I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 102 Order a meal and try it out

"Captain, the food in the resort hotel is so delicious. I, I have never eaten such delicious food.

Mao Yuanyuan lowered her eyebrows, holding the iron lunch box in both hands, taking small bites of food with different flavors. Every bite that entered her mouth was a different surprise and happiness.

In the afternoon, the captain suddenly appeared at the simple medical office. They were frightened and thought that the mission had failed. Only the captain escaped.

They stood up in a hurry, holding Su Mei's arms to anxiously check if she was injured again.

But without saying anything, Su Mei directly picked up the two most seriously injured people, followed them, and rushed towards the residence at a fast pace.

Could it be that there was an emergency?

Could it be that the captain made a big mistake and they have to start an escape?

Protruding! They vowed to fight to the death to unite with the captain!

The teammates following her all looked ugly, and their minds were constantly thinking.

They returned to their residence in fear all the way, prepared for the worst.

Unexpectedly, the captain put her on the bed, looked at the teammates surrounding her and laughed stupidly, and then took out four bulging plastic bags from the bottom of the bed with a mysterious look on her face.

That is? !

Everyone vaguely guessed something, and indescribable excitement surged in their hearts.

"Sisters, I'm back with supplies!"

Su Mei laughed and opened the packaging bag, revealing the supplies inside.

box lunch! water! And fresh fruit! !

She pulled up a table, opened more than ten lunch boxes and placed them on it, inviting them to come and eat.

"No one's welcome! I'll finish all these things today!"

She shouted with confidence, her cheeks flushed.

"Great! Captain, you are really awesome!"

"The captain is my god!"

"Captain! Sister, I am determined to follow you for the rest of my life!"

The teammates brought stools and iron lunch boxes one after another. They were so excited that they even forgot about their injuries. They were in a rare state of high spirits, showing some vitality that young people should have.

Su Mei looked around at everyone's faces carefully. Her heart seemed to be filled with golden magma, bubbling out from the depths.

Seeing the trust and happiness in their eyes, everything she paid was worth it.

"Have a meal!!"

There are fourteen bunk beds in a room of nearly 100 square meters. The curled and folded mattresses at the head of the beds and the varying thicknesses of dust indicate that someone has lived here.

Outside the house is the street, and occasionally you can hear the conversations of passers-by and the solicitation of barter at roadside stalls.

Su Mei put fruits on the table, a bunch of bananas, a handful of oranges, and a big round watermelon.

These are what she asked Chu Wanfu for.

No matter what the process is, the ending is always good.

Her teammates got to eat the coveted fruit.

"Captain, do we have to eat all of this in one meal?" Yi Xinyi stared at the fresh fruits on the table in shock, rubbing her eyes in disbelief.

It’s actually fruit!

"Well, the weather is so hot. If you can't finish eating it, it will go bad tomorrow. It's best to finish it today." Su Mei found a fruit knife, wiped it, and cut it on the watermelon.

With a crisp sound, the watermelon split into two halves, revealing the pink seedless flesh inside.

A sweet aroma rushed into everyone's noses, making people salivate.

Who can resist a bite of sweet watermelon on a hot summer day?

Su Mei neatly cut the watermelon according to the number of people, and then divided it equally with the oranges and bananas.

Seeing everyone looking at the fruit in front of them with a look of reluctance, they were silent as if they were missing someone.

Su Mei felt sour in her heart, and it was clear. Her throat was sore and tight, and her voice became hoarse: "It's too late to say anything now, they have already left. Those who are still here, think about your family members who are guarding the rear. , You must work hard to survive. As for revenge, I have everything, you don’t have to worry about it.”

"team leader--"

Su Mei interrupted, her eyes full of determination, not allowing them to refute and said: "Eat melon. You don't have to worry about food in the future. From tomorrow on, we will no longer be short of food!"


"General Chu!"

The office door was knocked twice, and an anxious voice came from behind the door.


E Ze opened the door and came in, with a rare trace of panic on his face.

"Why are you here if you don't go to rest so late?" Chu Wanfu didn't even raise his head, and his writing hand didn't stop.

"General Chu! Look!" E Ze rolled up his sleeves and put his forearms in front of him.

Chu Wanfu glanced at it, took out the notebook underneath, and frowned at the smudge that appeared after being pressed because the pen and ink were not dry.

"Hey! Why is it gone? A light flashed just now, and then appeared——"

"Dear guests, please don't panic, this is the store's new takeaway ordering function."

A figure of Xia Yan appeared in the air, with bright colors and gentle tone.

The two were startled by the sudden appearance of Boss Xia.

“The upgraded points card will exist on your forearm. Double-click the icon to pop up the operation interface, including your personal account information, takeaway ordering (only for restaurants) and the function of applying for points cards for others (this interface allows others to cannot be seen).

No matter where you are, as long as you order food through the points card, our restaurant will deliver the food to you in ≤5 seconds. In order to ensure the safety of customers when dining, meals are only for the person to eat, and there is an invincible protective shield to protect you from ordering to dining, and disappears after the meal is over.

Please note that it is strictly forbidden to order more food than you can eat. Violators will be punished by electric shock. Please pay attention. Another reminder: if you are in a pile of zombies, please do not order food. Be careful that the zombies will gather more and more.

Finally, please rest assured that this score card will not have any impact on your body and life. If you want to view the instructions later, please click on the score card usage instructions under the personal information column. Thank you for watching and I wish you a safe and happy life. "

The virtual character Xia Yan bowed politely and disappeared.

The two looked at each other, and the shock in their eyes was obvious.

Chu Wanfu noticed that there was a one-centimeter square flashing on E Ze's forearm. He frowned and lifted his sleeves. Sure enough, he saw a flashing on his arm.

"General Chu, don't move first, let me try. "

E Ze's forehead was covered with sweat. What happened tonight was too unbelievable. He was somewhat unable to accept it.

He looked at Chu Wanfu with a fearless look, and his single eyelids were full of desire to live.

The thing on his arm kept flashing. He stretched out his index finger, took a deep breath, and tapped it twice according to Boss Xia's instructions.

A blue virtual screen popped up, 20 cm in size. In the upper left corner of the interface was his handsome photo, but he had no idea when he had taken this photo...

E Ze looked at Chu Wanfu, and seeing that he had gloomy eyes and said nothing, he laughed dryly, "I used to be a little handsome, just a little handsome, that's all hehe. "

Chu Wanfu raised his eyelids and glanced at him. The coldness in his eyes could freeze a person to death.

He put away his expression and went through the operation process according to the prompts.

It was quite simple. Anyone who had used a smartphone would know it at a glance. He focused on the ordering interface and found that it was indeed the food sold in the restaurant. The price was slightly more expensive by 10 points.

Chu Wanfu silently watched him click back and forth in the air.

"Eze, order a meal and try it. "

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