I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 110 Open a shop first, then register

Xia Yan pretended not to notice, and his eyes fell on the young woman who was busy selling fruit in front of the flower shop.

This store is the largest store Xia Yan has ever seen. The front door is surrounded by flowers, which is fragrant and fragrant.

The slender female boss wears loose and simple clothes, with a large bag tied around her waist to collect crystal cores and make change.

She walked into the store and took out a pot of blooming flowers and placed it on the ground. She quickly pinched off the stamens and activated her powers with both hands. The flower chamber gradually expanded, forming a fist-sized yellow fruit.

She activated her power three times in a row, picked the fruit and put it into the customer's own pocket, took the crystal core, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and sighed deeply as she looked at the long queue behind her.

"Everyone, today's quantity has been sold out. You don't have to wait any longer. Let's go back."

"Ah, no, I haven't bought it for two days! If you try harder, even just one fruit will do!"

"Please, I need it too!"

"We don't want much, just one! Mother Fu, have mercy on me."

"Fu Niang, work hard!..."

Everyone suddenly felt like falling into boiling water, gurgling loudly.

The young girl's face turned red and she waved her hands repeatedly, "It's not that I don't want to sell. It's just that today's fruit flowers have finished blooming. There's really nothing we can do!"

"Where are these at the door?!"

"Yes, can these flowers bear fruit?"

"No, no, these are ornamental flowers and can't produce fruit. I'm really sorry!" The girl bowed, full of apology.

"What the hell! Waiting in line for nothing again!" The man wearing glasses spat unluckily. He was obviously the next one, but he was gone again! How unlucky!

While the man was thinking, he used a complaining tone to embarrass the fruit seller.

"Okay, don't embarrass this little girl. You are a grown man who is so aggressive and you don't mind looking ugly!"

The lady at the back couldn't stand it anymore and shouted angrily, which attracted the support of most people.

The man couldn't keep it on his face, he left behind an apology and walked away dejectedly.

The aunt looked at his back helplessly and said: "Fu Niang, don't be the same as him, he will definitely come to queue again tomorrow! Fu Niang, are there really no fruits to sell?"

"Auntie, it's really gone." Fu Niang pursed her lips and shook her head.

"Hey, what time will it bloom tomorrow?"

"We can start a wave at five o'clock. Auntie, please come back tomorrow."

"Well, you have to save one for me tomorrow!"

"...I will try my best..."

The crowd gradually dispersed, and a few reluctantly walked to the square and set up stalls on the spot, intending to exchange things for something to eat, praying for a bite to eat.

Fu Niang looked at the disappointed figures and sighed again.

There used to be a shop that sold fish, but the owner was asked away by the base leaders, who said he was sent to the Shangjing base to make contributions, and he has never come back since...

Fu Niang thought about how all the shopkeepers who could sell food, large and small, had basically left over the years. She was the only one left, a useless shopkeeper who could only produce about 30 fruits a day, barely surviving as a survivor in the base. provide food.


Fu Niang bent down and caressed the blooming sunflower, with a gentle smile on her lips.

Then she saw Xia Yan, surprise flashed in her eyes, and she smiled at her.

Xia Yan also smiled in return.

In this base, several women she met were very friendly, which was a really great feeling.

Xia Yan walked forward and asked, "Do you sell these flowers?"

At the same time, she finally heard the sound of the system.

[We have reached the hidden mission point, please complete the branch mission as soon as possible]

[Whether to start establishing a branch]

'yes. ’

Fu Niang straightened up and asked, "Do you also like flowers?"

Xia Yan nodded.

"Then you don't need to buy them. You can pick any of these flowers and give them to you." Fu Niang's mouth had a faint dimple in her mouth, and she picked up a pot of large multi-headed roses. "Do you like this one? This is my favorite. "

"It's very beautiful. Thank you. My name is Xia Yan. I am the owner of the shop next door. You are welcome to come to my place for dinner in the future." Xia Yan held the flower pot in her arms and pointed to the brand new shop next to her with a smile.

The guard captain was stunned. When was a store built here? !

Fu Niang was the person most familiar with the surrounding shops. At this time, she looked at the shop that suddenly appeared next door. It directly annexed the original four shops. There was a double glass door between the two oversized floor-to-ceiling windows.

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Through the window, she could see ashes-covered furniture inside, which looked like tables and chairs at the hotel's front desk and restaurant.

"Is this...your superpower?" Fu Niang looked at Xia Yan blankly with her mouth half open.

"Well, it's still a little messy inside, so I won't invite you in today. If everything goes well, it should be open for business tomorrow."

Xia Yan frowned and looked at the dirty ground inside. There were actually spider webs hanging in the corners?

Xiong Xiong wasn't here, so she didn't want to end up cleaning up by herself.

"You come with me."

Suddenly, the captain who had been standing behind her was shocked and called her aside and asked in a low voice:

"What's going on?! Why did you suddenly appear?"

Xia Yan looked at him with strange eyes, as if he had never seen the world before, "Have you never seen supernatural powers?"

"I, I mean, how did you suddenly appear? You haven't registered yet!" The captain was choked.

"Register? Well, you can ask him, can I open the store first and then register."


The captain looked back and stood at attention, "General Chu."

Chu Wanfu came over in a dusty manner, and the first thing he said was:

"Why did Boss Xia come in person?"

"To open a branch." Xia Yan said with a smile.

Chu Wanfu's eyes fell on the huge French window behind her.

This is indeed her style.

"Good news, congratulations. Boss Xia is quick to act. We just met a few days ago to discuss cooperation, and today he rushed to open the store. It seems that everyone in our base will have a good time!"

Chu Wanfu was very happy.

"You're welcome. You're welcome to come often in the future."

"Of course, Xiao Zhang, go and help Boss Xia register and exempt the rent."

"There's no need to waive the rent. After all, I've come so far to open a store, so I don't need these crystal cores!"

Xia Yan would not owe him a favor because of the rent, so she declined immediately.

Is she the kind of person who needs these crystal cores?

On the one hand, he tried with the lowest cost, and on the other hand, he gave her enough face.

She is really a smart person, and she killed two birds with one stone!

Xia Yan cursed in her heart, but she still had to confront him directly!

Chu Wanfu laughed, "That's true. I forgot that Boss Xia is very powerful. I hope Boss Xia can take care of the members of my base in the future."

"What are you talking about? All customers who come into the store with a points card are treated equally in my holiday hotel, regardless of gender, age, or class. Everyone is equal!"

As if everyone is not a smart person!

The captain of the guard team shook his head like a rattle. Who doesn't like to watch the fun up close?

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