I really want to hit the street

Chapter 7 New media channels are booming!

this day,

Office workers, delivery people, construction workers, and factory workers all saw the book titled "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" on their favorite apps.

Once you click it, you can't help yourself.

Because they saw themselves in it,

Being looked down upon by family members, abandoned by girlfriends, ostracized by colleagues, bullied by bosses

The protagonist goes through everything they have gone through,

But he didn't give in,

Instead, he suddenly came up with an identity that surprised everyone and slapped the world in the face.

Tell everyone you got me wrong!

I am the Dragon King that you cannot reach!

Before, it was just an experience in the world of mortals!

Seeing the surprise and regret on the villain's face in the book,


As for logic and literariness?

Sorry, didn't pay attention,

Is that thing important?

No one really thinks that people like them who have never read online novels would like to see how many ways the word "fennel" in Fennel Bean is written, right?

No way, right?

a week has passed,

Pu Jie's smile gradually returned.

I originally thought that being on a Qidian website recommendation would attract a lot of readers.

To thwart his plan to collect wool from the system,

After all, if he spends one more dollar to subscribe, he will get one less dollar as subsidy.

As a result, the recommendation effect was extremely weak!

Not to mention that it has no effect, it basically has nothing to do with the increase in grades.

7 days,

A total of more than 100 collections have been added.

Although it is an inconspicuous little recommendation, "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" is also at the bottom in the data for the same period.

The penultimate one has gained more than 200 collections.

At the same time, it also received 14 negative reviews and 1 positive review this week.

[I was probably sick. After reading this book, I couldn't sleep anyway. I got up and lit a cigarette. I felt sad for no reason. The word "garbage" was everywhere. I had two things to say, one was Get out of the starting point, the other sentence is also get out of the starting point]

[The author has a very strong background. He can sign contracts for this kind of book, and is it even recommended? Ning just financed the writing of the book? 】

[Author, have you read too many marketing accounts? Where did the eight major families of China come from? Where did the hidden billionaire come from? Which company leader likes to ridicule others like an idiot? With your writing skills, have you graduated from junior high school? Four words for you: bullshit! 】

[It’s very well written, please don’t write it again in the future (smile)]


The only positive comment: [Although the writing style is a bit poor, there are so many updates. This attitude is worth learning from the vast number of readers! 】

Seeing these comments, Pu Jie's confidence returned.

The joy that was about to be expelled by success was reawakened by bad reviews!

Reviews of a book are the face of the book.

Before most readers decide to read a book, they will first scan the comments section to see what other people think.

That’s why there are things like author control over reviews.

Mature authors actually don’t care much about what readers say. After all, there are a hundred bad guys in the eyes of a hundred people.

The author controls the comments so as not to affect the judgment of new readers.

Even if some negative reviews are not correct, readers will preconceptions about it and think there is something wrong with the book.

Look at the grass! It's exactly what the comments said, hot chicken, don't watch it anymore!

Just abandon the book,

Therefore, it is really helpless for the author to control the comments.

A small vent by a reader will cause the loss of hundreds of potential readers.

These are all subscriptions and all money!

Of course, the author is happy to keep some rhythmic comments, watch everyone tearing apart each other in there, increase the number of comments for himself, and personally lead the rhythm from time to time.

As a five-year-old author, Pu Jie naturally knows this well!

He also wants to criticize!

Select the only neutral review,


Looking at the remaining 15 negative comments, Pu Jie felt comfortable~

"How can there be such comments praising me for updating quickly? It would be bad if I didn't dissuade new readers."

What makes Pu Jie happy is that this week has come to an end and there are no more recommendations.

This proves that his data is very poor and he did not advance.

If nothing happens next, he will return to his stand-alone coding career.

Nothing deviated from the right track, his strategy worked, and the readers of Qidian really did not accept his tactics!

This feeling of being in control of everything is really great!

"To celebrate the failure of promotion, I will add another chapter today!"

Pu Jie patted Dachun on the upper bunk: "Let's go! I'm in a good mood today. I'll reward the two of us with a grilled fish!"

I am overjoyed with the great spring,

"Okay, Brother Jie, I want spicy food!"

“Don’t forget to bring your meal card”


Monday, November 8th.

Magic City,

Qidian Editorial Department.

"Boss! It exploded! It exploded!"

As soon as Xingchen walked into the conference room, he heard Styx from the second group yelling,

His steps faltered, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

You just exploded, your whole family exploded!

The surface is still calm and calm, maintaining the demeanor of the editor-in-chief.

"Which book has become a hit? Is it "The Judge of the Great Qin"? Or "A Sword in the Rain"?

This is a new book written by two great minds that he is quite optimistic about.

They all belong to the ancient setting, and are good articles that interweave the narrative of temples and rivers and lakes.

The plot text is top-notch and has huge potential.

In particular, both books focus on the relationship between the characters and the plot, and do not deliberately engage in some meaningless big scene fights.

This is very popular with the producers when it is adapted, and the selling price will be higher.

After all, it can help them save a lot of money on special effects.

Styx couldn't hide the joy on his face,

"It's not the books on our website that have exploded, it's the new media that's exploded! Big explosion!"

If two books written by great masters achieved over 10,000 first-order orders on the website, it would only make Xingchen slightly happy.

After all, Qidian never lacks great masters and popular IPs.

But new media is different.

They have been voting for 3 months and the response has been mediocre.

If he can really publish a hit book, it will be a big event that everyone will celebrate, which proves that he has made the right move.

"Which book is a hit? Quick, give me the data."

"It's already been prepared!"

Styx made a gesture, and the editors of the second team turned on the projector and big screen.

A large form appears,

[One-week sales data of "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King\

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