I really want to hit the street

Chapter 47 Was this...did you expect it?

Chapter 47 Did you expect this?

After the meeting, people from the editorial department briefly communicated with colleagues from the marketing and technology departments.

I probably understand what kind of platform the editor-in-chief plans to build.

It is to rely on WeChat to create a simple novel reading program, allowing users to directly enter their own channels through various advertising interfaces of WeChat, thereby obtaining all benefits.

WeChat applet.

Reading online novels is not a complicated thing, and the WeChat applet is large enough to carry it.

“This is similar to a new media channel, but it belongs to Qidian. There is no middleman to make the difference.”

It is also thanks to the fact that both Qidian and WeChat are backed by Penguin that they can make such a change. Otherwise, it would be equivalent to taking WeChat’s cake and they would certainly not be supported in snatching users who read new media novels.

"The editor-in-chief's ideas change so quickly. No wonder he is the vice president. I haven't figured out how to play new media channels yet. The editor-in-chief has already started to build his own channel."

"I guess the share of new media channels is too high. They make so much money and only give us 20% of the profit. The boss is angry!"

"Hey, let's think carefully about how to choose books. What kind of books do users in this sinking market like to read? Is it okay to promote the Dragon King's son-in-law article in the same way as new media channels?"

"I think it's mysterious enough. At least the sense of immersion is a problem. We still have to look for other more down-to-earth literature."

"If we catch up with this trend, maybe we can create a miracle higher than "Urban Son-in-Law Dragon King". After all, the profit margin is high. I can't help a few of my subordinates who just cut the author to write a custom text."

After everyone dispersed.

Xiaoxing returned to his work station in shock, looking at Pu's new book - "The Rogue Miracle Doctor" with an incredible look on his face.

"Is this what you expected?"

Pu Jie was praised so much this morning.

Some brave girl even kissed him twice during the chaos. Only when she returned to the dormitory did she find lipstick marks on her neck and face.

He couldn't help but think of what a female classmate said in his previous life: "If you buy me lipstick, I will give you lipstick."

He said at that time: "You're silly, doesn't that mean I bought myself a lipstick?"

The girl called him a stupid pig and left, never paying attention to him again.

After graduation, Pu Jie couldn't help but slap himself a few times whenever he recalled the situation at that time.

What the hell did I miss!


But the poem he composed "out of the blue" in the morning really caused a stir among a group of people who deal with literature.

Those who can be admitted to the screenwriting department of Beiyi University have the ability to appreciate and know how powerful these two poems are when released.

It may not be passed down through the ages, but it will definitely leave a strong mark on modern golden verses.

Reading break rolls, getting a God.

So inspiring and insightful!

Even if it is included in Chinese language textbooks, it is not inconsistent at all.

Yuan Hua was deeply hit.

He calls himself a poet, but he has a lot of talent, but after racking his brains, it is just a limerick of a majestic and heroic person dressed in chicken feathers, and all his roommates pretending to be chicken feathers.

"How can you be bright when you are born with beauty!"

Zhang Yang consoled him: "Yuan Hua, it's okay. Brother Jie can't write an award-winning work like "My Principal Dad" no matter how hard he tries."

At this point, Yuan Hua came to life again and said to himself: "Those are all life experiences. Most people don't have such profound experiences, so naturally they can't create such good works."

Pu Jie: "."

I have a father who is a principal, and I also win awards!

Is that a piece of work?

Dachun saw Pu Jie washing lipstick marks and was filled with envy.

"Brother Jie, I think the girls in our class are quite pretty. It would be great if they could kiss me, hehe~"

Pu Jie thought about the girls in the class with glasses wearing thick lenses and the girls with thicker waists than him, and couldn't help but touch Dachun's head.

"Dachun, when did you become blind? You didn't want to fall in love with a Kinder Wonder Ball, did you?"

"I, I didn't! I didn't. No~um~"

Dachun hides his face and runs away.

Three people were left in the dormitory: "."

Zhang Yang said: "Brother Jie, this is because you have been hanging out with people from the acting department recently, and you have a higher regard for girls. Otherwise, the girls in our major are quite good."

Pu Jie thought about it and realized it was true!

He was surrounded by top beauties like Zhu Yinyin and Jiang Yuhan, as well as a group of fat and thin acting girls who auditioned for the crew, which raised his excitement threshold, so the requirements were also high.

"Maybe, I shouldn't say it, but the girl from the acting department is really pretty."

Speaking of the girl from the acting department, Zhang Yang winked and said: "Brother Jie, aren't you the chief screenwriter? You must have some power, why don't you get me to join the crew and learn."

Pu Jie knew what he was thinking as soon as he looked at him.

"I'm just a jobber. The chief screenwriter was given a favor by someone else. I actually didn't contribute much, and I was too embarrassed to bother other directors."

He just stuffed Jiang Yuhan in, which was enough trouble for others, and he didn't want to cause any trouble.

Yuan Hua criticized: "Brother Jie, this is your fault. We want to go to the crew to have a look, in order to get in touch with the society in advance, understand the operation of the crew, and increase our experience. We can read thousands of volumes and write like a master." , Isn’t that what you said? We went to the set, did you think we were looking at the beauties in the acting department? We were here to accumulate material and lay the foundation for better creations in the future!

Pu Jie: (*゜ー゜*)

"Why do I feel like you two are talking nonsense in a serious manner?"

"Let's go, it's a good opportunity for you to go see if your Fairy Zixia has been chosen."

Pu Jie was about to explain that he had changed his target, but he was afraid that these two funny guys would tease Jiang Yuhan, so he didn't say anything.

"Don't cause trouble for others in the crew. I said you were just watching."

"I understand, let's go!"

The three of them went out and met Dachun who was squatting in the toilet. They pulled him straight to the crew.

"Okay, Director Zhang, I'll trouble you with my friends. They will follow and have a look to learn more."

Zhang Yi is the deputy director of this crew. He usually takes care of various miscellaneous matters. Naturally, his status is not as high as that of the director and the chief screenwriter. At this time, the chief screenwriter spoke, and he was naturally enthusiastic and patted his chest.

"Pu Bian, don't worry, I promise that the three brothers will have fun here today."

Dachun was puzzled: "Brother Jie, aren't you here with us?"

Pu Jie glanced at the time. It was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

"You guys go have fun. I haven't written a single word today. I have to catch up this afternoon. Call me at the library when we have dinner."

Looking at Pu Jie's back as he left.

Da Chun showed an admiring look: "Brother Jie didn't succeed casually. He not only read thousands of books, but also wrote thousands of words."

"Da Chun, just sigh there. With your time, I would have reached second base!"

Yuan Hua shook her hair: "Vulgar! Romance is what we intellectuals should do."

"Look, that leg is so long!"

"Where is it?"

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