I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 219: First experience of ascension

Li Xiu was so stupid, why did he summon Jie Yun just like that?

He is only in the golden elixir stage!

Why do we have to go through the tribulation?

He didn't break through to Nascent Soul either.

Suddenly, Li Xiuchang thought of something.

Yes, although he has not reached the Nascent Soul stage, when he accepted the test, he showed his cultivation of the fourth level of body refining, and even broke through two minor realms in a row!

In other words, he was locked in by the rules of ascension at that time.

So as soon as you come out, you have to go through the tribulation and ascend.

Refining one's body and cultivating one's body is also one's cultivation level, and one can overcome calamities and ascend to the same level.

It would be a lie to say that he was not panicking at all. After all, he had to face the legendary disaster without any preparation.

But Li Xiuchang immediately thought that this was actually a heavenly disaster prepared for the monks who were promoted to the Nascent Soul from the Golden Core, so there was no need to be overly afraid.

Of course, we can’t take it lightly, in case the boat capsizes in the gutter.

Several old abbots quickly evacuated the surrounding Buddhist cultivators to prevent them from being affected by the catastrophe.

They themselves also hid far away. They were not afraid of the power of this disaster. What they were afraid of was that if it was affected, it would be locked by the rules of ascension and ascend together with them.

However, they were also puzzled. They thought that Li Xiuchang was a powerful person in the upper realm, so he could just ascend directly. How could he still cause a catastrophe?

The calamity is approaching, and Li Xiuchang has no experience and doesn't know what preparations to make.

Seeing that there were still a large number of Buddhist cultivators gathered around, Li Xiuchang was sure that this test should not have taken too long, otherwise everyone outside would have disappeared long ago.

But where did Senior Brother Motu and Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi go?

If the two senior brothers were here at this time, they could give him some pointers.

Feeling that he was locked by the calamity cloud above his head, Li Xiuchang could only bite the bullet.

He flew into the air, preparing to deal with the catastrophe.

In order not to shock the world, he did not reveal his deformed Vajra Dharma form. Even if he did not reveal his Dharma form, his physical body was still strong enough.

Calamity clouds surged in the sky, and a lightning bolt as thick as a finger struck Li Xiuchang's head.

Li Xiuchang used the charcoal formation spell to build diamond defense on his body.

A bolt of lightning struck the diamond barrier without any damage.

"That's all." Li Xiuchang felt relieved.

There are only four heavenly tribulations for Jindan to ascend to Yuanying. The first three are thunder tribulations, and the last one is the inner demon tribulation.

Three thunder tribulations, one more powerful than the other.

Li Xiuchang put on the immortal armor to be cautious, and even prepared to use the Talisman Bricks.

But he still worried too much, and three consecutive tribulations struck the diamond defense without leaving even a trace.

Li Xiuchang felt that even if he removed the diamond defense, he could still withstand it with his physical body.

After the three thunder tribulations, there is the inner demon tribulation known as the weirdest and most difficult to prevent.

The inner demon tribulation is invisible and has no quality, and it breeds directly in the heart of the person who overcomes the tribulation.

Li Xiuchang only felt that his consciousness was slightly in a trance, and there were many illusions and pictures in front of his eyes.

There are scenes from his previous life, and there are also scenes from this life.

As a human being in his two lifetimes, it is naturally impossible for him to have no regrets or regrets.

There are some things that he still feels resentful about even after many years.

But that’s not even an obsession, let alone an inner demon.

And since time travel, he has let go of his past life, and in this life... his cultivation has been smooth sailing, and there is no intrigue, fighting or killing in the sect.

Because the experience is simple and easy, my heart is open, I have no guilt and no fear, and there is no room for inner demons to breed.

This inner demon calamity seemed to be trying to forcefully breed inner demons in Li Xiuchang's body, but after trying for a long time, it failed.

In the end, it seemed that Li Xiuchang's heart of ten thousand ways was touched, and the Zanpakutō in Li Xiuchang's dantian kept buzzing, making him eager to try.

Li Xiuchang simply let go of the control of his Zanpakutō and let the Zanpakutō swing out based on instinct.

An invisible blade passed through Li Xiuchang's body and came all the way to his sea of ​​consciousness. It seemed to have hit something. Li Xiuchang only saw the illusions in front of him shattering, and some black mist appeared out of thin air in his sea of ​​consciousness.

These black mist tended to dissipate, but were directly absorbed by Li Xiuchang's sea of ​​consciousness.

Then Li Xiuchang could clearly feel that his sea of ​​consciousness became more stable.

"It seems that this inner demon calamity is a good thing!"

Li Xiuchang felt a little sorry. It would be nice if he could collect some to add some points.

"It doesn't seem to be that difficult to survive the catastrophe."

Li Xiuchang stood still and didn't move the whole time, and he withstood four heavenly tribulations.

Several old abbots who were watching Li Xiuchang's catastrophe were also shocked and confused. Originally, they believed that Li Xiuchang had caused the catastrophe, and they also doubted Li Xiuchang's strength.

But seeing Li Xiuchang Yun Danfeng survive the four heavenly tribulations with ease, they felt that Li Xiuchang was a bit confusing to them.

Mainly because Li Xiuchang overcame the tribulation too quickly. Even the inner demon tribulation, which was always the most time-consuming, was over in just a few breaths.

What does this mean?

It shows that this humane heart has reached a state of flawlessness and has no weaknesses!

Before Li Xiuchang had time to communicate with the old abbots below, he was enveloped in a ray of rays of light, and auspicious clouds emerged under his feet, carrying him towards the sky.

He was sent all the way to the source of the glow. Deep in the clouds, a portal emerged and sucked him in.

Several old abbots watched Li Xiuchang's figure disappear, and looked at each other at a loss.

Zhang Wanzhi asked them to tell Li Xiuchang and Motu that he was out on business, but who would have thought that Li Xiuchang and Motu would fly up as soon as they came out, and they had no time to speak.

"Well, how about we wait here for that senior to come back?" an old abbot suggested.

The senior he was referring to was naturally Zhang Wanzhi.

"That's the only way."


Li Xiuchang experienced the tribulation and ascension for the first time in his life.

The tribulation was quite simple, but ascension was a bit disgusting.

This disgusting feeling was not psychological, but physiological. Li Xiuchang experienced the feeling of "motion sickness" in his previous life for the first time in a long time.

He felt dizzy and even wanted to vomit. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar environment.

Ascension was successful!

However, the top of the Reclining Buddha Temple did not seem to be the Sea Boat Realm.

Which world did he ascend to?

Li Xiuchang did not have time to think about it. He knew that it was extremely dangerous when he just ascended.

As he ascended, the surrounding rosy clouds shone, and the spiritual energy of the world fluctuated violently.

It must be that the strong men of the local forces will soon be attracted.

Li Xiuchang did not dare to stay, restrained his breath, and fled from the place at a rapid speed.

As a result, he had not flown far when he sensed a strong breath approaching rapidly behind him!

It came so fast!

Apparently someone was always paying attention and monitoring the appearance of the ascender.

Feeling that the cultivation of the person coming was definitely better than his own, at least in the stage of transformation, Li Xiuchang was not panicked, but he did not dare to be careless at all.

He had various trump cards to save his life under the hands of the transformation.

But if it is not necessary, it is better not to entangle with the other party, which may attract more powerful people.

This is someone else's home court!

Li Xiuchang used the ability of the incarnation Dharma phase without hesitation, and transformed himself into a white horse, and his speed instantly soared several levels.

Yi Ma Dharma phase, pure in other aspects, only the speed is amazing.

The speed gained by sacrificing other abilities is naturally worth it.

Li Xiuchang's flying speed exceeded that of the pursuer behind him. Although it was not much, it was amazing enough, and he had gradually opened up the distance with the opponent.

The pursuer was shocked and almost suspected that Li Xiuchang was not a cultivator who ascended from the lower realm for the first time.

After all, there are often some old monsters from the upper realm who go to the lower realm, and finally they have to return to the upper realm by ascending.

For example, not long ago, a gloomy old man ascended from the lower realm. Someone tried to kill him, but was slapped to death.

"I should have thought too much. If he was really an old monster, why would he run away when he saw me?"

Although he said so, he still sent a message to contact his fellow disciples nearby, preparing to call on them to come together to capture the ascender.

Li Xiuchang ran at full speed. Although he gradually distanced himself from the pursuer, he could not completely get rid of the other party.

He was thinking about whether to turn around and give the other party a "send the enemy a thousand miles away", and suddenly someone blocked the way in front of him.

The blocker was just a skinny old man in the late Nascent Soul stage.

Before Li Xiuchang could speak, the pursuer behind him roared: "I am the elder of the Tianyin Sect. If you stop this person, my Tianyin Sect will reward you!"

The skinny old man's face changed when he heard this. He originally wanted to take advantage of the fire to rob Li Xiuchang, but now he cursed softly: "Fuck you immortal, who dares to believe your Tianyin Sect's nonsense."

After saying that, he turned around and ran away.

Li Xiuchang thought about it, and couldn't help but curl his lips and chased after the skinny old man.

The skinny old man was horrified: "Why are you following me!"

"Senior, save me!" Li Xiuchang in the form of a white horse spoke human words.

"I can't save you. If you follow me again, be careful that I won't be polite to you!"

Li Xiuchang said with a hint of meaning: "No, you can save me."

The skinny old man just threatened with a few words, but didn't really do it. He turned around and killed Li Xiuchang. Maybe he was the next target of the Tianyin Sect Elder.

He increased his speed to get rid of Li Xiuchang, but found that he couldn't run faster than Li Xiuchang.

He was a late Yuanying, and was crushed by Li Xiuchang in speed.

Then he was overtaken by Li Xiuchang while running...

Li Xiuchang had heard an old joke, when you are chased by a bear, you don't have to run faster than the bear, just run faster than your companions.

The skinny old man soon found something wrong.

Why did the Tianyin Sect Elder chase Li Xiuchang?

It's not to maintain the stability of the world, but just to kill people and steal treasures.

So what's the difference between killing Li Xiuchang and killing him?

The key is that Li Xiuchang's speed is too fast, and it's a bit difficult for the elders of Tianyin Sect to catch up, but chasing him is a sure thing!

"You immortal!" The skinny old man cursed.

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