I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 103 Beef Noodles are Here

Eze said "oh", added a bowl of beef noodles on the ordering interface, and agreed to pay.

"I've placed the order, and the food will be served soon."

He wiped the sweat off his forehead again, his heart pounding, curious about what was about to happen and afraid of the unknown.

How would the takeaway be delivered?

Could it be that Boss Xia traveled through time and space and flew over in person with a bowl of beef noodles?

He recalled Boss Xia's clean face and delicate makeup, and thought the idea was a little ridiculous.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝘴𝘩𝘢.𝘯𝘦𝘡

Was it her employee delivering the food? That bear? ?

In just a few seconds, Eze felt like he had lived for tens of millions of years, his thoughts kept turning, and his palms were wet.

At this time, not far from where he was looking, visible fluctuations appeared in the air, as if they were disturbed water ripples, parallel to the ground.

As the ripples rotated, a spherical shape tied with a light blue ribbon fell from it and floated in front of him.

In the middle was a bowl of hot beef noodles, the transparent packaging outside was wrapped with a blue ribbon, and there was actually a big bow on the top.

E Ze looked at Chu Wanfu, and at his signal, he stretched out his right hand to catch it, and pulled the bow with his left hand.

With a faint hissing sound, the ribbon was opened, and at the same time, the transparent bubble rebounded and stretched into a curtain, on which a colorful picture appeared.

The specific geographical location of the hotel was marked in 3D mode, and a short video explaining the hotel environment from the outside to the inside was given two seconds of display time for the prices of the restaurant dishes.

Buying a meal in the hotel is 10 points cheaper than ordering takeout, and three meals a day can be 30 points cheaper. One day can't see anything, so what about a month? A year?

What's more, the publicity also emphasized that you can hide from zombies, take a shower, have water and electricity, and maybe you can watch TV on the first floor. Let me ask, which survivor struggling to survive in the end of the world would not be tempted?

Of course, if there are a lot of crystal cores in the pocket, that's another matter. Those who can save so many crystal cores are powerful superpowers, and they are guests of honor in the base wherever they go.

E Ze believes that any low-level superpower and ordinary people who have watched this video cannot resist this temptation.

"Don't be stunned, try the noodles." Chu Wanfu found that although he could not see his operation interface, he could see the takeaway and the promotion interface clearly.

This boss Xia is really good.

"General Chu, really eat?" E Ze had a bitter face, and felt deeply disgusted with his behavior of making him a guinea pig. He regretted that he had to rush to report the situation. There were obviously other people who had points cards, why did he owe it so much!


Chu Wanfu stared at him and the bowl of noodles with a tough attitude.

E Ze had to grit his teeth and pick up the chopsticks, pick up a chopstick of noodles, close his eyes and swallow it into his stomach, frowning and waiting for the discomfort that might occur.

Chu Wanfu stood up and saw the almost transparent protective barrier around E Ze.

It was really interesting.

After waiting for a few seconds, E Ze's tense nerves could only feel the smooth texture of noodles and the mellow beef aroma repeatedly, and then his stomach growled.

Is it coming?

"Eat quickly if you are hungry. You are hesitating to eat a mouthful of noodles." Chu Wanfu couldn't stand his overly cautious look. He wanted to see what would happen after the meal, so he urged him.

E Ze swallowed his saliva and thought, one mouthful is also eating, one bowl is also eating, damn it! Fight!

He picked up a piece of beef and put it in his mouth. It was soft and rich, and melted in the mouth. It was really amazing!

Chu Wanfu was satisfied to see that he finished a bowl of noodles at the fastest speed, and even drank up all the soup.

E Ze wiped his mouth, smacked a few times to savor the taste, and put the chopsticks on the edge of the bowl.

At this time, the strangeness reappeared, and the previous ripple reappeared. In the center of the rapid rotation, a long-tailed red fish suddenly appeared. It opened its mouth wide and swallowed the bowl and chopsticks that automatically shrank to the size of rice grains into its stomach. The fish's mouth moved, as if it was savoring the food. The fish fell back into the ripples and then disappeared as a whole.


E Ze widened his eyes. In such a comparison, he felt that the superpowers he had seen before were weak.

"General Chu, you..." What do you think?


E Ze closed his mouth and stared at Chu Wanfu, who was pointing in the air expressionlessly.

General Chu, is this, also experiencing it?

After a while, Chu Wanfu stopped his fingers and his eyes fell on the materials written in front of him.

The materials purchased from the resort hotel will be delivered to the researchers, and the goods sold in the restaurant have not yet been received...

Suddenly he sighed and looked at E Ze.

"I really underestimated Boss Xia."

In the absence of heresy and uncontrollable situations, cooperation is the wisest choice.

Everything is for the continuation of mankind. Nothing is more important than this. This is their mission.

Eze nodded in agreement. Boss Xia looks young, but he has a lot of thoughts and strong abilities.

"By the way, General Chu, I see there is a function to apply for a points card for others. Do you want to try it?"

Chu Wanfu pondered for a moment and finally agreed.

Eze called in one of his confidants, briefly explained the situation, and immediately applied for a card for him.

"Do you still have to fill in your name, whether you are a superpower, superpower level, number of kills, and current place of residence?"

"Gender has three types: male, female, and neutral, so why is there an option for multiple personalities?"

"Also, you have to fill in whether you have teammates, and if so, how many, isn't that too detailed? You also have to fill in the recommender?"

The details of the content made E Ze constantly gasp.

"Fill it out as required." Chu Wanfu said in a deep voice.

E Ze looked at his confidant and filled in all the information he asked. The last item popped up a photo taking interface.

Because others couldn't see his screen, he asked his confidant to stand opposite, aim the camera, click on OK, and then confirm to upload.

"Okay, it's submitted. Now it says please wait patiently for the owner to review and approve, and reply within 1-3 days."

"Yeah." Chu Wanfu looked at the dim night sky outside the window, his eyes were heavy, and no emotion could be seen.

E Ze made a gesture, calling on his confidant to leave together.

"Don't mention what happened tonight to anyone, got it?"


As the night got deeper, Chu Wanfu moved his sore and stiff neck, reached out and grabbed the five-pointed star on the table that was shining with silver-white light, and walked out of the room.

At the same time when the two received the information about the upgrade of the points card, many customers with hotel points cards watched the introduction, and Su Mei was the happiest among them.

She immediately turned over and sat up, called the teammates who were sleeping and on duty outside, entered the information for them one by one, took photos and uploaded them, and waited for Boss Xia's approval.

Early the next morning, she received the message of Boss Xia's approval, and the same icons appeared on the forearms of her teammates.

After watching the video, they excitedly started to order food. In 5 seconds, the hot breakfast appeared in front of them. At this time, they were more eager to live in a holiday hotel one day and enjoy life seriously.

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