr. Pu want to learn how to spend money to promote others.

After the traffic was diverted, they all ran away to read books on other websites and used them as wedding dresses for others.

What a great injustice!

Mr. Pu is very envious of people like Wang Yiyun. If you want, you can be the culprit. Unlike me, there are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me.

"By the way, how are my three unruly people doing? Did they get a tan in Africa? Are they eating well? Are they clean and hygienic?"

Mr. Pu shook his head and felt that he was a little cruel. Maybe he was a capitalist.

To succeed, do whatever it takes.

"Hey, let the finance department give them more subsidies for going abroad. I hope they are fine."

Looking at the rising data of Zhongshan Novel in the background, the number of downloads in one hour has exceeded 10,000.

Mr. Pu was not panicked at all.

"Download it. In the end, you will find that it is better to turn on some incense. Then my advertising fees will be wasted."

"Waste of advertising money? That must be impossible!"

He said to his college students with ridiculous confidence.

"What you think, actually, we and Mr. Pu have already arrived. If it doesn't work, can someone like Mr. Pu, who is against publicity, let us do it?"

Currently, Xiaoxing and Libu are mainly responsible for Zhongshan novels, and Tian Gou is their junior staff officer.

The three of them have already prepared a complete response strategy.

"As long as we package ourselves as a website that focuses on channels and act like we are stupid and have a lot of money, then naturally there will be many novel websites that want to earn channel fees from us."

"Half a month ago, we spent our first publicity funds to purchase 100 public accounts specializing in WeChat novels and built our initial channels. Most of them were not well-operated, so they sold them to us cheaply to get away with it, and we We directly obtained the rights to use a batch of new media books that we collaborated with on their website. In this case, we will have a preliminary library for our website.”

"Next, we just need to spend money! Spend money hard! Invest more in advertising to attract novice customers to our software and channels to read books. Even if we lose money, we must let users read books!"

"So, how can this promotional fee be wasted? It is enough for us to retain novice users."

"After we have the user data, it's our turn to do the next thing."

PS: It’s a little late, but it’s not a big problem! Today's 2nd update is still here, and there will be another update tomorrow morning.

I haven’t asked for a monthly ticket for a long time. I hope that for the sake of Binghuo’s stable update (high emotional intelligence), I can get some tickets~


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