I really want to hit the street

Chapter 89 The Realm of Pu Bian

The title of "Country Love" has been decided.

"That script"

Yang Chao directly spread his hands: "You can figure out the script yourself. I have never written a screenwriter with rural themes here. Starting it rashly may not achieve the effect you want. But I have a request. The cost of adapting the script cannot exceed 500,000 yuan."

"okay, I get it."

Director Fu Weng came out of the Neiku Building and began to think about which screenwriter to use for the adaptation.

"After all, this time it was invested and produced by a big company. I want to break through myself and break the curse of Douban's 5 points. I have to find someone reliable, otherwise such a good work will be in vain."

He thought for a moment and called Wei Fan again.

Once someone gets comfortable using it, they will want to use it all the time.

Wei Fan's casual words found him a good work, which might also help him solve the screenwriting problem.

"It just so happens that his crew has just finished filming, so the screenwriter is free."

With that in mind, the call was connected.

When Wei Fan heard that Fu Weng was looking for a screenwriter, he immediately laughed.

"Director Fu, you have asked the right person! I feel that after so many years, you have only needed a good screenwriter to guide you. This time, I strongly recommend my chief screenwriter - Editor Pu!"

"Pu Bian?"

"It's my junior Pu Jie, who is also the original author of the movie "The Rogue Doctor" you bought. He has actually always been an underestimated genius in decision-making and screenwriting!"

"Oh? He's only a freshman, right? He's good at screenwriting."

Fu Weng didn't quite believe it. In the screenwriting industry, the older you get, the more you become more evil. It's not easy for young people to make a living, let alone students like this who are still in school. They usually have to work as a gunman for a small crew.

Wei Fan immediately said: "At one time, like you, I thought that Pu was just a good novelist, but... I didn't expect that he had already expected that his book would sell the copyright, and he had already written the first four episodes of the TV series script in advance. The version has been written, but the writing style... Tsk tsk~ Even his teacher Wang Xiang is here, and he can't even say he can handle it!"

"Hi~Wang Xiang? Is it Wang Xiang, the gold medal screenwriter? Is that his teacher?"

"That's right, I, my junior, have learned a lot from screenwriter Wang. The two of us are both teachers and friends. We are currently collaborating on a soft science fiction script."

"Wow! Not bad. It seems that Wang Xiang really wants to take your apprenticeship. He can write a script with Wang Xiang. Even if he can't sign his name, he has proved his ability. When talking about it in the circle in the future, it will be considered a share. Qualifications.”


"Why is Wade laughing?"

"I'm laughing at that. I'm laughing at you for looking down on Bian Pu. The script they collaborated on was Bian Pu's idea and manuscript. Wang Xiang was just helping to improve it. He can only do small things, and Bian Pu is the number one. Signed!"


Fu Weng was shocked!

What kind of magical skill is it to make Wang Xiang willing to be a small screenwriter?

You must know that Wang Xiang has rejected many invitations from major producers in the industry, and his current goal is only to win domestic and foreign film and television awards.

"Doesn't that mean that screenwriter Wang Xiang thinks this script has the potential to win an award!"

"Well, it must be so! Director Fu, I have told you the inside story. You should weigh whether you should ask Pu to write the script. If you go to contact him, remember! You must have a correct attitude. Although my junior looks like He may be ordinary and a bit earthy, but he is definitely not as simple as he appears on the surface. You have to think deeply about every word he says.”

Fu Weng thought of all the operations surrounding "The Rogue Doctor" last month, and it was obvious that there was someone behind the scenes.

Who is this guy?

It’s clear at a glance!

In the end, even the producers of Neiku.com were attracted and took the initiative to spend 2 million yuan to buy the full film and television rights.

Although this price is incomparable to the first-tier IP "Jiang Ri", this operation has reached its limit.

Thinking of this, Fu Weng abandoned all contempt and settled his mentality.

"Don't worry Wei Di! I know how to do it!"

After hanging up the phone, Fu Weng found the phone number given by the copyright department of Qidian and called Pu Jie.

Beiyi University, male dormitory.

Pu Jie was proud that his strategy defeated the evil dog editor again.

the phone is ringing.


"Oh, you are the director who bought the copyright of my novel, right? Director Wei Fan said that he has admired you for a long time!"

Pu Jie's mood has changed. From the initial confusion, anger, discomfort, and hopelessness, he has returned to gratitude.

Thanks to Wei Fan for his recommendation, thanks to Fu Weng for his persistence, and thanks to the producers of Neiku.com for their discerning eyes.

Otherwise, the number in his system would be less than 800,000.

Anyway, I have already made money, so I will definitely make a lot of money!

The more "The Rogue Doctor" makes, the more fun he gets when he takes it out after completing his mission!

Therefore, he was very polite to Weng.

Fu Weng: "Editor Pu, I'm not going to talk in circles. I heard that you are very good at writing scripts. I want you to personally adapt your own novel. How about it?"

Pu Jie looked embarrassed: "Ah, I'm afraid it's not convenient for me to give you a guide. I just started a new book recently, so there may be some conflicts in time."

"The first season shoots 40 episodes. You can write the scripts for the first 10 episodes first, and we can write the rest while filming. In fact, the script requirements for our rural dramas are so strict. Many lines in your book can be used directly. , and you are the original author, so it will definitely be easy to do.”

"40 episodes!"

Pu Jie shouted that the scripts for so many episodes would kill him. This is impossible. He is now anxious to write a new book.

"Director Fu, I'm really sorry, I'm... now."

Fu Weng: "We have a limited budget and can only give you a screenwriting fee of 10,000 yuan per episode at most."

"When will our crew start work?"

Fu Weng:(*゜ー゜*)

"Well, what did you say just now? Why are you here now?"

"Oh, let me tell you. Today's young people always complain about being tired or suffering. Who has nothing to do? If we don't work hard, how can our film and television industry make progress! Time is like water in a sponge, squeezed It will come out if I squeeze it out, and it’s not about screenwriting fees or screenwriting fees. The main reason is that I want the drama "The Rogue Doctor" to be successful!"

Fu Weng was immediately moved!

Look at the state of Pu Bian!

It makes Wang Xiang willing to be a new star screenwriter in the industry, and he actually accepted it when he heard the price of 10,000 yuan per episode.

Is it because screenwriting fees are high?

Certainly not!

Although he is not in the Internet literary circle, he has probably heard about how much money Pu Dingluo's novels can earn, and of course he cannot be interested in the 400,000 yuan screenwriting fee.

But the fact is just the opposite!

When Editor Pu heard this price, he knew that their crew had no money.

As poor as Wei Fan.

You can only hire an ordinary screenwriter who can earn 10,000 yuan per episode. You can't even hire a well-known screenwriter. A slightly famous one can start with 50,000 yuan.

He is worried that his work will be ruined by ordinary screenwriters!

That’s why I agreed immediately.

For a moment, Fu Weng's eyes became moist.

"How long has it been since I saw such an original author who is responsible for the work? You always say that the adapted work is not in line with the original work, so the original author will leave it alone after selling the copyright. What can the crew do? We can only hire a new screenwriter. Read the novel and then adapt it based on their understanding. If the original author is willing to join the team, or even has the ability to write the script, we would love to let the original author adapt his own work! "

"Recently, the very popular TV series "The Beginning", why is it so good? Noon Sun Pictures invited the original author to participate in the adaptation. If you don't know how to write a script? Then teach me step by step! How is the quality of the final product? ? Invincible! This is a successful adaptation!"

"Editor Pu obviously understood this, so when he heard that the price was only 10,000 yuan per episode, he decided to do it himself. Even if he was very busy, he still had to find time to help us complete this work."

"Weidi, I probably understand why you admire Pu Bian so much. He is not only a master of manipulating people's hearts, but also the most dedicated author and screenwriter!"

Suppressing his surging emotions, Fu Weng said: "I believe! With the addition of editor Pu, the quality of our drama will definitely be raised to a higher level!"

Pu Jie: "I hope so"

After hanging up the phone, Pu Jie had a headache, as if he had agreed too quickly.

As soon as he heard about the chief screenwriter's fee of 400,000 yuan, he was stunned.

This is so delicious!

But if I agree to this job, what should I do?

Can he handle this job by himself?

There will be more in a while.

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