"Okay, boss, where is our destination?" Meng Meng held the steering wheel with one hand, and opened the star map with the other hand, staying on the input bar of the destination.

"Go to Yinshan City."

This book was first published in 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar →𝟡𝟞𝕤𝕙𝕦.𝕟𝕖𝕥, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

Xia Yan got up and took out ice cream from the refrigerator, sat back in the co-pilot and turned on the air conditioner.

"Found it, it will take 26 hours to get there." Meng Meng started the car and drove smoothly on the street.

The streets in the city are actually not smooth, and there are always vehicles blocking the way on the street.

"Meng Meng, turn on the obstacle removal function."


Under the obstacle removal function, with the RV as the center, an energy field with a diameter of three meters is formed, and all vehicles and objects encountered will be forced to move back to clear the road for the RV.

Xia Yan took a bite of the ice cream and looked ahead happily, looking forward to the next trip.

Anyway, there was a bear guarding the hotel, and when it encountered a problem that she couldn't solve, she could teleport back to the hotel instantly.

As the RV got farther and farther away from the hotel, she finally saw another side of the city that she had never seen before.

In front of her was a botanical park spanning three streets. Unlike the green trees in front of her door, which were withered and dry, there was a green tree every few dozen meters. The trunk was so thick that one person couldn't hug it. The more the sun was exposed, the more the branches and leaves stretched. The leaves, which were larger than the palm of a hand, were densely packed and covered the sky. Under the leaves, it was dark.

From a distance, the huge park was actually a bit quiet and weird.

As the RV got closer, she saw a level 2 zombie stumbling into the forest. The originally quiet branches of the big tree slowly pressed down, revealing a forearm-long sharp needle.

The branches instantly wrapped around the zombie, and the sharp needles penetrated into the back of the head accurately and fiercely, directly sucking out the crystal core.

The zombies that lost their crystal cores were thrown down by it, and the leaves that stretched out in the sunlight seemed to be a little greener.

Xia Yan saw that there were already a lot of zombie corpses piled up under the roots of the big tree. She thought that it was because they had sucked so many crystal cores that they grew so strong.

She drank mango juice thoughtfully.

With the obstacle removal function, the RV was unstoppable and drove smoothly on the highway.

She originally planned to buy it for free, but the devastated buildings she saw completely dispelled her idea.

The first section of the highway was actually not easy to drive. It should be because the end of the world had just arrived. Countless people drove their cars with their families to try to escape the city. As a result, there was a car accident in front and they couldn’t go. The cars behind were tightly blocked, like a long dragon lying on the ground and lingering.

Then some people were infected and became zombies, and most people abandoned their cars and fled...

Xia Yan looked at the scrapped and broken car frame that was pushed off the viaduct, and couldn’t tell what she felt in her heart.

The RV continued to move forward, and she saw different gas stations, rest areas, and endless wild grass in this world.

She suddenly felt a little bored, so she got up and lay on the sofa to adjust the screen, and found a comedy movie to watch with relish.

"Mengmeng, call me when you see a beautiful scenery, I'll watch a movie."

"Okay." Mengmeng drove seriously without looking back.

Xia Yan bought some spicy duck goods from the mall and ate them slowly, and her mood gradually improved with the funny plot.


After Li Quan killed the zombies, he suddenly heard the sound of sharp iron scraping the ground not far away when he was taking out the crystal core, which made him feel a little bit of pain.

Hearing the sound getting closer, he wiped the crystal core and put it in his pocket, and rubbed the dirt on his fingers on the ground, his eyes locked on the end of the street.

Here it comes!

He quickly hid behind the bunker and observed the outside vigilantly through a small hole.

Such a big noise, either it's awesome or stupid!

He sneered in his heart, ready to see what it was, and wanted to tell the whole world that it was coming.

Soon, a brand new luxury RV flashed through the hole.

Li Quan, who was standing behind, was stunned.

RV? And a brand new one?

How could such a thing appear? Which car factory is still developing new cars? Unbelievable!

Unable to figure it out, he simply asked the red-billed bird to follow and see. Indistinctly, he felt that this might be related to the holiday hotel they were about to go to.

At this time, the other three people walked in from outside.

"Did you hear any movement just now?"

"Well, I don't know what it is." Li Quan noticed that their pockets were bulging, thinking that they had a good harvest.

Originally, he planned to go directly to the hotel, but he didn't expect that these three people had to kill zombies. At this time, he couldn't say that he saw the RV, lest they have other ideas.

These three people have powerful superpowers, can run and fight, and he won't play with them.

One of them looked at him with a sneer and said, "Where is your bird?"

Li Quan's heart was beating like a drum.


A red-billed bird flew in and rubbed against him affectionately.

The three of them looked away.


"Boss, wake up quickly, the scenery you want to see is here."

Meng Meng shook Xia Yan's arm, her voice gentle.


"Beautiful scenery."


Xia Yan, who was half asleep, was helped up by her to wake up. After dozens of seconds, she finally woke up.

"Where are we?"

"Scenic area, I just typed in these three words, the navigation said the scenery here is beautiful."

Xia Yan stood up and looked out the window. The RV drove away from the highway, passed through mountains and stopped at the top of the mountain.

"Boss, let's get off the car quickly. The navigation said that the most beautiful scenery is limited in time." Meng Meng urged.

"Okay." She followed Meng Meng and walked out of the RV. The first moment she stepped out, the heat wave hit her face. At that moment, she felt that she couldn't breathe.

"Boss, look at that!" Meng Meng stretched out her finger and pointed at the mountain opposite.

Xia Yan looked over and was instantly amazed.

The towering peaks pierced the sea of ​​clouds, majestic and magnificent. The setting sun enveloped it, covering it with a layer of holy gold.

It was daunting and respectful.

It was like a Taoist monk who had been meditating for thousands of years, fearless of wind and rain, silent and silent, guarding a piece of heaven and earth.

Xia Yan was greatly shocked and stared at the golden mountain without moving his eyes.

It turned out that this was the golden mountain range baptized by the sun.

No matter how many worlds she has traveled through, she will always be shocked by the amazing and visually conflicting scenery of nature.

In this magnificent scenery, she always feels insignificant, her heart will be calm and gentle, her mind will be empty and she doesn't need to think about anything, just look at the beautiful scenery.

"Mengmeng, let's stay here tonight." She suggested.

When it was time for dinner, Mengmeng moved a table out, put all the lunch boxes she prepared in the microwave, and filled the table.

Xia Yan sat at the table, eating delicious food and looking at the beautiful scenery, occasionally tasting a sip of red wine, feeling very comfortable.

When the sunset was completely swallowed by the horizon, the remaining light dissipated in the mountains, and the night slowly fell, she turned back to the car.

"Mengmeng, turn on the stealth function, and then turn on the roof perspective, I want to see the night view later." Xia Yan muttered, walked into the bathroom, took a shower, changed into silky and comfortable pajamas, and fell into the soft big bed.

She is a little tipsy now, feeling super good.

There is not a trace of haze in the night sky here. You can clearly see a long Milky Way, dotted with stars, which is so bright and shocking.

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