I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 218 Is this the time to overcome the tribulation?

Zhang Wanzhi couldn't hold it in any longer, and said to the old abbots behind him:

"I'll go out for a while, and wait for my two companions to come out. You can tell them."

He was actually uncomfortable staying here, especially under the gaze of tens of thousands of Buddhist practitioners around him, so he thought about going out for a walk and waiting for Motu and Li Xiuchang to come out.

The old abbots naturally agreed.

Zhang Wanzhi turned into a stream of light and flew away from the Reclining Buddha Temple.

At this time, Li Xiuchang was still diligently pulling wool and constantly advancing his body training progress.

"I don't know when this test will end, can I practice my body to the fifth level in one breath?"

With a large amount of special energy supply, it is equivalent to him swallowing precious medicine continuously, and there are no side effects.

The opportunity is rare, he buried his head in hard practice and immersed himself in it completely.

I don't know how long it took, Li Xiuchang suddenly shook his body, and the blood in his body glowed with stronger vitality.

The fourth level of body training late!

Li Xiuchang took a deep breath, adjusted his state, and didn't care about being happy, and immediately continued to practice.

The test is not over yet, hurry up and hit the peak of the fourth level!

But not long after, he felt that the special energy in the space became thinner.

What happened?

Is the test over?

Li Xiuchang couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

But then, another huge special energy was injected into the space where he was.

Li Xiuchang was stunned and hurried to absorb it.

What he didn't know was that many Buddhist practitioners in other trial spaces were practicing well at this time, but suddenly found that the special energy in the space had been drained away.

And all this energy was transferred to Li Xiuchang.

This is the rule of the test. Some people who progress quickly get resources, and some people who progress slowly are eliminated in advance.

However, there are still some Buddhist practitioners who have made great progress, and Li Xiuchang has not drained their resources.

After Li Xiuchang absorbed all the special energy that poured in this time, he found that no new energy was flowing in.

It seems that this special energy is also quantitative, and the amount he absorbed has reached the upper limit.

It's a pity that he didn't completely complete the marrow refining, let alone break through to the fifth level.

Li Xiuchang sat there waiting for a while, and suddenly there was a chanting sound in his ears.

"Why is it like a ghost?"

The voice came from nowhere and went straight into his mind.

This feeling was very familiar to Li Xiuchang. Isn't this the feeling of being instilled with knowledge by his senior brothers using the secret method of preaching!

It's just that the knowledge instilled this time was useless. Li Xiuchang didn't know anything about Buddhism and was not interested in it.

I don't want to listen, the turtle chanting... Li Xiuchang forced himself to hypnotize, but found that the effect was really not very good.

The secret method of preaching is also very domineering. It doesn't matter whether you want it or not, whether you can bear it or not, just force it in.

The sound of the monk preaching kept echoing in his ears, which was very annoying. Li Xiuchang could only deliberately think of something else to distract himself.


The test just now was to let him practice to improve his physical training. Now the monk chanting is clearly to let him understand Buddhism.

Since his equal path is recognized as the Buddhist path, then his understanding of the equal path is equivalent to understanding Buddhism.

Li Xiuchang began to ponder his own equality path.

It's true that once his mind sank into the understanding of equality path, the sound of the monk chanting in his ears became less noisy.

Gradually, it even became a background sound with a slight amplification effect, making Li Xiuchang's process of understanding equality path smoother and more exciting.

At this time, in the hall, some people who were eliminated in advance had finished the test and walked out of the trial ground unwillingly.

With their departure, the cushions that originally belonged to them in the hall would also disappear.

After Li Xiuchang and other first batch of people began to accept the test, more and more Buddhist practitioners came to the hall to accept the test.

At this time, there were nearly a hundred people sitting in the hall, but the magnificent hall still looked empty.

Among so many trialists, no one could sit in the first row like Li Xiuchang and Motu.

Other trialists could only accept one test. Only Li Xiuchang and Motu could accept two tests at the same time.

And Li Xiuchang and Motu were different.

Motu enjoyed the top treatment, one level higher than Li Xiuchang.

Li Xiuchang first accepted the physical training test, got full marks by cheating, and got all the benefits of the physical training test, and then was transferred to the test of understanding the Dharma.

Motu was treated with two tests at the same time from the beginning.

The key is that even though Motu was very resistant to this and did not cooperate throughout the whole process, there was no progress in either physical training or understanding the Dharma, but the resources tilted towards him were always full, without any reduction.

This is not a test at all, it is just a pure benefit.

It can be said that he is favored.

But Motu himself does not think so.

Time passed bit by bit, Li Xiuchang was immersed in enlightenment, and his understanding of the equal way gradually deepened.

Finally, he felt the tilt of resources again, he fell into a dream, and comprehended the equal way in the dream.

Obviously, his progress in the equal way was also regarded as the understanding of the Dharma, so the test space gave him more benefits.

There seems to be no difference between understanding the truth in a dream and when awake, but the biggest difference is the speed of time.

A dream can last a thousand years, and many years may have passed in a dream in the time it takes to sleep in reality.

Therefore, understanding the truth in a dream is more efficient.

Li Xiuchang had just fallen into the dream, and Motu on the other side also enjoyed the same treatment and was also pulled into the dream.

This time, Motu really couldn't bear it anymore, and veins on his forehead bulged.

Before, there was the sound of the bald donkey chanting in his ears, and he had endured it!

Now it's even worse, dragging him into the dream to chant for him.

Double torture?

If he was told about the thousand-year Buddhist Dharma in the dream, he would go crazy!

So, he chose to go crazy now.

After being dragged into the dream for a while, Motu's soul power burst out and forcibly broke free from the dream.

However, he was still trapped in an independent test space.

Motu raised his fist and punched into the void.

In an instant, the demonic energy raged, the space was torn apart, and Motu stepped out forcefully, returning to the original hall in one step.

What a bullshit test?

I'm sorry!

Motu walked towards the exit with his hands behind his back.

After walking out of the trial space, Motu returned to the head of the reclining Buddha.

The old abbots guarding the entrance saw Motu and hurriedly stepped forward to salute, ready to tell Motu that Zhang Wanzhi had left first.

But at this moment, a ray of light fell from the sky and landed on Motu.

The experienced old abbots were slightly stunned when they saw the ray of light, and then hurriedly retreated, as if they were afraid of being hit by the ray of light.

Motu was slightly stunned for a few breaths when he saw the ray of light, but it was not too surprising.

He was very familiar with this ray of light. Every time he saw it, it meant that he was going to ascend.

The ray of light was a precursor to ascension.

It was obvious that he had just broken through the test space and used a strength far beyond the Jindan stage, which caused him to be locked by the ascension rules.

When he was in the Buddha head space, the ascension rules were blocked by the Buddha hand space, which was not small, but he was about to ascend on the spot as soon as he came out.

Motu didn't care much about it. When he broke through the test space, he was ready to ascend. At most, he would just come down again.

Anyway, Zhang Wanzhi is here.

By the way, where is Zhang Wanzhi?

Motu just found out that Zhang Wanzhi was not there!

Before he could ask more questions, a strong suction pulled him upwards, and two auspicious clouds appeared out of thin air under his feet, lifting him up to the sky.

Motu flew to high altitude and disappeared into the clouds in a blink of an eye.

At the light of the rosy glow, a door opened and took him in.

Several old abbots looked at each other. They didn't have time to say anything before they ascended.

Indeed, if you don't pass the tribulation, it will only take a moment to ascend.

And passing the tribulation is a treatment that only happens when you ascend for the first time in each world. Motu obviously doesn't meet the requirements.


Li Xiuchang had no idea what was happening outside. He was still in a dream state, comprehending the way of equality.

As his understanding of the Way of Equality became more profound and his progress became greater, the speed of time in his dream became faster.

Of course, he himself did not feel it, he just felt that a long time had passed.

Finally, Li Xiuchang woke up from his dream.

"It feels like decades or even hundreds of years have passed."

Li Xiuchang sighed, but there was no trace of vicissitudes in his eyes, he just felt bored.

For dozens or hundreds of years, he could only do one thing, that is, to understand the Way of Equality, which was too boring.

Fortunately, he gained something, and the power of the Way of Equality has reached a higher level!

"Before, I realized the heart of the Tao, which was considered a glimpse of the way, so now it can be considered a small success."

"The current Way of Equality, with the blessing of the Zanpakutō, should be enough to complete the shattering of the elixir, and when I go back, I can consider impacting the Nascent Soul."

This time, Li Xiuchang entered the Buddha's Head Space to accept the test, and he gained a lot. Not only did his physical training level rise from the early fourth stage to the late fourth stage, but his understanding of the Way of Equality also reached a higher level.

"I just don't know how long it has been in the outside world."

If decades have passed outside, then he can only say that he has lost a lot by accepting this test this time.

If three to five years have passed, then it seems that he has still lost money.

Li Xiuchang looked around, it was empty. Now that he has completed two rounds of tests, how should he get out?

Or is there a third round of tests?

Is he the "predestined person" who won in the end? Can he accept the legacy of the owner of this relic?

At this moment, without any signs, he was dragged into a dream again.

Just like when he first came in, he got some information in the dream.

After a while, he woke up, and three words were still echoing in his mind: Pure Land!

The information he just got from the dream told him to go to the Pure Land in a hundred years.

As for where the Pure Land is and how to get there? No one said it.

It was only said that it was the upper realm of the Zen Heart Realm.

It was said that there were further tests waiting for him in the Pure Land.

Li Xiuchang just felt puzzled.

A hundred years?

After a hundred years, he would be an immortal, right? Who wants to participate in your test!

And isn't this the last test? Why is there another one?

Li Xiuchang didn't intend to pay attention to this so-called further test, but he was upset that the test here seemed to end here.

He thought he would be the final winner and get some kind of inheritance or other rewards.

But it seems that this trial point has no intention of deciding the final winner.

Eliminating some people in advance is just to allocate more resources to those who are more worthy of training.

That's right, Li Xiuchang has already understood that he will not be the only one who passes this test, and there will be other Buddhists who will pass the test after him.

Even if the benefits obtained by those practicing Buddhism are far less than him, they will still receive invitations to the next test.

It seems that the people who left this trial space want to cultivate more powerful and outstanding Buddhist cultivators so that they can gather in the Pure Land Realm for the next round of competition.

Li Xiuchang retracted his thoughts and decided to let everything happen and not to deliberately search for the Pure Land.

There was a flash of Buddha's light in the surrounding space, and Li Xiuchang found that he had returned to the main hall and returned to the futon from the beginning.

He stood up and found dozens of empty futons placed in the hall.

Apparently many are still being tested.

However, the futon next to him that belonged to Brother Motu was gone.

"Senior Brother Motu is out?"

Li Xiuchang walked quickly towards the exit.

As soon as he came out, he met the eyes of several old abbots. Seeing several old abbots staring at him, Li Xiuchang couldn't help but wonder:

"Is there a problem?"

Then he looked around and asked curiously: "Where are my two companions?"

"They..." An old abbot just opened his mouth, but suddenly his expression changed wildly and he backed away repeatedly.

Not only him, but also several other old abbots seemed to have their soles on fire, jumping up and down all the way to distance themselves from Li Xiuchang.

That look was even more frightening than when he saw the rising glow before.

Just as Li Xiuchang was about to say something, his expression suddenly changed, and a few dark clouds appeared in the originally clear sky.

And it was hanging over his head!

Tribulation cloud?

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