I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 109: Inside the City

After the siege, three teams were training nearby at the outermost edge of the base, controlling powers in their hands to create different attack states.

"When you go there, someone will check whether you are infected with the zombie virus. If not, you can go to the central hall to apply for a business license."

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The captain of the guard who was walking at the front turned back and pointed at a small hut and said coldly.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, and followed the words and walked towards the window of the hut.

There is a woman wearing a thick mask sitting behind the window. It can be seen from the lines at the end of her eyes that she is middle-aged.

"Stretch out your arms." A muffled voice came from behind the mask, his eyes looking at her with curiosity.

Xia Yan stretched out his arm and put it on the table.

I saw a woman take out a test strip from the box next to it. There was a sharp needle on it that was even thinner than a sharp edge, and she quickly pierced her fingertips. The moment a drop of blood seeped out, it was absorbed by the test strip. The red line visible to the naked eye climbed up and reached the top. Entering the final testing phase.

Women are a little nervous.

No matter how long she worked, she always felt frightened by the scene at this moment.

Any survivor carrying the zombie virus will be killed on the spot.

There was a deafening gunshot, broken tofu splattered everywhere, and blood surged into the sky...

She stared at the top. If there was no change after three seconds, it meant there was no problem. The black line next to it would represent the level of pollution in the person's body.

Suddenly, she breathed a sigh of relief, her shoulders relaxed, and her back curved back.

"You're fine. The pollution level in your body is zero, so it's very safe. Welcome to the base."

"Thank you." Xia Yan felt the kindness and gentleness in her eyes, smiled and took out a leaflet from her bag and handed it over.

"The first branch of the resort hotel will be opened soon. It has favorable prices and no pollution. You are welcome to dine there then."

She took it and looked at Xia Yan's leaving back and smiled gently.

This girl is young but quite courageous. She plans to open a hotel? She may not know that there are a lot of houses in the base, and you can't earn crystal cores by opening a hotel. She is still a little naive. She is probably the daughter of some family in the base in Beijing, and she ran out to play willfully.

She flipped through it casually, folded it neatly, and put it in her pocket.

As for the meal, when she really has nothing to eat, she can go and support her. After all, there is still some food at home, and it may spoil if kept for a long time.


The person sent to find General Chu hadn't come back yet, and he couldn't hold her captive all the time. After much deliberation, the guard captain had no choice but to follow her on the pretext of taking her to choose a store and apply for a business license.

Xia Yan didn't care and looked around casually.

The base is circular in shape, with the outer layer being where the guards patrol, the middle being various small business shops, and the innermost being residential buildings and the central square.

The outermost pavement is made of rough stones with many potholes. When you reach the inner layer, it is replaced by a smooth cement road. The terrain is slightly sloping. When it rains, water will flow along the terrain into the floor drain and out of the base.

This base is much better than the third base. Not only are the roads clean and tidy, but the houses are also well managed. Moreover, although the residents here are rich in appearance, they are in good spirits, with bright eyes and no sense of decadence. .

They were walking in front of the shop in the middle.

Xia Yan looked curiously at the different shops on the roadside.

Almost every shop has a GG sign. The hand-painted overflowing bucket is a water shop, the crossed knife holder is a escort agency, the signs written in various colors are shops that make plaques, and there are also hairdressers opened by ordinary people. , grocery stores, and official pharmacies and simple hospitals in between...

No shop is prospering, except for the flower shop and the weapons shop.

The blacksmith took out the red-hot fine iron from the burning furnace in front of the door. He coated the iron with a layer of supernatural power with his left hand. He raised the strong and heavy hammer with his right hand and dropped it hard. Sparks flew up and made a crisp tinkling sound. .

The skinny girl next to him took the opportunity to stuff wood blocks into the stove and quickly pulled the bellows, making a whirring sound.

At this time, a customer came to pick up the mace that he had ordered before. The blacksmith grabbed the towel hanging around his neck, wiped his face, and shouted in a loud voice toward the back room.

A strong woman of similar age came out carrying a mace and handed it to the guest.

The mace was embedded with finger-long spikes, and when the mace was struck down, there would be holes all over the body.

The customer shook it in his hand and was very satisfied. After paying the balance, he walked into the knife sharpener's shop next to him.

The strong woman put the crystal core into her pocket, and then she had time to look at Xia Yan and others. She was surprised to see her wearing a knee-length skirt and stiletto sandals on her feet.

The woman nodded to her, and in line with the concept of meeting a guest and making money is king, she asked her loudly: "Little sister, do you want a weapon? It will definitely be useful for self-defense!"

"No today, I'll come in two days." Xia Yan declined with a smile and continued shopping.

A man in black uniform walked out of a gunsmith shop in front. He was happily touching the smooth tip of the gun and carefully inserted it into his belt. He looked up and saw the captain behind Xia Yan. He straightened his back and stood still. He shouted majestically: "Captain!"

"Yes." The guard captain nodded and motioned for him to leave.

Xia Yan noticed his supernatural gun. The tip of the gun shone coldly in the sun, filled with murderous intent.

The captain looked at her secretly, taking in her expression clearly, and at the same time he was a little puzzled.

She looked like she had come out of a large base, but she was very curious about everything she saw, as if she had never seen it before.

It's very contradictory.

Xia Yan ignored him and continued forward. She had not received any system notifications. She was almost done shopping in the shops. Wasn't it here?

After turning the corner along the street, she finally saw the busiest scene on the street——

A long line stretched all the way to the square. There were men, women, young and old. They looked anxious and kept looking at the customers who rarely left the flower shop.

Hurry up! It seems that I won't be able to buy food today! Damn!

Compared to the people behind who were anxious, the people who successfully bought food rushed home happily with their small bags.

The appearance of Xia Yan and the others attracted everyone's attention. They looked her up and down, wondering when the base had quietly received distinguished guests?

The girl who came last time and was dressed similarly to her (later I heard that she was the daughter of a senior leader in the Shangjing base) cried and wanted to go back after staying for only two days. She had a lot of trouble in the base. The leader loved his daughter and bought all the fruits in the flower shop, so they could only buy finger-long fish to make soup. The crystal core of the flower, including the fish and water, was more than twice as expensive as the fruit alone! Everyone was so angry that they kept their teeth itching until the daughter left.

Probably because of the unpleasant experience, everyone's eyes were a little hostile.

Why did this delicate and intolerant lady come here? !

Just for her own momentary happiness, let others starve and suffer? Damn!

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