I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 107 Moving towards the goal

This is what Xia Yan thought of.

There is a tug-tug machine on this RV. She can quickly kill zombies in this way, and then let Mengmeng collect the crystal cores.

150,000 points, isn’t it easy to get it?

This car is a free gift again!

"Mengmeng, continue to the next location!"

After resting for a while, she was ready to continue her journey. It was best to save enough crystal cores to pay off the debt today, in case the system regretted it due to long nights and dreams.

Mengmeng obediently started the vehicle, drove to the next area, and continued to circle around to attract zombies.

Following the same pattern, when a long line of zombies followed behind the car, Mengmeng took the initiative to find an open space to park, carried a bag, put on gloves and foot gloves, and prepared a basin of water next to her, ready to wait for the boss to finish the battle. Pick up the crystal core.

"Mengmeng, come on!"

She rushed inside.

When she got in the car again, Xia Yan was eating super spicy snail noodles at the dining table, with pure milk to relieve the spiciness and half a braised pig's trotter next to it.

Mengmeng put the bag next to her, "Boss, it has been cleaned."

Xia Yan nodded and gnawed on the pig's trotters while collecting the crystal cores.

[Ding, you have credited 30,000 points]

Still missing 100,000 points.


At night, Xia Yan lay motionless on the sofa, lazily drinking juice and watching movies.

After struggling for a day, I finally accumulated enough points.

She still remembers that when the system received the repayment notice, she was surprised and asked her how she could accumulate 150,000 points so quickly?

Naturally, Xia Yan would not answer.

Based on the three points in the system's reply, she knew that the system had gained some wisdom under her education.

At the same time, she also discovered that it is very simple for people with high levels of superpowers to collect crystal nuclei. The current prices in hotels are enough for those high-level superpowers to live leisurely for a lifetime.

Not to mention the base commanders in large and small bases.

It seemed like she could arrange a luxury hotel stay.

Although she had always believed that poor people could not earn many points, she did not expect that for people with strong abilities, the crystal core would come too easily. Even she could collect 150,000 points in one day, and they had been living in In the end of the world!

Think about the pitiful number of crystal cores in the hands of the survivors in the store. Most of the crystal cores were taken away by the upper management under various excuses.

These are a bunch of fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Xia Yan felt that this hidden mission came too timely!

She felt itchy when she thought about the abundant number of crystal nuclei in the hands of those people.

"Mengmeng, can you drive overnight tonight? I want to get to Inshan City early."

It was supposed to take 26 hours to get there, but she had already deviated from the route just because she wanted to see the scenery.

"It's okay, boss."

"Well, I'll drive tomorrow."

Xia Yan got up, walked in the car to eat, and opened the application list for the points card.

There are many detailed questions when applying for a points card.

The system can detect whether the applicant is lying and what the true answer should be. It will give a score evaluation based on the applicant's actual situation. Anything with a score lower than 6 is red. The lower the score, the brighter the red color, which means that the person has done all kinds of evil and has nothing. Bottom line.

This kind of person is a customer that the hotel is not willing to entertain, and it will not allow him to become a member of the hotel.

Xia Yan didn't expect to see a two-point application form so soon. How could anyone recommend such a person?

She dragged it to the end of the page, the recommender——Eze.

Tsk tsk, refuse.

There was no problem with other applications. She checked them all with one click and agreed.

As soon as she clicked to agree, the applicant received the points card, watched the explanation, and excitedly ordered the first order of takeout in the apocalypse.

In Yinshan City, E Ze also received a reply rejecting the application.

"What's going on? Why did you refuse?"

He didn't understand.

He clicked on it to check the application information, thinking that he was careless and didn't include recommenders.

I just went to Boss Xia's store two days ago and bought so many things. How should I know who he is?

But E Ze saw his name on the last column of the message.


He muttered, added Chu Wanfu's good brother E Ze in front of his name, and sent it out again.

"It'll work out this time, right?"

In the RV, Xia Yan closed the interface and started washing and applying a facial mask.

The work has been completed, but I don't know what's going on at Xiongxiong's place. I haven't called her yet, so there should be no problem.


In the resort hotel, Xiong Xiong stood in the middle of the hall, opposite him were other employees.

At the moment, it is listening to their work reports. Generally speaking, it sounds like there are basically no problems. The customers who live in are living quietly, and no one is looking for trouble.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work today, please go back."

The bear waved his chubby arms and asked them to come up. Only then did he see clearly four strangers striding towards the door.

There have been a lot of new customers coming in recently, and it has become accustomed to it.

The four of them seemed to be forced together, and the shortest man was obviously excluded. No matter what he said, the tall three people would talk in one ear and ignore it.

When they entered the hall, it stepped forward to entertain them.

"How many customers want to stay in the hotel? Our hotel is not only safe, but you can also take a shower. There is also a restaurant on the second floor, and the charges are not high."

Xiong Xiong handed over the brochure, "This is our latest brochure. Through this brochure, you can learn about the hotel's situation in the fastest and most detailed way."

It could be seen at a glance that the four people paid no attention to it, looking at the hall casually.

Finally, one of them reached out to take it.

The shortest man took out the crystal core and handed it over, "Little... Boss, we're staying at the hotel. Um, are you the boss of your hotel? What's your name?"

Xiongxiong quickly processed the card and pretended not to hear his question, saying, "You four can take a look at the price list to see how many rooms you want to book."

The short man hit a soft and hard nail, touched his nose, looked at the price list and said nothing.

"Give us a suite." The man with the brochure took out a second-level crystal core and asked Xiongxiong to apply for the card.

"Okay, the card has been processed and is on your forearm. You can take the elevator upstairs. If you haven't eaten yet, you can go to the second floor or the buffet restaurant first."

The three tall men looked at each other, suppressed the shock in their eyes, and prepared to go to the buffet restaurant it mentioned to eat first.

"Sorry, guests, you can take a look at this sign first. There are instructions for restaurants, buffets and hot pot restaurants here. Please read it carefully and don't break the rules."


The three of them frowned and stopped, looking at Xiong Xiong. They couldn't tell its strength, and they hadn't seen the real owner of this store yet, so they shouldn't act rashly for the time being.

After exchanging information with their eyes, they really read the instructions seriously.

Xiong Xiong, who was originally looking forward to making sales, was inevitably disappointed.

Why is he still suppressing his nature? He is so weak, does he look hard to bully?

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