I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 123 Fate doesn’t point to a good path!

After a while, everyone calmed down and didn't forget to carve up the corpse of the monster left by "Ancestor Scar".

This kind of great demon, even if the demon elixir is taken away, is still full of treasures.

A few people skillfully packed the body of the liger into two storage bags, ready to break it down after getting out...if they could get out.

The big demon's physical body was so strong that they couldn't cut it into pieces, so they had to wait until they got out and ask for help from their elders.

After cleaning the battlefield left by "Scar Ancestor", several people immediately left and flew towards the underground palace again.

"What do you think the 'Scar Patriarch' is like?" someone asked.

"Where are you guessing? We can't even tell what kind of cultivation this big monster has, let alone the ancestor Scar who killed the big monster with one sword."

"But why does Patriarch Scar seem to be in the Qi training stage?"

This is Li Xiuchang's professional field. He replied: "Didn't it say that wandering zombies can use the spells before going crazy? Patriarch Scar should have mastered the secret method of hiding cultivation before becoming a wandering zombie. He is a Taoist monk, so now He also became a wandering zombie."

"A senior wandering corpse who hides his cultivation is really hard to guard against."

Several people were frightened when they thought about it, especially Yue Chongshan, who flew all the way with such a killing god. It can only be said that he was lucky to not be killed.

The nine people flew for a long time and finally flew back to the starting point, which is the location of the underground palace.

It has been proven that the path they took before was wrong. This time they decided to obey the guidance of fate, even if the strange forest in front of them looked very unusual at first sight.

Facts have proved that if you don’t have two brushes, you really shouldn’t go against the will. Being obedient and being a good baby according to the laws of heaven is also a way of survival.

Jiufeng Temple, the first peak.

At this time, the treasure hall in the peak was full of people, divided into four camps, with more than ten or twenty people in each party.

With the status and energy of these people in the temple, the entire Immortal Shadow World would tremble when they stomped their feet, but at this time they were all crowded in the ruins of the ruins of Jiufeng Temple.

Elder Xu of the Fairy Dust Sect said slowly: "Elder Liu of our sect has arrived at the place where the Demon Leader of the Blood Flower Sect was hiding before and turned back. No trace of the disciples was found. What are your next plans?"

A young man with a stern face and dressed in white stepped forward. Just standing there, he looked like a sharp sword waiting to be unsheathed. He spoke calmly:

"I asked the Sword Sect to send people into Xianyin to search."

An old man with a fluttering beard persuaded: "Friend Yi, please be patient. Immortal shade is not a place for leisure. This matter needs to be discussed in the long run."

Another elder of the Wenjian Sect had the same expressionless expression, and said with an indifferent expression: "You only have one disciple in the Immortal Pavilion trapped in the Immortal Shadow, so there is no rush. Our sect has six disciples, so we can't wait."

A burly man on the side didn't want to hear it anymore: "What are you talking about? It doesn't matter if it's one or six, is it a matter of how many people there are? Just ask the Sword Sect to protect its disciples? Put them in danger, That was the negligence of our elders. Even if the son of our Yin Tian Sect dies in Immortal Shadow, I will still carry his body out!"

"Okay, fellow Taoists, please stop arguing. If we weren't here to save the disciples of each family, we wouldn't be gathering here." The elder of Dengxian Pavilion smoothed things over, "It's not that I'm not in a hurry, but some of the disciples have us in them. The many means of protection provided are not too dangerous in a short period of time if they are only outside the Immortal Shadow, so instead of blindly entering the Immortal Shadow to search for them, it is better to make a decision before taking action."

Elder Xu nodded and said: "What Elder An said makes sense. When we enter Xianyin to search, we should make a reasonable plan first. In addition, the teleportation array here at Jiufeng Temple cannot be given up and must be recharged as soon as possible.

“Take a two-pronged approach and be prepared on both sides, so that even if one path doesn’t work, there is still another path to try.”

After the elders of the four major immortal sects discovered that their disciples were teleported away, they studied the teleportation array of Jiufeng Temple.

They originally wanted to teleport behind the disciples, but found that after using the teleportation array once, it would take ten years to recharge before it could be used again.

As a large-scale ancient teleportation array, the Jiufeng Temple teleportation array is of a very high level and has an extremely large range. The cost of using it once is also exaggerated.

Even if a top array master is hired to make changes and speed up the charging speed regardless of the cost, it will still take nearly a year to complete the charging.

At this time, Taoist nun Elder Liu walked in wearing a tight-fitting Taoist robe.

All eyes were on her.

"Did Elder Liu encounter any dangers when he entered Immortal Shadow this time? Did he find anything?" Someone asked.

They all knew that Elder Liu had just come out of Immortal Shade.

Elder Liu did not answer, but took out a map of Xian Yin. To be precise, it cannot be called a map, it is just a range map.

It is too difficult to explore within the Fairy Shadow, and the environment is changeable. There is also a lack of reference objects, and there is no reliable map at all.

Elder Liu circled a place on the map: "This is an area I have explored, and I have gained nothing."

Then he circled another area next to the area he just converted: "This is the area I will search tomorrow. The three of you will also come and claim the area you are responsible for, so as not to overlap and waste time."

The elders of the four major immortal sects looked at each other, some of them not adapting to Elder Liu's style of conduct.

Elder Xu explained: "The more people who enter Immortal Yin, the greater the possibility of trouble. So I think it is better to send only one elder from each family and focus on searching the outer areas close to our direction."

Elder Yi from the Wenjian Sect walked forward and circled a large area on the map.

Seeing this, the elders of Yintian Sect and Dengxian Pavilion also stepped forward to mark an area.

"I'll take a rest for a while and set off early tomorrow morning." After saying this, Elder Liu turned and left. Everyone looked at her back and found that the corner of her Taoist robe was torn and stained with some blood.

It seems that Elder Liu's entry into Xianyin this time was not smooth sailing.

Elder Xu opened his mouth, but did not persuade him much after all.

Li Xiuchang was teleported away under Elder Liu's nose, and now his whereabouts are unknown. This made Elder Liu, who seemed indifferent and taciturn, feel very guilty and took the initiative to take on the task of finding someone in Xianyin.

Elder Xu also knew that this was Elder Liu's heart knot, so he did not persuade him.


Li Xiuchang and his group finally bit the bullet and entered the strange forest.

In this forest, because all the branches and leaves of the trees grow towards the ground, there is no place to stand at all.

Fortunately, they were all flying, all flying low over the tops of the trees, but even so, they were still cautious, fearing that something would suddenly jump out from the dense branches and leaves below.

Not long after Li Xiuchang and others entered the woods, a figure wearing a blood-red Taoist robe appeared. It was a middle-aged fat Taoist priest with a big belly and a swollen body.

Just looking at his face, his blood was full, round, and rosy, which made him look a little naive.

The blood-red Taoist robe, which seemed to be tailor-made for the magic monks, did not look gloomy and evil on him, but added a bit of funnyness.

The fat Taoist priest came to the big stone at the entrance of the underground palace and saw that the two doors were gone, and his eyes showed unconcealed surprise.

He carefully touched the broken part of the boulder door frame, and his brows gradually frowned, and it was difficult to relax for a long time.

"I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out!"

He muttered to himself.

Then he sniffed his nose and looked at the woods behind the boulder.

The fat Taoist priest showed obvious hesitation and hesitation on his face. He paced back and forth in the same place. After a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and went into the woods.


In the fairy shade, especially in this strange forest, it seems that the concept of time has been lost.

Everywhere is the same tree, the same scene, as if it is constantly replayed, making people suspect that they are trapped in a cycle.

In this forest shrouded in darkness, the branches and leaves grow towards the ground in a twisted manner. The branches and leaves of each tree are intertwined in a strange form, intricate, like the skeletons of some ancient creatures, scattered and piled together.

The occasional gloomy wind brings the rustling sound of leaves rubbing against each other, as if there is something alive shuttling through the branches and leaves, which makes people can't help but have all kinds of associations.

I don't know how long it has been, this cycle was suddenly broken!

But Li Xiuchang would rather it not be broken.

Because breaking the cycle is achieved at the cost of their danger.

This time it is not a monster, nor does it seem to be a wandering corpse, but... a group of monks?

"Fuck, it's another bald donkey?" Yue Chongshan cursed subconsciously.

Looking at the bald heads emerging from the bushes ahead, Li Xiuchang and his team had to stop.

"Are they dead monks or alive monks this time?"

"Do you think so many living monks would suddenly appear in a place like this?"

"What are they? Zombies? Or are they the same as the Buddha corpses in the underground palace?"

"Don't you think the skin color of these monks is a little abnormal?"

"It's true now that you put it that way, they are darker."

"A group of black monks?"

"What black? That's red!"

In the dark fairy shade, the difference between the dark red and black is not so obvious.

But if you look closely, you can find that these monks are all dark red.

"One, two, three, four... a total of eighteen monks!"

"Eighteen Arhats?"

Without giving Li Xiuchang and his team time to continue discussing, the eighteen monks jumped up and rushed towards Li Xiuchang and his team.

Ye Zhixing transmitted the message: "I don't know what strength these monks have, so be careful to test them first. If you can't beat them, turn back."

"I'll go first, you guys retreat!"

Relying on some self-defense means, Chen Gao took over the task of testing the monks' strength.

The others did not hesitate and retreated immediately. Li Xiuchang even took this opportunity to turn the flying boat around.

Chen Gao activated his self-defense means and withstood a wave of attacks from the monks. He decisively said: "Retreat!"

Li Xiuchang was helpless. Why did he feel that no road was feasible? No matter which road he took, he would have to turn back to the starting point.

At this time, it would be great if an ancestor came to save him on a colorful cloud, just like "Scar Ancestor" who descended from the sky and killed the eighteen bald heads in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, a fat Taoist priest suddenly flew from the back.

Li Xiuchang was delighted. Could it be that his wish had come true?

But when he saw the blood-colored Taoist robes worn by the fat Taoist priest and stepped on the blood cloud, he suddenly fell silent.

He guessed the beginning, but not the ending.

Attacked from both sides, attacked from both sides.

This time they followed the guidance of fate.

But unexpectedly, fate did not point to a good path!

While the fat Taoist priest had not approached, Li Xiuchang decisively adjusted the direction of the flying boat again, heading to the side where there were no enemies blocking the way, and directly turned on the escape mode.

"Daoist friends, get on the boat!"

In the previous chapter, "wandering corpses" were all typed as "wandering souls", which have been corrected

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