I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 108 Arrival at destination

After a good night's sleep, Xia Yan replaced Mengmeng and forced her to rest on the sofa - although she could work 24 hours a day.

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Sitting on the main driver's seat, she found that it was easy to operate and she could get started with a simple familiarity.

Sure enough, the more expensive the car, the easier it is to operate.

At this point in the journey, the obstacles on the road became very rare. Perhaps it was too far away from the big cities. The road conditions here were much better - if you ignore the weeds growing in the gaps.

Outside the window are endless wavy yellow grasslands, and as far as the eye can see, there are white snow-capped mountain tops.

The winding road climbs up the hillside. As it goes deeper into the grassland, the road surface is gradually covered with weeds and can no longer be seen.

Xia Yan lowered his eyes and looked at the navigation, planning to follow the navigation and go straight.

As long as you can reach your destination, you can go anywhere.

After climbing over a mountain again, a vast grassland suddenly appeared in front of us.

Under the bright sunshine, the white clouds cast long shadows, moving slowly on the grass, gradually covering the central base.

The blue sky, white clouds, silent distant mountains, everything is calm and peaceful.

"You have arrived at your destination - Yinshan City. Thank you for your use. Goodbye." The navigation is automatically closed.

Xia Yan was in a good mood and continued to move forward.

It seemed like the road was very close, but she drove for half an hour to get close to the base.

Only then did she finally understand what it means to run to death in Wangshan.

It looks very close, but in fact it is very far away.

At the same time, she also discovered that the base was not as small as she just saw.

The base is surrounded by a 10-meter high wall. There are 16 high-level sentries in different directions inside. There are only two exits in the city, both of which are heavily guarded by "soldiers."

The sentry immediately spotted the brand new RV coming down the hillside and promptly reported it to the gatekeepers below.

At the same time, the special-powered sniper at the sentry post aimed at the RV and the young girl driving inside. He followed her until she was close to the base gate, waiting to kill her as soon as he noticed something strange.

The RV gradually approached the gate and was stopped by heavily armed guards.

"Who is that person in the car? What are they doing here?"

The guards looked at her with vigilance, the powers in their hands always ready.

A brand new RV and a single girl who seems to have come out of a greenhouse. This combination seems strange.

Xia Yan raised his hands to indicate that there was nothing in them.

"Wait a minute while I roll down the window."

She didn't take any direct action, but spoke to the other party first.

What if the other party thought she was going to do something bad and just opened biubiu.

The leader cautiously took out the supernatural gun in her pocket, and a small red dot appeared on her forehead.

Seeing that he tacitly agreed, Xia Yan kept one hand in his sight and quickly clicked on the window-lowering button with the other hand.

The driver's window dropped silently.

The guard took a step back, and the captain shouted sharply: "Get down!"


Xia Yan opened the car door and jumped out.

"Where are you from?"

"Shiji City."

"What are you doing here?"

"Open a store."

"Open a store? What kind of store?"

"Open a hotel."

"Who told you there was a base here?"

"Chu Wanfu, do you know him?" Xia Yan thought for a while and threw out his name. Reporting it to Su Mei would probably be useless. No one might know about a team leader, and among the five, only Chu Wanfu's status seemed to be Highest.

There was no way, she hadn't reached the hidden mission point yet, so she couldn't teleport directly. She could only go through the base gate, and then go inside and follow the prompts to find it.

"your name?"

"Just call me Boss Xia." Xia Yan smiled.

The captain held the gun butt with both hands and stared at her. After thinking for a moment, he whispered to the person behind him: "Go and report to General Chu and ask him to send someone to identify this boss Xia."

Then he shouted to her: "Open the car door, we have to check the car. Don't worry, we won't touch your things inside. We are just checking to see if there is any danger."

Xia Yan heard that his tone was slightly softer, spread his hands, and said with a half-smile: "Of course, there is one of my employees inside, please don't do anything, and one more thing, don't dirty my things, otherwise I will I will ask Chu Wanfu to compensate for the loss."

The guard heard the threat implicit in her tone and was unsure for a moment what the relationship between the two was.

Looking for losses from General Chu?

Does this mean to tell them that General Chu has something to ask her for? Could it be that General Chu invited her to open a shop here?

The guards did not dare to take any action for a while, waiting for further instructions from the captain.

"I'm just doing my job. Go up and check with three people!" The captain frowned, and the red light spot was still aimed at Xia Yan.

Three people walked out of the guard team and walked towards the RV in a straight line. They held their superpowers and looked at the open door warily.

I saw a two-dimensional girl wearing a short skirt walking out of it, holding disposable foot covers in her hand, and said gently: "Please put on the shoe covers, I will take you to check the environment inside the car."


The three of them looked at each other and didn't dare to move.

"Captain, it's better to put on shoe covers. There's no need to start a fight with each other, what do you think?" Xia Yan smiled kindly and turned a blind eye to his actions with the gun.

Under the goggles, the captain frowned fiercely and said: "Put on shoe covers!"

The three people responsible for the search took over the foot gloves.

"Please come in." Mengmeng made a welcoming gesture.

The melee fighter walked up first, and the other two followed.

"Please follow me. This is the boss' bedroom, this is the bathroom, and this is the hall. There is no place to hide."

Meng Meng pulled open the drawer, opened the cabinet, and rummaged through the things inside, indicating.

"This is the refrigerator. It's full of food, and there's nothing else."

When the three saw the full lunch boxes in the refrigerator, their eyes widened.

My God, there are so many food!

The three seemed to be shrewd and cautious in looking through, but in fact they were so dizzy that they couldn't tell the directions.

In their hearts, they had already believed that the female boss was here to open a store!

Maybe General Chu really begged her to open a store!

Otherwise, there was no way to explain why she had to go to this place where no one was going to suffer!

The three left the RV one after another and walked to the captain to whisper.

The captain's eyes showed shock, but he quickly concealed it and said to Xia Yan: "The things inside have been checked, let your teammates get off the car and proceed to the second step of the inspection."

"Mengmeng, get off."

Soon, Mengmeng appeared in front of everyone and stood obediently behind Xia Yan.

"Captain, since the car has been checked, I will put it away."

Xia Yan reached back and put the RV back into the system grid.

No need to wait for his reply, she just told him politely.

Space power? The captain glanced at the empty ground and put away the power gun, "Come inside."

Xia Yan followed him and slowly walked into the gate of the base. The members of the guard team surrounded her on both sides, encircling the two of them in the middle.

She looked at the nearly two-meter thick wall and thought to herself that it was a good project.

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