Early the next morning, Mengmeng knocked on the door.

"Boss, do you want to watch the sunrise?"

Xia Yan slowly opened his eyes, stretched out in bed, and replied lazily: "I know, I'll be out right away."

She got up and opened the closet to find a gentle light pink waist-length skirt. She opened the door and prepared to wash up.

"Boss, do you need to prepare breakfast for you?" Mengmeng appeared outside the door, holding a box lunch in her hand.

She spit out the foam and rinsed her mouth.

"No, I'll buy breakfast from the food court later. Thank you for your hard work, Mengmeng."

Even though she slept soundly last night, she still knew that Mengmeng stayed in the RV all night, observing the surrounding environment.

After Xia Yan applied the skin care products, she put on light makeup, tied up a fluffy high ponytail, and paired it with suitable earrings and necklaces. She looked sweet, cute and full of energy.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

She was about to get out of the car to watch the sunrise, but was stopped by Mengmeng.

"Boss, just sit here and watch. I have turned the front of the car to the most convenient direction for watching the sunrise." Mengmeng sat in the driver's seat and pointed to the reddish horizon.

"Mengmeng, you are very careful in your work, please give me a thumbs up, you will be my best employee from now on!"

Xia Yan praised as he got into the passenger seat and drank the warm water provided by the food court.

Get up early and drink a glass of warm water to keep your skin hydrated.

She looked at the distant horizon, which was getting redder and redder, covering half of the sky. At this time, a small golden ball of light showed a corner, gradually broke away upwards, and emitted a bright light the moment it jumped out of the horizon. All the red clouds were dimmed, and her eyes were just You can see the bright and dazzling golden crow.

A new day has arrived as promised.

"Mengmeng, let's go."

Xia Yan withdrew his gaze, opened the food court, ordered shrimp dumplings and steamed siomai, and ordered a beautifying ginger jujube tea, and ate happily while looking at the scenery.

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When she drove on the highway again, she suddenly remembered something, "Mengmeng, when we pass by the next city, let's go in and take a look. Where there are more zombies, we will rush there!"

Mengmeng responded and accelerated the car.

Two hours later, she turned left along the driveway and entered the outskirts of the city.

Xia Yan straightened up and looked at both sides of the road with interest.

They were all in ruins anyway, and there was no difference between cities. What caught her attention were the zombies wandering on the roadside.

"Mengmeng, think of a way to keep them around. I can help."

"Well..." Mengmeng fell into thought.

Xia Yan was also thinking about a better way, and then she came up with an idea.

"Mengmeng, do you think it will be useful for me to buy a fresh sheep?"

"Here, why don't you give it a try?"

Xia Yan thought it was feasible and just did it!

"Stop first and hang the sheep on the back of the car."

The price of a fresh sheep in the food city was 800 points. Xia Yan bought it without saying anything and put it on the open space in the RV.

Mengmeng stopped the car, grabbed the fresh sheep tightly wrapped in plastic wrap and walked outside. She tied the leg of the sheep to the tow hook with a rope, which was so long that it could barely function as a wrecker.

She tore open the plastic wrap, and the smell of mutton and blood hit her face.

Mengmeng returned to the car and walked around the neighborhood several times according to Xia Yan's request, and finally found a spacious place.

Xia Yan leaned against the car window, pointed the newly purchased small speaker outside, which is a must-have for vendors, and turned it to the maximum volume to play.

"Collect~the rags~collect~furniture and electrical appliances~"

The zombies wandering around were attracted by the sound. According to the hotel's protection measures, the zombies would turn a blind eye to Xia Yan and everything related to her name and the hotel.

So, they just looked up, opened their mouths and roared.

Until they saw the fresh sheep dragging at the back, they ran away.

"Cute, it works! Don't let them catch up! Just hang them like this!"

Xia Yan sandwiched the speaker between the gaps in the car window, stood up, walked to the living room, and pressed the blue button. A circular console appeared on the ground, which could accommodate two people standing at the same time. There was also a folded console in the middle. Chutch machine.

She stood on it, and the console automatically rose. At the same time, the corresponding position on the roof shrank in, revealing a space that matched the console.

Until the operating platform is level with the roof of the vehicle, the tut-tug machine automatically expands into an attack state. At this time, a light curtain rises from the edge of the operating platform and wraps around, leaving only the muzzle of the tut-tug machine exposed.

Xia Yan stretched out his hand to hold it. It felt cool to the touch and was easy to operate. Just aim in the direction and pull the trigger.

There is a progress bar next to the Tutu machine bullet. At this time, it is absorbing sunlight to charge, and the light green color visible to the naked eye rises.

Xia Yan looked at the long line of zombies behind the car and shouted excitedly, "Come on! Come after me!"

More and more zombies gathered, staring at the fresh sheep being dragged and running wildly, forming a small wave of zombies.

"Mengmeng, find a spacious place to stop!" she shouted.

There's no rush, plus she still has four days left today.

Mengmeng parked the car in a square. Before she could get out of the car, she heard a biubiubiu sound coming from the roof of the car. She jumped out of the car and saw the zombies following the car trying to pounce on the fresh sheep.

Xia Yan raised the corner of his mouth and excitedly held the trigger and fired.

The transparent gun can shoot out 5 green spots per second, rushing into the zombies' bodies at top speed, causing small-scale explosions.

I saw several explosion points exploded on the zombies in the front row at the same time. Even if the rotten flesh and blood were splattered and the black bones were cracked, as long as the fatal brain was not damaged, they could still move forward.

But it doesn't matter. The characteristic of this gun is that it has a large amount of bullets. It doesn't matter if one or two misses. It can still produce a lot of bullets.

You can laugh at it for not hitting, but it has a lot of bullets!


The zombies in the front row fell to the ground, and the back row piled up layer by layer. The densely packed zombies opened their mouths with hideous faces, showing terrifying expressions and stiff.

After dozens of minutes, Xia Yan ended the battle.

None of the zombies piled up into a small hill in front survived.

"Mengmeng, put on your rubber gloves and pick up the crystal core."

She wiped the sweat from her forehead, returned to the car, took out a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator, unscrewed it and drank it in big gulps.

Xia Yan couldn't wait to go out and see what she had harvested.

Looking at Mengmeng rummaging through the zombies to pick up the crystal core, Xia Yan felt that it was the best decision for him to bring his employees out.

Luckily, Mengmeng is not a real person, so she won't complain. She does whatever the boss says.

Fifteen minutes later, Mengmeng came back with a bag of crystal cores.

Xia Yan poured the water that had been prepared long ago on her legs and shoe uppers to wash away the dirt, and then rinsed the rubber gloves with water, after all, she would need them later.

She washed the crystal core with water two or three times and put it into her personal account.

[Ding, 20,000 points credited]

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