I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 195: The Secret of Immortal Shadow (Two in One)

When he mentioned his Taoist companion, the expression on Xia Sijun's face brightened: "He said that you have great ideas in developing dishes. Many dishes such as snail noodles and starry sky are very innovative."

"It turns out that Senior Brother Lu appreciates me so much."

Snail rice noodle is a delicious dish, but Li Xiu often uses the cooking method published by "The Longest Man" on the sermon list.

Xia Sijun's words were equivalent to directly pointing out that she and other senior brothers knew Li Xiuchang's vest.

Li Xiuchang is also adapting to Xia Sijun's way of communication. He doesn't hide things that both parties know, but he is not completely outspoken.

Don’t hide things that can be said, and don’t talk too much about things that cannot be said.

"My husband-in-law doesn't like to communicate with others. If he is embarrassed to say anything, I will do it for him," Xia Siyun said.

Is Senior Brother Lu Yang a terrorist?

A sociopath who likes to slap people behind their backs?

So Xia Siyun is the spokesperson for society’s fear of husbands?

Li Xiuchang made up his mind, and when he returned, he would pay a visit to Senior Brother Lu Yang and ask for advice from the spiritual chef.

He had had this idea before, but it felt too abrupt. He and Senior Brother Lu Yang had not met each other a few times, and they were not very familiar with each other, and no one else took the initiative to mention it.

Moreover, Senior Brother Lu Yang has never shown any ability in front of Li Xiuchang that is not in line with his current status.

But it's different now. With Xia Sijun, Li Xiuchang can openly come to ask Brother Lu Yang for advice... Your wife asked me to come.

In addition, people with sociophobia are generally less likely to say no.

He has gathered this wool!

Later, he was taught by senior brother Zhang Wanzhi for weapon refining, senior brother Motu for soul control and spiritual cultivation, senior brother Chen Changsheng and Little Turtle for formation and talismans, and senior brother Lu Yang for spiritual cooking.

Many famous teachers jointly teach, and the teaching staff is strong.


Wait, Senior Sister Xia Siyun seems to be good at alchemy.

Very good, now someone has taught me alchemy... Li Xiuchang said that he did not mean to disrespect his master Zhao Yuansi, but this person is more deadly than others, and his master is more vulnerable than his master.

"Are you here specifically to confirm my identity?" Xia Siyun suddenly asked.

"Ahem, I've heard about Senior Sister for a long time. The main reason I came here this time is to have a look at Senior Sister's style."

"Then, am I beautiful?" Xia Siyun had a narrow smile on her face.

Li Xiuchang's mind turned eight hundred times at this moment. Regardless of this simple question, the answer was also sophisticated.

First of all, you must praise. If a woman asks you if she is beautiful, and you say she is not beautiful, you will offend her to death.

But while you are praising, you must not show any frivolous movements or expressions, otherwise he may get hit on the back of the head with a frying pan.

That jealous old man from Luyang might be hiding somewhere and keeping an eye on this place.

Li Xiuchang coughed, with a serious look on his face, he looked at his nose and heart with his eyes and nose, and said: "Senior sister is not only beautiful, but also makes me feel kind and reminds me of my sister at home. Although she is far less beautiful than senior sister, most of the gentle women in the world have Somewhat commonalities.”

Although Xia Sijun knew that Li Xiuchang's words were somewhat flattering, his expression softened and he asked, "Do you have a sister in your secular family?"

Of course not, wasn't this forced by you?

But Li Xiuchang nodded: "It's just that I got sick and died when I was young."

The scene in Li Xiuchang's fantasy of Xia Sijun saying "Then you will treat me as your sister" did not appear. Xia Sijun just said softly: "That's a pity."

But then he added: "She passed away when you were young, so she probably didn't have a deep relationship, right?"

Li Xiuchang opened his mouth, but no words came out. Why was it different from what he thought?

It seemed that Xia Siyun didn't believe the lies he made up.

"Senior sister is joking, how could the blood-blood relationship not be deep?"

Li Xiuchang is still talking harshly. As long as you can't prove that what I say is false, then what I say is true!

Xia Siyun did not dwell on this topic, but asked: "How did you find me?"

Li Xiuchang answered truthfully: "I know that senior sister and senior brother Lu Yang are deeply in love. Recently, senior brother Chu Ya has been attacked frequently, which made me think about it."

"Is that so?" Xia Sijun was thoughtful and decided to remind her husband to keep a low profile.

Since Li Xiuchang could find her through these clues, maybe others can too.

But what Xia Sijun didn't know was that while she was chatting with Li Xiuchang, her husband had committed a crime for the fourth time.

After Senior Brother Chu Ya and Li Xiuchang separated, they were attacked for the fourth time on their way back to the sect. This time, a spatula was used.

Chu Ya was knocked unconscious by a spatula until he was discovered by a passing Xianchen Sect disciple and sent him back to the sect.

This completely angered the elders of the Fairy Dust Sect, and they decided to catch the attacker at all costs!

Not long after Li Xiuchang left Senior Sister Xia Sijun, he also heard the news that Senior Brother Chu Ya was attacked again.

It seems that the previous attacks all occurred after Senior Brother Chu Ya came into contact with Senior Sister Xia Sijun.

Although Senior Brother Chu Ya was said to be fine, the beating he received was partly due to Li Xiuchang, and Li Xiuchang should pay him a visit because of his emotions and reasons.

When he arrived at Senior Brother Chu Ya's residence, he found that the surrounding area was heavily guarded.

When Senior Brother Chu Ya saw Li Xiuchang, he sighed in distress and said, "I don't know how I offended that attacker. He attacked me again and again. Now the elders have decided to arrange security forces around my residence. In the future, several elders will follow me secretly when I go out."

"With the elders protecting Senior Brother, I believe that the attacker will not dare to show up again after seeing this scene." Li Xiuchang comforted.

"How can I catch him if he doesn't show up? The elders can't protect me all the time. When there is no elders' protection in the future, he might attack me again."

Senior Brother Chu Ya's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth and said, "No, since the elders can't catch the thief, I have to ask the ancestor to help!"

Li Xiuchang was shocked. The ancestor of the Chu family is the supreme elder of the Xianchen Sect!

The elders of the Xianchen Sect can't do anything to the neighboring senior brother, but the supreme elder may not be able to do that.

"Senior Brother Chu, why use a butcher knife to kill a chicken!" Li Xiuchang hurriedly advised.

Chu Ya said firmly: "It doesn't matter if he hits me, but now I am followed by the elders all day long, how can I pursue Junior Sister Xia? I must remove this stumbling block!"

Are you still thinking about your Junior Sister Xia?

Then your child will be beaten again!

Li Xiuchang had to use a delaying tactic first: "Brother Chu, you might as well stop for a while, wait until the flowers I planted for you are ripe, then you can pursue Junior Sister Xia."

Brother Chu Ya thought for a while and said: "I'd better let the family contact the ancestor first. The ancestor has been in seclusion for many years. It is not easy to get him to take action once. Maybe when the ancestor comes out, your flowers will be ripe.

"Once the ancestor agrees to take action, I will definitely go out in a high-profile manner and let the ancestor protect me secretly. I must lure the attacker out! "

Li Xiuchang couldn't persuade Senior Brother Chu Ya, so he had to find a way to go back and remind Senior Brother Lu Yang.

Li Xiuchang returned to Donggeng District and originally planned to go directly to Senior Brother Lu Yang's house to take classes, and remind Senior Brother Lu Yang to be careful of the Supreme Elder of Xianchen Sect.

But after knocking on the door, no one opened the door.

It is estimated that he has not returned from going out.

He had to leave first, and at the same time communicated with Wen Wen in his pocket about the results of their respective investigations during this period.

Li Xiuchang and Wen Wen each had their own division of labor. Li Xiuchang was mainly responsible for checking relevant information, especially various records and rumors about "Xianyin".

Li Xiuchang originally wanted to check the origin of Xianyin, but it was too long ago, and it was unknown how many tens of thousands of years ago. At least there was no record in the official history of Xianyin.

As for the origin of Xianyin, there is only a folk legend: Xianyin The shade is the shade cast by a Tongtian fairy tree. The Tongtian fairy tree fell, but the shade remained forever.

As for why the Tongtian fairy tree fell and when it fell, there is no record.

But from the information that Li Xiuchang has consulted, the fairy shade has existed at least a million years ago.

The history of the fairy shade world in the past 100,000 years is very detailed, and the history between 100,000 and a million years is also recorded, but the older it is, the more vague it is, but there are still relatively detailed records of various major events.

However, the history of a million years ago is relatively less, more messy, unsystematic, and difficult to distinguish between true and false. Many descriptions are not comparable to the current fairy shade world.

In the past 100,000 years, the biggest thing that has happened in the fairy shade world should be the decline of the magic way.

The last demon lord killed millions of demons Taoist monks sealed many demons and then ascended to the upper realm, leaving only a mess of the demon path.

The demon path has never recovered since then.

Going back hundreds of thousands of years ago, the biggest event was the decline of Buddhism and the severance of Confucianism.

But when were Confucianism and Buddhism born? When did they rise?

There is no answer to this, but I only know that it was at least a million years ago.

According to the timeline to sort out the history he knew, Li Xiuchang couldn't help but sigh that only the immortal path is evergreen!

Confucianism and Buddhism had been passed down as early as a million years ago, and have been developing slowly until they began to rise gradually hundreds of thousands of years ago.

When the two paths were at their peak, they could keep pace with the immortal path and were called the three righteous paths.

At that time, the three righteous paths worked together to suppress the demon path.

Later, for unknown reasons, the Buddhist path did not Confucianism fell, and the Demonic Path seized this opportunity to rise again.

Later, tens of thousands of years ago, the last Demon Lord of the Demonic Sect personally ended the glory of the Demonic Path.

From the beginning to the end, only the Immortal Sect stood firm.

Although he did not find the needed clues directly from it, Li Xiuchang also found some strange things.

That is, all the righteous sects have been exploring the Immortal Shade for millions of years without exception.

Although many righteous strongmen have disappeared or fallen in the Immortal Shade, one after another, powerful predecessors who are even expected to ascend to the Immortal Shade continue to enter the Immortal Shade.

Why are they so obsessed with the Immortal Shade?

What exactly attracts them in the Immortal Shade?

Li Xiuchang did not find the answer in the books, but he believed that the top leaders of the major sects must know it, but they just didn't make it public.

The neighboring brothers probably know it too.

"Maybe I can try and ask the brothers directly."

If this is a well-known secret among the top leaders of the Immortal Shade world, then there is no need for the brothers to hide it from him.

Li Xiuchang told Wenwen about his discovery, and the little turtle also shared with Li Xiuchang some of the information it had obtained indirectly during this period.

"Zhang Wanzhi told me that when Chen Wugui was young, he also raised a turtle. That turtle grew up with Chen Wugui. Normally, our turtle clan should have outlasted the master with its long life and regained its freedom, but Chen Wugui was too long-lived and outlasted the turtle senior to death."

After hearing this, Li Xiuchang understood why Senior Brother Chen Changsheng would raise Wenwen, a turtle beast.

Senior Brother Chen probably had a deep affection for the turtle beast that grew up with him, so he raised Wenwen as a sustenance, but he didn't expect that the gap between turtles could be so big.

"Anything else?" Li Xiuchang asked.

Wenwen continued: "The chef said that Zhang Wanzhi had been smooth sailing since he was a child, without any setbacks, and someone had escorted him all the way."

From this point of view, Senior Brother Zhang should have good talent and background... Li Xiuchang quickly analyzed in his mind.

Wenwen's efforts during this period of time only found these two clues.

It seems to be of no value, but in fact it has narrowed down the scope of Li Xiuchang's search for the identities of the two senior brothers.

Senior Brother Chen Changsheng should be a low-key cultivator with a tortoise pet.

Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi is likely to be born in a big family or worship a big sect. He has good talents and resources. His cultivation is smooth. He is an obvious genius template.

When Li Xiuchang looked through historical materials, he saw any famous strongman. As long as he compared them to see if they matched, he would know whether they were the two senior brothers.

"Well done, keep up the hard work." Li Xiuchang praised.

At this moment, Li Xiuchang ran into Senior Brother Lu Yang who came back from outside.

"Senior Brother Li." Lu Yang greeted Li Xiuchang when he saw him.

Li Xiuchang smiled bitterly: "Brother Lu, please don't talk bad about me. My sister-in-law told me."

Lu Yang's honest face showed a little bit of helplessness: "What did she tell you?"

"She said that I can learn to cook from my senior brother. This time I plan to ask my senior brother for advice on spiritual cooking skills."

Lu Yang shook his head helplessly: "Then come with me."

Li Xiuchang followed Lu Yang to No. 13, Donggeng District. Lu Yang said carefully: "I have seen some of the dishes you created before. They are very imaginative and innovative. They can even give me some inspiration. I feel that you can continue along this path.

"Some spiritual chefs only cook according to other people's recipes step by step, and some people are like you, with their own ideas and styles. Both have their advantages, but the latter often has a higher upper limit. "

"Thank you for your advice, senior brother, but I feel that I have reached a bottleneck in the development of dishes. ”

Li Xiuchang has almost replicated all the special dishes he knew in his previous life, and he can’t come up with any new dishes in a short time.

Lu Yang said gently: "You don’t understand what I mean. I want you to develop the dishes you created in depth. For example, your "Looking Up at the Stars" actually has a lot of potential to be tapped. The simplest thing is to make it into a more advanced spiritual dish. For a more difficult one, you can try different combinations and improve different methods to present different eating effects.

"For example, different fish heads complement each other and produce a certain chain effect, or instead of fish heads, change to other animal heads to collide with more fresh effects...

"In short, the spiritual dishes you invented have great potential to be tapped. If you can tap them all, your spiritual cooking skills will naturally advance by leaps and bounds.

"Why don’t you pick a dish you created today, and let’s try to make some improvements together."

Unconsciously, Senior Brother Lu Yang has already taught Li Xiuchang.

Li Xiuchang thought for a while and said, "Then let's make snail noodles."

After all, this is his first self-created spiritual dish, so he will start with this spiritual dish and finish it.

Lu Yang was a little surprised, but he nodded as if nothing had happened, and began to disassemble the recipe of snail noodles with Li Xiuchang.

Disassemble each step of the production of this spiritual dish, and analyze each ingredient separately.

"When we improve a spiritual dish, we must not just try our luck, but have a clear purpose. For example, if we want to improve the snail noodles that emit the strongest odor but can also stimulate the strongest body fragrance, we must match the ingredients with this goal..."

Li Xiuchang took Senior Brother Lu Yang's spiritual cooking class in a daze.

As the course progressed, the strangeness between Li Xiuchang and Senior Brother Lu Yang gradually disappeared, and the two began to get familiar with each other.

Li Xiuchang found that Senior Brother Lu Yang's cooking skills were unfathomable, but he was also a bit perverted.

This "abnormality" is mainly in cooking... A top-level spiritual chef is definitely the best at making dark cuisine.

The smelliest snail noodles that Senior Brother Lu Yang personally improved almost killed Li Xiuchang, who originally had no aversion to snail noodles, and almost fainted from the suffocation.

Moreover, the stench ignores the sense of smell and is directly transmitted through the spiritual consciousness, reaching the soul, making it impossible to defend against it!

It is simply a biological weapon.

Li Xiuchang can responsibly say that this snail noodle can definitely be used as a weapon.

Wenwen in Li Xiuchang's pocket has already fainted with foam at the mouth. For Wenwen, whose magic power has been sealed and only the spiritual consciousness can be used, the smell of this snail noodle is a killer.

Li Xiuchang's face turned pale and sweat broke out.

But Senior Brother Lu Yang did not change his expression, and even sent the smelliest snail noodles that had just come out of the pot to his mouth to taste.

"Sure enough, it's abnormal!" Li Xiuchang complained in his heart, took out a bottle and said, "Senior Brother Lu, help me pack some."

When you encounter an enemy in the future, just throw this bottle out, which can be regarded as a range attack method.

Senior Brother Lu really helped Li Xiuchang pack half a bowl of the stinkiest snail noodles, and helped him seal the taste to prevent the smell from leaking out.

After a class, the stench in the room was finally cleared by Senior Brother Lu Yang, and Li Xiuchang was relieved.

However, the improvement of skills is also real.

After a class, Li Xiuchang's length value increased by three inches. He suspected that he might have reached the threshold of a third-level spiritual chef.

"Okay, today's class ends here. Come back tomorrow if you are free." Senior Brother Lu Yang also seemed to like teaching Li Xiuchang.

He hasn't had so much fun for a long time.

Li Xiuchang's many sudden ideas can bring him a lot of inspiration.

If it weren't for Li Xiuchang's various suggestions and weird ideas, he wouldn't be able to cook such a stinky snail noodles.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior brother." Li Xiuchang said politely.

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Your idea is not wrong. Why can't the spiritual food made by our spiritual chefs be used in battle? Why can't kitchen utensils be used as weapons? If we want to, the poison prepared by the ingredients is not less toxic than the poison prepared by the poison master of the same level. Why can't our spiritual chefs be used as poison masters?"

"What senior brother said makes sense. I think so too." Li Xiuchang echoed.

He didn't think so much. He just thought it was useful, so he kept some of the stinkiest snail noodles for backup.

It's like he used a kitchen knife as a weapon, just because he thought it was useful.

"In fact, not only spiritual food, fairy wine is more suitable for fighting. Come over tomorrow and I will teach you how to brew the strongest wine!"

Li Xiuchang of course agreed immediately, and he was happy in his heart. The fairy wine skills were also taught by his master.

But when it comes to fighting with fairy wine, he naturally thought of using fairy wine to ignite.

It seems that fairy wine can be used as fuel. The flames produced by some high-level fairy wines after ignition are powerful, and can even be used to refine magic weapons and pills.

The two agreed to come back to class tomorrow. Before leaving, Li Xiuchang asked the question he wanted to ask at the beginning.

"Brother Lu, I've been reading history books recently, and there's something I don't understand. I wonder if you know anything about it."

"What's it?"

"Brother, do you know how Xianyin came about?"

Lu Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I don't know. It's been too long, and I'm afraid no one in this world can know."

"Then, do you know why the famous and upright strong men in the past always ignore the danger and insist on exploring Xianyin?"

This time, Brother Lu Yang was silent.

Li Xiuchang saw this and guessed that Brother Lu Yang should know the answer.

After a long silence, Lu Yang said faintly: "Some things are known to the top leaders of the major immortal sects, but they never reveal them to the people below, just to avoid causing panic.

"I shouldn't have told you originally, but since you asked, if I don't tell you, I'm afraid you'll always be curious and have trouble calming down... I think you're not a person with a weak heart, so as long as you don't spread it, it's okay to tell you. "

"Brother, don't worry, I'm very tight-lipped." Li Xiuchang assured him hastily.

Lu Yang nodded, and then said: "In fact, the scope of Xianyin has been expanding."

The words were light, but they fell into Li Xiuchang's ears like thunder, which shocked his mind for a short time.

He came back to his senses, and his pupils suddenly dilated. The scope of Xianyin was expanding. Of course, he knew what this meant!

After all, Li Xiuchang had entered Xianyin and knew what the environment was like inside.

Even cultivators would find it difficult to survive inside, and there were various dangers, not to mention ordinary people.

It can be said that the expansion of Xianyin is actually compressing the living space of humans in Xianyin world.

"Brother means..."

"That's right." Lu Yang looked at Li Xiuchang, "Xianyin is constantly expanding, and the speed of expansion is getting faster and faster. All the high-level cultivators of the righteous way have been worried that sooner or later, Xianyin will cover the entire Xianyin world! "

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