I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 194 The Sixth Senior Sister

"Where to go?"

Little Turtle Wenwen was working for nothing at No. 25, Donggeng District, to spy on information, when he was forcibly pulled out by Li Xiuchang.

"Take you to see your 'Aunt Dan'." Li Xiuchang said.

Steady's little eyes burst out with bright light: "Do you know where she is?"

"Well, please stop talking later and pretend to be an ordinary turtle." Li Xiuchang warned.

He did not go directly to the outskirts of the sect because he had no idea which female disciple Brother Chu Ya was pursuing.

Instead, he went to see Senior Brother Chu Ya first.

Seeing Li Xiuchang's visit, Senior Brother Chu Ya smiled bitterly: "Are all the sects laughing at my jokes now?"

That's for sure... Li Xiuchang shook his head: "No, everyone's focus is more on the sneak attacker, and they sympathize more with you, Senior Brother Chu."

"Really?" Chu Ya was dubious and asked, "What's the purpose of junior brother coming here this time?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time, senior brother. Come and have a look." Li Xiuchang said.

Chu Ya invited Li Xiuchang in, and the two chatted.

"The elders advised me not to go out recently to avoid being attacked again, but I keep hiding like this. How long will I hide?" Chu Ya shook his head.

"That's right, there are some problems that cannot be avoided. You must face them head-on and solve them." Li Xiuchang said, "And there are some opportunities and fates that will be missed if you avoid them."

"Junior brother means..." Chu Ya heard what Li Xiuchang meant.

Li Xiuchang didn't mince words and asked directly: "How are the progress of senior brother and that junior sister?"

Chu Ya looked sad: "Originally, the progress was good, but now I have been attacked and targeted one after another. I dare not go out, for fear that all my previous efforts will be wasted."

"Good progress?" Li Xiuchang was surprised and couldn't help imagining Senior Brother Lu Yang wearing a green chef's hat.

"Well, I already know her name, her address, and her birthday. Aren't these progress?"

That's it?

Li Xiuchang asked sharply: "Does she know what your name is, senior brother? How many words have you spoken to senior brother?"

Chu Ya's face turned red and he defended: "I chatted with her several times, and every time she happened to be busy and left first. I didn't have time to introduce myself, but I am quite famous in the sect. She should have heard about it. Just pass my name."

"Can that be the same? You introducing yourself to her and her getting to know you from others are completely different things. In any case, there should be a formal self-introduction, which is the beginning of your understanding of each other."

Senior brother Chu Ya was stunned for a moment, and felt that what Li Xiuchang said made sense, and said: "Then I will go there next time..."

"Why are you waiting for next time? It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day, let's do it today!" Li Xiuchang said vigorously.

"Today? But..."

"Don't worry about it. Maybe one day later, Taoist companions will be found. Good girls are in high demand and are not available in the market."

"But the elder asked me not to go out..."


"Junior brother is right." Chu Ya said ashamedly.

"That's it, I'll accompany you there, senior brother."

"Will you accompany me there?" Chu Ya asked confused.

"Senior brother, have you ever thought that the reason why that junior sister leaves after chatting with you for one or two words is because you two don't know each other at all. It would be awkward to be alone together. If there are more people, such as me, the atmosphere will be different. ”

"Junior brother, you are so considerate!" Chu Ya said with emotion.

"Then let's leave now!"

Li Xiuchang finally tricked Senior Brother Chu Ya, and the two flew to the outskirts of Xianchen Sect in a flying boat.

Wenwen, who was lying in Li Xiuchang's pocket, witnessed the whole process and couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Li Xiuchang, this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, is really a bad guy. He is not afraid that the cook will beat this guy named Chu Ya to death."

Registered disciples who live outside the Xianchen Sect, regardless of gender, have to do chores every day that are not easy.

However, new disciples who have just arrived have an adaptation period of half a year, so the tasks are not particularly onerous.

Among the registered disciples, the number of female disciples only accounts for a very small number, so there are only two living areas for virgin disciples in the outer area.

Li Xiuchang followed Brother Chu Ya to one of the residential areas, but it was like a girls' dormitory and it was difficult for the two of them to enter.

"Junior sister, please help me tell Junior Sister Xia Sijun that someone is looking for him." Chu Ya asked a passing female disciple.

The female disciple saw that both Li Xiuchang and Li Xiuchang should be official disciples of the Xianchen Sect, so she did not dare to neglect them, nodded in agreement, and quickly walked into the dormitory area.

After a while, a girl with a hairstyle similar to a bun came out, but there was no girlish shyness on her face, only a hint of impatience.

Li Xiuchang looked at the girl carefully and had to admit that she was very beautiful. She was the kind of person who could be seen at a glance even if she was lost in a crowd. She was exceptionally beautiful.

No wonder Senior Brother Chu Ya fell in love at first sight.

However, Li Xiuchang felt that her current girlish appearance did not match her temperament and invisibly reduced her charm.

This is like a beautiful lady who doesn't wear black stockings but insists on wearing jk, it always feels a little less interesting.

Of course, Li Xiuchang only glanced at it and didn't look at it any more. He didn't want to be attacked by a pan.

There are many handsome men and beauties in the world of immortality. Although this junior sister Xia Siyun is beautiful, she is not so outstanding that she overshadows the others.

I don’t know why Senior Brother Chu Ya fell in love with her so much, but that’s how love is, no one can tell.

And if this person is really Senior Brother Lu Yang’s Taoist partner, this appearance is just a disguise, and we don’t know what the real person looks like.

At this time, Wen Wen in Li Xiuchang’s pocket kicked his legs desperately, and excitedly sent a voice message to Li Xiuchang: “It’s her, it’s her, it’s her!”

Wen Wen called Chen Changsheng master a hundred times in exchange for this clone to move freely, but his cultivation and magic power were still sealed by Chen Changsheng, and only his spiritual consciousness could use it.

It immediately sent a voice message to Xia Sijun: "Aunt Dan! Aunt Dan!"

Xia Sijun glanced at Li Xiuchang and his pocket calmly, and asked indifferently: "What do you two brothers want to see me for?"

Senior Brother Chu Ya had already prepared a speech: "Nothing, just want to get to know each other, junior sister, hello, my name is..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xia Sijun: "I know, your name is Chu Ya, you also know my name, we have known each other."

Chu Ya opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, and could only look at Li Xiuchang for help.

Li Xiuchang had no other choice but to come up with a bad idea and sent a voice message to Senior Brother Chu Ya: "Ask her out for fun."

"Um, Junior Sister Xia, are you free recently? I heard that the flowers on Wangping Mountain are blooming. Can I invite you to go to appreciate the flowers together?" Chu Ya invited in a somewhat stiff tone.

Xia Sijun glanced at Li Xiuchang before looking at Chu Ya: "We outer disciples are busy with chores and can only rest one day in ten days. How can we have the leisure time to appreciate flowers?"

"What should we do?" Chu Ya asked Li Xiuchang for help again.

"Nothing to do. This time, we have made great progress compared to before, right? At least we said a few words. We should take our time. We can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." Li Xiuchang comforted perfunctorily.

Chu Ya thought about it and agreed. Today was the most he and Junior Sister Xia had talked. There was no need to pursue her.

So he said considerately: "Then wait until Junior Sister is in the mood to talk."

"Do you two brothers have anything else to do? If not, I will leave first."

"Junior Sister, go and do your work. We won't bother you."

Xia Sijun turned around and left neatly.

"Let's go, Junior Brother." Chu Ya called Li Xiuchang, he looked happy, feeling that this time there was a lot of progress.

Li Xiuchang silently glanced at Senior Brother Chu Ya. Senior Brother Chu was so efficient in chasing girls. Fortunately, he was in the world of immortal cultivation, where the average life expectancy was long.

If it were in the mortal world, by the time he succeeded in getting her, the girl would have already grown old.

"Brother, I have to go to the market on the way, so I won't go back with you." Li Xiuchang found an excuse.

Senior Brother Chu Ya repeatedly thanked Li Xiuchang, and then left first.

Li Xiuchang said that going to the market was just an excuse, but he was afraid that going back with Senior Brother Chu Ya would easily be affected, and it would be bad if he was accidentally injured by a frying pan or a kitchen knife.

But since he was here, he was planning to go to Danxianglou in the market, but he didn't know when a beautiful figure blocked his way.

Xia Sijun didn't know when she left and came back.

"You are Li Xiuchang, right?" Xia Sijun asked directly, with a lazy and casual look on her face, which was very inconsistent with her current identity as a girl.

Xia Sijun directly pointed out Li Xiuchang's identity, which was a bit like speaking openly. Li Xiuchang couldn't pretend to be confused anymore, so she bowed slightly and said, "Senior Sister Xia."

Hearing this address, Xia Sijun's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she said with a smile, "You are much sweeter than that turtle, and you still know to call me Senior Sister."

After saying that, she hooked her fingers, and the tortoise hidden in Li Xiuchang's pocket flew out steadily and landed in her palm.

Xia Sijun ignored the little turtle's coquettish rubbing against her palm, and said viciously, "Next time you call me aunt, I will use you to refine the Nine-Turn Turtle Shell Pill!"

The little turtle was so scared that it retracted its head into its shell.

Being stopped by this Senior Sister Xia and directly exposing her identity was something Li Xiuchang had never expected beforehand.

It feels that this senior sister's style of doing things is straightforward, and she is more straightforward than the other senior brothers.

Even though the other neighboring brothers knew that Li Xiuchang had already seen that they had problems, they were still unwilling to bring the topic up and break the last layer of window paper.

But this Sister Xia, who was only here to confirm her identity, directly brought the topic up.

"Did you know me from Brother Lu?" Li Xiuchang took the initiative to bring up the topic.

"Well, he said that you are a good cook and have a lot of talent, and he wants you to learn to cook from him." Xia Sijun said casually while teasing the little turtle.

"Did Brother Lu really say that?" Li Xiuchang was surprised. Brother Luyang had never mentioned this to him for several months, and he didn't even have much contact with him on weekdays.

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