I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 114 Bear, I miss you

Meng Meng came over and put the bag on the cashier.

Everyone looked at the bulging appearance, excited, and full of expectations for what would happen next.

Xia Yan opened it and handed over the lunch box inside.

"These are all rice, the flavors are randomly distributed, and I hope everyone will not dislike it."

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"No, no, no, I won't dislike it!" Several people held the heavy lunch box in their hands, and the other hand shook hurriedly, their thin and dark faces flushed, and their eyes began to moisten.

They only did some hard work to get such good rice. They didn't have time to thank them, so how could they dislike it.

"Well, everyone has worked hard for an afternoon. Take this bottle of water and drink it. Don't be polite. This is what you deserve."

Xia Yan smiled and stuffed it into their hands.

The cold touch came from the palm of the hand, climbed up along the arm, choked the throat, and itched the eyes.

"We..." Some of them wanted to say something, but they were too dumb to express their surging emotions.

The base accepts people without superpowers, and allows them to earn crystal cores with their skills and the remaining strength, but this is the end of the world.

The longer the time, the greater the gap between them and superpowers. When monsters and zombies attack, they can only put their hands together and beg God for a way to survive.

Gradually, ordinary people and superpowers became two levels. Although the base clearly stated that superpowers and ordinary people have the same social status, they cannot go out to fight, and this rule has become in name only.

But I heard from outsiders that ordinary people in this base are the best place he has lived in among all the bases he has visited!

Unexpectedly, today, I was treated fairly by the female boss...

"Thank you, Boss Xia."

"You're welcome." Xia Yan smiled and watched them leave.

"Fu Niang, I also brought you one, thank you for the roses you sent me."

Fu Niang was shocked, "No, it's too expensive. I sent you flowers just because I saw you liked them, and I didn't expect to get anything in return! Take them back!"

"You can't say that. You don't think flowers are valuable, and I don't think lunch boxes are valuable either. Do you think that I, a restaurant owner, would think a lunch box is important? Take it quickly, or you won't be allowed to eat in the future."

Seeing that she was still going to refuse, Xia Yan simply hung the bag on her arm and pushed her out the door.

"It's getting late, go back and rest, you don't have to accompany me." After saying that, he closed the door in front of her and locked it.

"You." Fu Niang wanted to say something, but she turned around and left. She knocked on the door several times but didn't see her turn back, so she could only plan to return it to her tomorrow.

But Fu Niang didn't expect that when she saw the cheap meals in the restaurant the next day, she really understood why Boss Xia refused to exchange lunch boxes with her for crystal cores, and why he said lunch boxes were worthless.

Wow, it's really cheap.

Xia Yan looked around the restaurant and spent 300 points to buy a big watch with the words "Wish you a prosperous life" from the mall, and asked Meng Meng to hang it up.

Then she watched Meng Meng holding the watch and trying to hang it on the bare wall...

"Meng Meng, don't you have the function of scratching the wall and inserting the watch?"

Meng Meng tilted her head, showing confusion, and scratched the wall with her fingers as she was told.


Leaving a white mark.

"Okay, leave it there. This kind of thing still needs Xiong Xiong to do."

Xia Yan originally planned to install a surveillance camera or something, but it seems that she can only ask Xiong Xiong for help.

Leaving Meng Meng to watch the store, she walked to the boss's room, gently pressed the door, and there was an impenetrable void behind it, and she walked in.

Then she appeared in her private yard.

Xia Yan looked back and saw that there was another door not far from the back door of the resort hotel, with the words "First Branch" written on it.

She sighed that it was so convenient, and pushed open the door of the main store.

Familiar corridor, familiar front desk, familiar... Xiong Xiong.

"Xiongxiong!" Xia Yan cheered, opened her arms and ran towards it, hugged it tightly.

"I miss you so much, Xiongxiong, why do I feel like I haven't seen you for a long time?"

She rubbed Xiongxiong's furry face contentedly.

"Boss? You're back?" Xiongxiong's milky voice was mixed with confusion.

It has been guarding here and never left, why did the boss suddenly appear?

Xia Yan let it go, collapsed on the sofa and peeled a candy to eat, "Xiong, how is the store recently? No one is making trouble?"

"No, it's just that some customers complained that there are fewer and fewer zombies nearby, and every time you have to walk a long way to encounter a wave of zombies."

Xiongxiong thought of the four superpowers and complained in his heart, how could they be so patient, why didn't they come to find trouble? Every day, they just stayed in the buffet restaurant to eat, which made it impossible for it to make sales.

"That's good." Xia Yan opened the store's business panel and found that the hotel's turnover was very good in the past few days, and the current turnover has reached 45,000.

"Xiong, call a few more people to come down to look after the store. You come with me and do something!"

? ? ?

XiongXiong seriously suspected that the boss suddenly came back just to catch him to work.

He called 001-3 employees down, and XiongXiong arranged the work in detail, which made Xia Yan ashamed. At the same time, he felt that he had too few people available. He had to look at the place in person when opening a branch store. He didn't have the joy of being a boss at all...

In addition, she also wanted to go to the resort for a stroll...

System, are there any senior employees for sale? She needs them urgently!

Xia Yan led Xiongxiong through the door of the first branch and told it that she had opened another branch, and now there were many things inside that needed it to install...

"Where should I hang the watch?" Xiongxiong listened to her quietly, not feeling strange at all about suddenly appearing in an unfamiliar environment.

"A little more to the left, yes, right here."

Xiongxiong determined the position, stretched out his sharp claws to dig a rectangular hole in the wall, and then stuffed the watch with congratulations on getting rich into it, and the wall automatically shrank and tightly wrapped the frame.

Xia Yan took out the 8 multi-function monitors he had just bought, "Xiongxiong, I'll leave this to you as well."

"Xiongxiong, we still need to install a TV, just hang it on the east wall."

"Xiong, if you don't mind, install a sink."


Finally, Xia Yan spent 38,000 yuan to buy a hotel protective cover.

In response, the system said that it only provided the protective cover of the main store for free, and the branch store was not included because it triggered a hidden task, and boss Xia Yan still enjoyed various rights of the boss, and did not need to pay extra to open it.

This means that she is still invincible in the first branch, and she doesn’t need to spend points or open...

Currently, there are only 2100 left in the card.

If it weren’t for Xia Yan seeing that there are a lot of wealthy customers in this base, she would have continued to argue!

That night, Xia Yan walked through the door, returned to the courtyard, slept in her extremely soft big bed, and had a beautiful dream.

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