I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 116 Bear puts on clothes

"There's a TV in the store! Although it's an old drama, the acting of these old actors is superb! It's worth investing in it!"

"Damn, is that an air conditioner? The boss is generous!"

"Look, the boss is eating in there too."

"If the boss dares to eat, there should be no problem." Some people are eager to apply for a card.

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"Fu Niang has finished eating. Ask Fu Niang later? No problem, I will also apply for a card!"

"Yes, let's see what Fu Niang says, don't be impulsive."

In the store, Fu Niang was fascinated by watching TV. It took a long time before she got up and put the plate back to the dishwasher.

She walked to Xia Yan and said sincerely: "Boss Xia, your food is delicious and cheap. They will always come to apply for a card. Don't worry. I'll go back first, come on!"

"Okay. Come watch TV and enjoy the air conditioning when you have time. "

Fu Niang nodded with dimples on her lips, pushed the door and left.

"Fu Niang is out, ask her."

A group of people surrounded her, chattering.

The weather was hot, and it was hard to breathe in the crowd.

Fu Niang's originally fresh face was soon covered with sweat, and her lips moved quickly to answer everyone's questions.

"It's delicious. I don't feel any problems with my body. My arms don't hurt. There's air conditioning inside, and the price is cheap. You should go and get a card, eat a full meal and take on tasks."

People walked into the hotel one after another because of her words, and a cool breeze blew in their faces the moment they entered the door.

"Boss, get a card. "

Fu Niang broke away from the crowd and walked to her shop to open for business.

Many old customers had already lined up in front of the door, looking at the TV next door from time to time.

A few customers who deliberately made trouble sat down at the table near the glass, slowly put the food into their mouths at the people outside, and showed a smacking expression of enjoyment.

It doesn't look like they are faking it.

"Fu Niang, how powerful is the new female boss of this shop? Not to mention that the air conditioner is on, it's really strange that the TV can still be turned on." The middle-aged woman with naturally curly hair bent down and whispered in her ear.

Fu Niang's men didn't stop, and after thinking about it, they decided to tell her: "Boss Xia must be an ordinary person. Yesterday I saw General Chu come to her and wanted to waive her rent and treat her to a meal!

Sister Juan, listen to me, hurry up and apply for a card, what if you don't apply for it in the future? Think about it, how many people can sit in this restaurant at the same time? How many people are there in our base? "

The person called Sister Juan's heart skipped a beat. She didn't expect that the female boss had a relationship with General Chu. That made sense.

Sister Juan stuffed the fruit into her small bag, glanced at the restaurant again, and prepared to go home and bring her husband to eat.

"Fu Niang, what did you say to her just now?" The people in line behind looked at Sister Juan who was walking back in a hurry, not knowing what happened.

"Nothing, Sister Juan said she had to go back to cook." Fu Niang smiled gently, "How many fruits do you want?"

"Two is fine. It's still one crystal per piece, right? "

Fu Niang nodded, took the crystal core he handed over and put it in her small bag.

Someone asked her if the good business of the restaurant next door would affect her business.

She smiled and said that she would take the mission outside and upgrade her ability when the time comes, which is better than staying in the base and selling fruits to get crystal cores.

The base will not last forever, but the strength will.


Xia Yan returned the plate to the dishwasher and wandered around the store lazily.

There are only seven or eight customers eating now, and the turnover on the first day is probably just like this.

Since it is not too busy, she is going to go back to the main store.

It is much more comfortable there than here.

She waved to Mengmeng and whispered, "I'm going back, you watch for a while, Xiongxiong will be here soon! "

Xia Yan glanced at the long queue in front of the flower shop. Knowing that these people would not come to the store to apply for cards today, she walked through the boss's room to the courtyard.

She opened the back door of the main store and walked in, just bumping into customers who were queuing to buy lunch boxes and water.

"Xia, Boss Xia." They were startled by the sudden opening of the door, and then they saw that it was Boss Xia, and their eyes looked uncontrollably behind her.

It was a thick fog and nothing could be seen.

Xia Yan was also startled, and nodded with a smile.

She forgot that this time was also the time when the main store was busiest.

The people on both sides took the initiative to make way for her to pass, and continued to queue up honestly.

She walked to the hall and didn't see Xiongxiong. When she was wondering, she saw a furry palm appear outside the glass.

What is it doing? Is there anything wrong?

Xia Yan frowned and suppressed the sudden uneasiness, and walked out quickly.

Then she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiongxiong. "

Xiong Xiong, who was sweeping the floor, raised his head, his black eyes like sparkling pearls.


There was little dust even in the cracks between the bricks on the clean floor, and there was a bucket of water next to it with a rag on the side of the bucket.

Xia Yan laughed, she had forgotten that Xiong Xiong loved cleanliness and could not stand the dirt in the hotel's territory.

"Xiong, stop working, I bought you clothes, come and try them on."

She took out the waterproof and fireproof clothes she had bought a few days ago, the loose clothes should be enough for Xiong Xiong to wear.

"Clothes?" Xiong Xiong looked at the crystal clear full-body suit in her hand, happily dropped the broom, stretched out his finger and poked it, his eyes round, "Soft!"

"Well, try it on and see if it fits. "

"Okay, boss, wait a minute. I'll put the things in place first." Xiongxiong put the broom and bucket against the wall with his belly sticking out, and ran to her side with two fleshy fingers hooked.

In the backyard, Xia Yan handed him a full-body suit.

Xiongxiong held up the suit and shone it in the sun, and let out a loud wow. His furry face rubbed against the suit, and he was so happy.

Xia Yan was also very happy.

"Boss Xia, you are so nice. You are the best person Xiongxiong has ever met!" Xiongxiong approached her and rubbed her face, very intimately.

Her cheeks felt itchy and soft, as warm and comfortable as lazily basking in the sun in the afternoon.

She smiled and touched his head, and her heart was soft.

Xiongxiong carefully hooked his fingers to unzip the back and stepped in with his legs.

Xia Yan helped him lift it up, wrapped his round belly, waited for him to stretch his arms in, and put on the small hat after zipping up.

The clothes fit perfectly.

Xiong Xiong touched the slippery fabric on his body, and his joy was self-evident. This feeling actually came from him?

"The seller said that this clothes is waterproof and fireproof, and it just so happens that your fatal weakness is fear of fire. In the future, when you see a fire-type supernatural person, stay away and let other employees go up to receive him. Got it, Xiong Xiong? You are my treasure store manager."

Xia Yan turned around it with satisfaction.

"Xiong Xiong got it. Thank you, boss, Xiong Xiong will be careful in the future."

"By the way, Xiong, do you want to wear shoes?" Barefoot Bear wearing clothes?

Xiong Xiong shook his head, "No, it's slippery and weird, and I can't feel the vibration of the ground."

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