I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 124 I can finally show off my skills!

Li Xiuchang's flying boat can only accommodate six people at most.

But if they squeeze in and buy a few standing tickets, it is no problem to take nine people.

Everyone quickly boarded the flying boat, and Li Xiuchang activated the escape mode, and the flying boat rushed out like a wild horse.

At this moment, the flying boat turned into a beam of light!

Li Xiuchang and the other six people who had seats were fine, holding on to their seats tightly to maintain stability.

The three people without seats were directly thrown onto the defensive formation of the flying boat, and stuck to the formation's defense shield in a "big" shape.

"Ahhh! Too fast!"

Li Xiuchang heard the loud screams of two female cultivators.

He felt that this flying boat was like a pump, madly absorbing his mana.

Fortunately, his mana was pure enough and the reserves were abundant, so he could withstand the absorption. If it were an ordinary foundation-building cultivator, it would be drained in a moment.

"Brother Li, please go slower." The female cultivator from the Sword-asking Sect on Li Xiuchang's left was almost thrown upside down by the huge inertia. She could only hold on to the back of the seat tightly to prevent herself from sticking to the protective shield like the other three people, so she begged Li Xiuchang desperately.

"How can we go slower at this critical moment?" Li Xiuchang further increased his mana output, and his speed increased a little bit.

The female cultivator on the right looked back and was horrified: "Brother Li, go faster!"

Li Xiuchang glanced at the back and his face changed slightly.

The "Eighteen Arhats" and the fat Taoist priest were not shaken off!

They were still following him closely.

It is conceivable that if there was no escape mode of the flying boat, they would have been stopped long ago.

However, at this time, the speed of the flying boat had been increased to the limit.

After all, it was just a top-grade magic weapon flying boat, not a flying magic weapon. It was extremely amazing to have such a flying speed.

Li Xiuchang could only maintain this speed and fly until his mana was exhausted.

However, he still had eight human-shaped power banks on his flying boat. When his mana ran out, he could replace them.

I just don't know whether the nine of them could not hold on first, or the pursuers behind gave up first.

Or, they flew out of Xianyin directly...

After all, the range of Xianyin is limited. In theory, no matter which direction they fly, they can fly out of Xianyin.

Of course, it is more likely that they encountered other dangers halfway through the flight...

Ye Zhixing, who was lying on the protective shield of the flying boat, suddenly transmitted a voice: "Eighteen bald donkeys will not chase!"

Ye Zhixing, who has always been steady and kind, cursed "bald donkey", which shows that he was holding back his breath.


After getting rid of a wave of pursuers, everyone was very excited.

But at this moment, the fat Taoist behind him suddenly turned into a blood light and flashed away.

"Blood escape technique!" Chen Gao exclaimed.

When the fat Taoist appeared again, he was already in front of Li Xiuchang and his group.

Li Xiuchang stopped urgently after being blocked by the fat Taoist.

The fat Taoist priest had a somewhat honest smile on his face, and casually pointed at the flying boat.

Li Xiuchang's expression was solemn, and he was ready to use his protective trump card to resist this attack.

As for the identity of this fat Taoist priest, there was no need to say much, and several people had already guessed it.

The fat Taoist priest was dressed in a blood-colored Taoist robe, and used the magic cultivation methods of the Blood Demon Dao. In addition, he appeared here at this time by coincidence. Needless to say, it was the Blood Demon Dao strongman who was responsible for hosting the meeting of the Demon Dao envoys.

Li Xiuchang and his friends could get all the information about the Sealed Demon Land from this person.

But now is obviously not a good time to get information.

Li Xiuchang silently clenched the jade ring on his hand, which was also a protective magic weapon given by the elders. He was ready to activate the jade ring to block the fat Taoist priest's attack.

The fat Taoist priest's blood escape technique must not be used unlimitedly. This spaceship is their hope for escape later, and it must not be damaged.

But suddenly, Li Xiuchang felt a pressure coming from nowhere, acting on his whole body.

The rest of the people in the flying boat also felt something was wrong, and their faces showed pain.

Even the fat Taoist priest's face changed slightly!

What happened?

Before Li Xiuchang could think about it, the pressure suddenly increased, as if his whole body was stretched and crushed.

The surrounding space began to distort, and all people and things, including his companions and his flying boat, including the fat Taoist priest, became distorted like the images on a funhouse mirror.

He seemed to hear the sound of whirring wind in his ears, as if he was being pulled back by a huge force.

When the scene in front of him returned to normal and the pressure on him disappeared, he found that he had returned to the original place without knowing it!

Back to the place where he first met the "Eighteen Arhats"!

He was still in the flying boat, with the eight companions still beside him, and the fat Taoist priest was still in front of the flying boat.

Nothing changed, only the environment and the space he was in changed.

"What kind of magical power is this?" Ye Zhixing was still in shock, but he asked Chen Gao as soon as possible.

Chen Gao came from Dengxian Pavilion, and Dengxian Pavilion has the most thorough research on various magics and magical powers. This question must be asked to Chen Gao.

"Look there." Chen Gao did not answer immediately, but pointed down.

There, eighteen blood monks with dark red skin piled up together, forming a human wall.

"That move just now reminded me of the Buddhist magical power 'Buddha Kingdom in the Palm'. It looks like eighteen monks have used some secret method to make the whole and work together to use this magical power."

"Damn it, what's wrong with these 18 bald monks? Why are they still holding us back?" Yue Chongshan cursed.

Not only him, but others were also cursing in their hearts, as if these 18 monks had a grudge against them. They had all run away, but they still had to go to such great lengths to catch them back.

They could understand that the fat Taoist priest, a demon cultivator, was chasing them, but what grudges could the 18 dead monks have against them?

The 18 monks split into two groups, with nine people on each side, half of them went to besiege the fat Taoist priest, and the other half went straight to Li Xiuchang and the others.

It turned out that the fat Taoist priest was also marked as a prey by the 18 bald monks... Li Xiuchang and the others felt much more balanced when they saw this.

It turned out that this group of crazy monks treated everyone who passed by equally.

Li Xiuchang put away the flying boat and said, "Daoists, there is no way to retreat. We can only use our best skills to fight!"

Ye Zhixing commanded: "Those who don't have any means of self-defense, hide behind and provide magic assistance. We can hold on as long as we can and see if there is a chance to escape later."

At present, the biggest chance of escape is to hope that the fat Taoist priest can fight the eighteen bald donkeys to a draw, so that they can take the opportunity to escape.

Several disciples of the Sword-asking Sect hid in the back, and Li Xiuchang and others were in the front.

In fact, at this time, even if the face can remain calm, the heart must still be panic.

The calmest among the nine people is Li Xiuchang.

His confidence comes from his thick stack of trump cards.

Seeing the nine blood monks rushing over, Li Xiuchang decisively activated the trump cards on his body.

When fighting these enemies who are far more powerful than him, the most important thing is not attack, but defense.

First use the trump cards to ensure your own safety, and then seek counterattack.

For Li Xiuchang, even if these self-defense methods given by the elders were not used, they would have to be returned after returning, so there was no need to feel bad about using them.

Relying on the self-defense trump cards of several people, they withstood the first wave of attacks from the blood monks.

At the same time, they also had a rough estimate of the strength of the blood monks.

Although the blood monks were strong, they were not so strong that they despaired. They were not as strong as the lion and tiger monsters they had encountered before, let alone compared with the "Scar Ancestor".

After withstanding the attack of the blood monks, Li Xiuchang and his nine people also used various means to fight back, including the few people hiding in the back who never stopped attacking.

But their destructive power was far inferior to their defensive ability, and these nine blood monks did not know what they were made of, and ordinary attacks could not hurt them at all.

On the other hand, the fat Taoist priest fought nine blood monks alone, but he seemed to be at ease.

In the end, Li Xiuchang and his team even sent three more blood monks to help over there.

But Li Xiuchang and his team still have to rely on their protective cards to deal with the six blood monks. How long they can resist depends on when their cards are used up.

The bad news is that the protective means of the other people are gradually consumed and becoming less and less.

In the end, the protective cards of the six people of the Sword-asking Sect were all used up, and only Li Xiuchang, Chen Gao, and Yue Chongshan were holding on.

Li Xiuchang looked back at the six "burdens" protected by them in the middle, and said: "Fellow Daoists of the Sword-asking Sect, why don't you go to the beast-controlling bag to hide."

The Sword-asking Sect felt a little ashamed and felt that they could not help. Instead of letting Li Xiuchang and the other three distracted to protect them, it would be better to hide in the beast-controlling bag, which would also reduce the burden on teammates.

There was no objection at the moment, and the six people quickly got into the beast-controlling bag.

Li Xiuchang looked at Chen Gao and Yue Chongshan again: "Would you two Daoists also go in?"

"This... Can you do it alone?" The two hesitated.

"Instead of all three of us having our means of self-defense consumed at the same time, it's better to consume me first, and when I can't hold on any longer, you can come out to take over." Li Xiuchang explained.

They now have no hope of killing the blood monk and the fat Taoist priest, nor do they have any hope of breaking through. They are just wasting time here to see if things will turn around.

Indeed, as Li Xiuchang said, instead of the three of us being consumed together, it's better to separate and hold on for a longer time.

Therefore, the two did not insist and nodded in agreement.

However, Chen Gao and Yue Chongshan actually didn't have many trump cards left, and they were a little worried that Li Xiuchang wouldn't be able to hold on for too long.

Chen Gao asked in a deep voice: "Brother Li, how long can you hold on?"

Li Xiuchang said confidently: "Don't worry, I will hold on until you pass the tribulation and ascend in the beast bag."

Chen Gao smiled and said: "Then I'm relieved."

He knew that Li Xiuchang was joking, but he was also relieved. It seemed that Li Xiuchang still had a lot of trump cards, otherwise he would not be in the mood to joke at this time.

Chen Gao and Yue Chongshan finally got into the beast bag, leaving Li Xiuchang alone to be beaten by six blood monks.

"Finally, I tricked these burdens into going in!" Li Xiuchang breathed a sigh of relief, finally he could show off his skills!

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