I really want to hit the street

Chapter 6 Sense of immersion

November 1, Monday.

Qidian removed more than a dozen books promoted by new media channels last month.

Changed to new recommended books,

Each editorial team of Qidian Editorial Department will promote two books.

The second group of young stars is in charge, and his main recommendation is of course "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King".

Although this author is very annoying, Xiaoxing worked overtime for two days and still couldn't find any special books.

That's right, it's "special", not "good".

Qidian has proven that traditional good books will not work in new media channels, and readers will not accept this method.

In another book, he chose a funny martial arts novel that he was not very satisfied with, so he just made up for it.

""Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" is awesome!"

Today, the advertising areas of major new media platforms have been replaced with new content.

Shu capital,

In a dilapidated old family building,

Zhao Zhongxiang had just finished socializing.

When people reach middle age, they are obviously unable to drink alcohol.

It’s only half a kilogram, and I’m already feeling dizzy.

He returned to his small 60-square-meter home with empty steps.

open the door,

Two women were sitting on the sofa, both glaring at him angrily.

Wife and mother-in-law.

The mother-in-law put her hands on her hips and assumed a posture.

"You come back so late every day. Do you still have this home in your eyes? Are you going to fool around with your bad friends again?"

Zhao Zhongxiang quickly explained: "Mom, I was drinking with the leader."

"You are like this, can the boss like you? You eat with the boss every day, why haven't you been promoted to a manager? You have been working for so many years and you are still a small employee."

"I" Zhao Zhongxiang wants to explain,

But his mother-in-law didn't give him a chance at all.

He put his hands on his hips, fired at full speed, and started firing with his mouth like a machine gun.

"I was really blind when I asked my daughter to marry you. I'm almost 40, and you still squeeze into our house every day. It's not a shame."

"Tell me, if you don't work hard and drink heavily every day, how can you achieve anything like this?"

"At the beginning, you said you could bring happiness to Xiaotong and let me trust you to leave my daughter to you. After all these years, you are still a loser!"

My wife is watching with cold eyes,

Zhao Zhongxiang clenched his fists, blushed and shouted:



He slammed the door and returned to his bedroom.

The mother-in-law was startled at first, and then reacted as if she was an old hen whose neck had been pinched.

Chased after him,

At the door of the bedroom, traditional techniques are used to

Stomping his feet and pointing inside,

"It's against you! It's against you!"

Zhao Zhongxiang was covered with a quilt and listening to the curses, he didn't feel sleepy at all.

This is not the first time such a quarrel has occurred.

Poor and humble couples suffer from everything.

He took out his mobile phone and opened the headlines, preparing to browse the news and block the sounds outside. He would go to bed after a while when she got tired of scolding her.

I just swiped a few posts.

The following news headline caught his attention,

"The good-for-nothing son-in-law is being made things difficult by his mother-in-law in every possible way. I never expected that his true identity is..."

Element detection!

I suddenly became interested,

He clicked on it and found it was a novel.

Not news.

"It turns out to be an advertisement."

Then I wanted to quit, but looking at the introduction,

[He used to be the Dragon King of the world in the past, but now he is a useless son-in-law who is looked down upon by others...]

Two simple sentences, full of temptation,

It made him want to explore the unknown identity of this good-for-nothing son-in-law like him.


["You dare to contradict Mr. Liu, how brave you are!\

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