I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 113 Very Satisfied

The five people that Fu Niang found were quick and efficient, and they cleaned in an orderly manner. They were obviously people who worked often.

Xia Yan was very satisfied with them.

The stall owners who followed them found that there was actually a restaurant here, and the area was not small. When they thought that they could eat boxed lunches in the future, they were excited and gathered at the door to stare at the price list.

It was a good thing that someone opened a restaurant in the base, but what if the price was too expensive?

A group of people leaned in and looked hard.

"Wipe the price list first, you can't see anything clearly now!" Someone shouted, and others echoed.

"Okay, I'll wipe it right away." The woman with a short haircut who was wiping the cash register brought a stool to the side, stood on it, and carefully held the price list to wipe the dust on the surface, revealing the words below.

Why is it written as points? Shouldn't it be written as crystal core? What is a point?

"What are points?"

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

"I don't know."

"I haven't heard of it either. When did points appear?"

"Boss Xia, can you explain it to me?"

Xia Yan smiled and nodded, picked up the flyer, pointed to the crystal core exchange instructions on it, and said: "The crystal core exchange rules of our store are that one level one crystal core can be exchanged for 100 points, a level two crystal core can be exchanged for 500 points, a level three crystal core can be exchanged for 2,000 points, a level four crystal core is 5,000, and a level five crystal core is 10,000.

Points can be used to buy food or accommodation. Who doesn't have a flyer yet? Go to my employees to get one."

Meng Meng walked to the door as she said and stuffed the flyer into their hands.

"Hey, did you hear that? One crystal can be exchanged for 100 points, and two crystals for 500 points!"

"Will the boss open soon? I'm anxious to eat!..."

Everyone started talking, their faces were rarely flushed, and they looked at Boss Xia with great anticipation.

Everyone saw the lunch box she took out just now. It was not made of leftover rice, but genuine good rice!

It had been a long time since they had eaten rice, and there were vegetables in it! There was meat!

Oh my god, I can't think about it anymore, tears of excitement are about to flow from my mouth...

"Today..." Xia Yan apologized and motioned everyone to look at the store with very poor hygiene. "Today is really not good. Many equipments are not ready. Please be patient. Tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock, it will be open until 8 o'clock in the evening!"

Someone asked back: "Boss, we don't have a clock, we don't know when it will be 7 o'clock."

"Yes, your time is a bit late, can you open at 5 o'clock?"

Everyone doesn't understand why they don't make money and set business hours? Which store here is not open all day? Except for the flower shop, there is a limit on the number of flowers! Is there a limit in the restaurant?


"Boss, do you really have unlimited food here? We can buy as much as we want?" Someone with a quick mind asked in confusion.

This is a question that everyone is very concerned about. If there is not enough food, they have to come early!

"Yes! As long as you don't waste food, you can have hot meals at any time during business hours!" Xia Yan nodded very affirmatively, "As for the clock, I will hang it in the hall later. Now, please go back, it's dusty here."

The boss has already started to drive people away, and everyone is embarrassed to stay any longer. They look back every few steps and whisper in groups.

"With such a big floor-to-ceiling window, the boss is not afraid that someone will steal things in the middle of the night."

"This female boss knows General Chu, and the power behind her is strong. Who dares to come here unless he doesn't want to stay here anymore."


Xia Yan sent the customers away and looked back to see Fu Niang mopping the floor with a mop. She is also a neat girl.

After thinking about it, she didn't stop him.

Let Meng Meng organize the remaining flyers and give them to customers who might come to the store to ask for flyers.

Xia Yan walked to the owner's room and prepared to go in to take a look, but found that it was locked.

Do we have to clean up and meet the operating standards to complete the task?

She frowned and planned to wait until they finished the land reclamation to see if there was any prompt to complete the task.

At this time, her stomach growled and she started to sing the empty city plan.

She then remembered that she had been busy all day and had not had time to eat.

Bring out a set of tables and chairs? It's a bit troublesome.

Xia Yan thought about it, walked to the spacious square, took out the RV directly, and opened the door and walked in without paying attention to the surprised eyes of the people around.

The first thing she did was to turn on the air conditioner, then put down the curtain and continue watching the movie she didn't finish last time.

It was hot, and she didn't want to eat too hot food. She ordered a portion of mashed potato cold skin, spicy kelp, spicy lotus root slices, and a small portion of spicy crayfish, plus a cup of half-ice kumquat lemon tea.

The cold, sour and sweet liquid slid through her esophagus and flowed into her stomach. She shook involuntarily and felt that the dryness in her body had dissipated.

She took out her chopsticks and ate while watching the movie, leisurely and comfortable.

After dinner, she was not in a hurry to go out. Wouldn't it be uncomfortable to lie down and watch a movie with the air conditioner on?

Mengmeng would naturally come to her after work.

Three hours later, she received a prompt from the system.

[Hidden task: Establish a branch in Shancheng (completed)]

[Task reward: Activate the gate of the resort (issued)]

Xia Yan turned over and sat up, found the resort gate mentioned by the system, and clicked to view the instructions.

[The gate of the resort: It is a gate connecting the world's beautiful scenery (random scenes), with no limit on the number of people, no special requirements, the only thing worth noting is - please deal with the hidden dangers of the site first]

She closed the interface and planned to go in and take a look after the installation when she returned to the main store.

At this time, there was a knock on the door. It was Meng Meng who asked her to go back to the branch.

Xia Yan got up, took the lunch box and mineral water from the refrigerator, put them in the bag and got out of the car.

She put the RV back into the system grid and walked towards the branch.

From a distance, she saw a plaque with eight big characters.

The first branch of the resort hotel.

The two floor-to-ceiling windows were clean and bright, and the store was brand new.

Fu Niang and others were wiping the corners carefully with rags in the lobby.

Xia Yan walked in, walked around the restaurant without saying a word, and then walked to the back to check the stairs and rooms.

Five employees pursed their lips and followed her nervously, carefully looking at her face, and at the same time they were checking to see if there was anything that was not wiped clean, and wiped it again with a rag.

Xia Yan ignored them, checked one room after another, and finally returned to the lobby on the first floor and called a few people to her.

"Boss, we have cleaned other places, but we can't enter the boss's room, so we can't clean it..." One of the women said anxiously.

"Well, I know, it's none of your business."

Hearing her say this, the five people breathed a sigh of relief, but their hearts were still high, after all, the boss hadn't mentioned the hygiene issue yet.

Xia Yan smiled, easing the tense atmosphere.

"I have just checked the hygiene, everyone cleaned it very well, I am very satisfied. Mengmeng."

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