I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 111 Many people setting up stalls

"While it's still early, Boss Xia, come to my place for dinner? You came all the way here, let me show my hospitality. Chu Wanfu also laughed, pretending he didn't understand.

"Hey, the new store is opening, and there are too many things on hand. I'm really busy. How about this, I'll treat General Chu when the time comes!"

When the time comes, that means there's no time, it's all a joke.

The captain of the guard team saw that the two did know each other, but their relationship was not that good.

Finally, Chu Wanfu left on the pretext that he had something important to do.

Even the captain of the guard team left with him.

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"You actually know General Chu?"

Just now, Fu Niang didn't dare to speak, and moved back to the store quietly, squatting behind the broad-leaved brocade lotus pretending to catch insects, and the conversation between the two fell into her ears word for word.

"It can be considered a partner. "Xia Yan said lightly.

Fu Niang looked at her with admiration.

"I'm going to the central hall to apply for a business license now. Do you have time to go with me?" Xia Yan only walked around the street of shops. As for where the central hall is, she really couldn't find it. Besides, the captain of the guard team had left. Now she was in urgent need of a guide.

"Okay, wait for me to move the flowers back. Wait a minute." Fu Niang hurriedly began to move the flowers.

Xia Yan asked Meng Meng to help, and took out a parasol to cover her head.

The temperature here is much lower than that of Shiji City, which should be related to the high terrain.

"Boss Xia, we can go now." Fu Niang was afraid that she would wait too long, so she solved it as quickly as possible, and there was someone to help.

Xia Yan handed her an umbrella, but she shook her head with red cheeks.

"I don't need it. I'm used to it. "Fu Niang looked at her rough, black hands, then at Boss Xia's white and tender hands, and waved with a smile.

Xia Yan did not force it, put away her umbrella, and motioned her to lead the way.

There was a square not far from her shop, and at this moment, countless people were setting up stalls in the middle of the square to sell goods.

Fu Niang wanted to take her to see it, but was stopped.

"Go get a business license first, and come back later. ”

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. It is best not to give others something to talk about. Try to avoid unnecessary trouble. This is also one of Xia Yan's life creeds.

Fu Niang nodded and took her around the crowd, gradually moving away from the square.

Behind the residential building, a church-like building with two white stone pillars in front of the door appeared in front of her.

Xia Yan didn't expect that it was actually an office, including handling information registration and registering for a business license. There was also a particularly large notice board in the hall with different homemade GGs posted on it.

It should be that Chu Wanfu had called in advance. Xia Yan only had to report the name of the holiday hotel, and the staff inside quickly handled it, and their attitude was very good.

It attracted a lot of attention from other people who came to do business in the hall.

"Have you thought of the name of the store?"

"The first branch of the holiday hotel."

"Are you the operator? What's your name?"

"Xia Yan."

After filling in the required information, the hot business license came out one minute later.

"Please take it. If you have any questions in the future, you can consult us. "The staff's eyes curved, and he put the business license in a cowhide bag and handed it over.

"Thank you, you are welcome to come for dinner when it opens."

Here, eating is definitely more attractive than staying, so eating has become her slogan, and it seems to be working well.

"Sure! Sure!"

Xia Yan nodded and prepared to go to another place to pay the rent, "Fu Niang, how much do I have to pay?"

Fu Niang thought for a while and said, "My store has one first-level crystal core per month. You occupy four stores, so you should have four."

After asking the staff who handles the rental, it turned out that her store needs four first-level crystal cores every month.

"I don't have a crystal core. Can I exchange it with something else?"

"No crystal core? No way, everyone has a first-level crystal core. Otherwise, you can see who is willing to exchange with you outside. I can't exchange it here." The staff also looked puzzled. It was the first time they saw someone who didn't have a crystal core. What should they exchange?

"You don't have a crystal core? How about I lend it to you first? "Fu Niang pulled her fingers and took out four crystal cores from her pocket.

Xia Yan looked down and smiled and shook her head, "No, you keep it first, I'll go ask others if they want to exchange it."

She asked Fu Niang to follow her and returned to the center of the square. There were small stalls here, selling everything.

Some sold hard mutant rhino horns, some sold homemade, supposedly waterproof and fireproof full-body suits, some sold on-site ice making, and there were all kinds of weapons, perfectly round zombie heads, bone chairs tied to legs that could be sat on at any time, moonlight lamps that were said to be bright all night, and even some sold half-eaten steamed buns.

The most people gathered in front of the food and drink shops, trying to talk to the stall owners about whether their trading items could be exchanged.

The noise was loud and lively.

This scene was something Xia Yan had never seen before, and it was very fresh for a while.

And her very obvious outfit also became the focus of everyone's attention.

"How do you exchange this? "

Xia Yan squatted down and picked up the full-body suit placed in the middle by the stall owner. It was cold and silky to the touch, but he didn't know if it was waterproof and fireproof as he said.

The stall owner saw that a customer had come, and he looked very wealthy. He stood up and praised casually: "You have a good eye! You can recognize treasures! This is the best thing I have here, absolutely waterproof and fireproof! It's worth buying!"

He paused, and seeing that she had no intention of joining in the conversation, and her eyes did not show the excitement he imagined, he turned his eyes and changed the subject: "Anything is fine, preferably food and drink!"

"Is a box lunch okay?" Xia Yan took the box lunch handed to him by Meng Meng, opened it, and found a Yangzhou fried rice inside.

The stall owner was dumbfounded, "Change, change!"

I was really lucky today! I actually met a generous customer! That was a full box of fried rice! The crystal clear rice was wrapped with yellow egg crumbs, and there were corn kernels and ham in the middle!

The stall owner took it with trembling hands, put it to the tip of his nose and took a deep breath, "Oh, it's really rice!"

He looked around cautiously, stuffed the box lunch directly into his arms, closed the stall, and brushed his hand on his face. His face became blurred, and soon even his figure began to blur.

He swayed left and right and ran away.

Although the base stipulates that food cannot be snatched, it is always better to be cautious.

This girl, still young, took out a box of food in public? Don't show off your wealth, don't you understand?

The crowd watching was also stunned by her move, their eyes were full of eagerness, they stretched out the best things on their stalls to her, and gathered around her.

"Look at mine! Top-grade tooth wolf bones!"

"I have ice! Do you want to exchange!"

"I can exchange water with you!"

"Boss, bone chair! Do you want a bone chair!"

"Boss, look here, I have a gun!"

"Do you want an artificial eye? Do you want a zombie head? Do you want a baby specimen? It can help you escape from the zombies!"

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