I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 112 Hiring someone to clean up

Meng Meng stretched out her hands to block her, and Fu Niang also reacted from the shock and stopped these people from getting too close.

Xia Yan looked at everyone expressionlessly, with her index finger in front of her lips.

"Come on, be quiet."

The scene gradually faded away from the noise, staring at her closely.

"Don't talk first, line up in two rows, I'll see if there are any interested."

As soon as the voice fell, the stall owners pushed and shoved to line up at the front.

There is a chance in the front, and you may not even get a turn if you line up at the back.

The positions close to Xia Yan are basically all powerful superpowers, and the low-level superpowers in the back dare not join in the fun at all. They stand in a row honestly, holding the things they intend to sell in their hands.

Xia Yan didn't say anything. Suddenly he moved to the back row and looked at them one by one.

"Boom! Stop squeezing! Hurry up and stand! People are running to the back!"

In the chaos, no one knew who shouted, and the group of people suddenly realized that Xia Yan was gone, and they rushed to the back row of the back row and lined up honestly.

Every time Xia Yan passed by a stall owner, she would listen to him/her introduce his/her things, and then consider whether to buy them.

However, in her opinion, these things were a bit useless, at least she couldn't use them.

However, they could be resold to customers in the hotel.

"This gun is good, do you want to exchange it?" She picked up the pistol, which was slightly heavy in the hand and easy to use. According to the stall owner, she only needed to charge the superpower into bullets, which had a long range and great lethality.

The stall owner swallowed his saliva, glanced at the envious eyes of the stall owners around him, and said affirmatively: "Exchange! Can I exchange it with rice?"

"What kind of rice do you want? Fish-flavored pork rice, cumin duck leg rice, and barbecue rice." Xia Yan put the gun into the system grid.

"Then, then barbecue rice!" It's so hard to choose!

"Mengmeng, go get it." Xia Yan put Mengmeng into the RV and called her out when she got the rice.

Not for anything else, just to act cool.

In a place like this where you are not familiar with everyone, it is best to be as mysterious as possible and show your strength, so that others will be more restrained.

Meng Meng appeared out of nowhere, holding the lunch box they were extremely eager for. After opening the lid and letting the stall owner confirm it, he handed it to her.

The woman took it with trembling hands, turned around and ran to the nearby sentry post, staring at them while eating very protectively.

The people behind were getting more and more anxious.

"I have seen all your things, and I don't need them for the time being, but I want to exchange with you for something else. For a box of lunch, how many crystal cores do you give?"

Can I exchange with crystal cores? !

"Give me one box, and I will use 2 first-level crystal cores!"

"Your price is too little! I will give 5 first-level crystal cores!"

"Damn, what's the price, I will give 6 first-level crystal cores!"

"Just crush you to death, I will give two second-level crystal cores!"

Seeing that the price was getting higher and higher, many stall owners withdrew from the bidding stage and watched the superpower bosses continue to wrestle.

As they were arguing, the bosses suddenly realized something was wrong. Why didn't the central figure say a word? Shouldn't they stop at the highest price?

They all shouted up to 10 two crystals! They already regretted it. 10 two crystals, a sky-high price!

The few people who shouted the loudest wanted to hide in the crowd at this moment, just hoping that no one would notice his offer just now.

The main atmosphere has arrived, it would be inappropriate not to quote...

"Okay, you four come, one first-level crystal core for a meal, delivered on the spot." Xia Yan randomly selected a few people, and handed over the lunch box after receiving the crystal core.

"Don't worry if you haven't exchanged for a lunch box. I just opened a restaurant, located at No. 1-4, Shop Street. I just got the business license and it is expected to start business tomorrow. The price is favorable and everyone can afford it.

Mengmeng, hand out the flyers. Please read the store rules above carefully. If you want to have food every day, don't touch the red line."

Mengmeng took out the flyers and gave each person a copy.

"Now, I need five ordinary people to clean up the store. The reward is a box lunch. If you want to come, please raise your hand!" She didn't want to work alone without Xiongxiong.

Many people raised their hands.

Cleaning and getting food? They can definitely do this!

"Fu Niang, help me pick out five ordinary people." Xia Yan whispered to her.

She was not familiar with this place and couldn't tell them apart, but Fu Niang knew it very well.

So everyone's eyes fell on Fu Niang.

Fu Niang walked around the crowd and called ordinary people she was familiar with and who worked hard at ordinary times.

"You five people will be responsible for cleaning the store. If you do a good job, you will be rewarded. If you cheat, I will put you on the blacklist and you will never be able to come in for a meal. Do you understand?"

Discuss the pros and cons first, and then give a carrot.

Those who were not selected looked disappointed and still refused to leave.

Xia Yan said to the five people standing in front of her: "Wait for me for a while, I will be back soon."

She went to pay the rent first.

Quickly running back to the service hall, Xia Yan found the staff member just now and handed over the crystal core.

"Pay one month's payment first."

"What did you exchange it from? It was exchanged so quickly." The staff member asked curiously. He knew that there were street vendors every night in the square, but they basically shopped more and bought less. It was rare for someone like her to sell out the goods so quickly.

"Boxed lunch."

"What?!" He suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Xia Yan picked up the lease contract with his seal and saw that it said that the rent would not increase in the future. He smiled happily, "The store will open tomorrow, welcome to eat."

Leave slowly.

"Hey, did you hear what she used to exchange it just now?" He leaned his upper body on the table and asked the colleague in front of him in a suspicious tone.

"She said she used box lunch."

"I thought my ears were broken, but it turned out to be box lunch." He sat down calmly and slapped himself twice in a place where no one could see.

Why is he so rude? Why do you have to say that he can't exchange it? !

Xia Yan threw the contract and business license into the system grid. When she returned to the square, there were more people here, looking at her expectantly.

The five ordinary people were even more anxious, thinking that the pie in the sky had flown away. At this moment, they finally waited for her to come back and their hearts were settled.

"Let's go, there are a lot of work in the store." Xia Yan waved and walked into the store first.

As a result, a group of people followed...

Xia Yan walked to the door of the store, held the handrail, and gently pressed it, and the two doors were easily opened.

A musty smell came to the face.

Opposite the door is the cashier counter, behind which is the price list of accommodation and the store rules written in big red letters. Above the cashier counter is the price list of meals covered with spider webs covered with ashes, which is shared with the meals in the resort restaurant, with dozens of dishes.

The entire first floor lobby is 200 square meters, filled with tables, chairs and benches. Walking back along the cashier counter, the door opposite is written with the owner's room, on the right is the utility room, on the left is a staircase leading to the second floor, on the east are 5 single rooms, on the west are 5 double rooms, and each room has its own bathroom.

Xia Yan asked Mengmeng to take out the cleaning tools from the utility room.

"Get to work, everyone."

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