I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 117 Daily Inspection Work

"Okay. Xiongxiong, please go to the branch store to look after the store now, help with card processing and maintain order. The dining process is the same as the main store. You can come back when it closes at night, and Qing Mingzi and the other two will be left there to look after the door."

Xia Yan walked to the branch's portal and added Xiongxiong's permission to pass through.

Xiongxiong was also added to the back door of the main store to facilitate its return at night.

As for her private room, no one could see the situation inside the house without authorization.

Xiongxiong nodded, opened the door of the branch, and walked in.

Xia Yan also returned to the lobby. She wanted to take a look at the resort door first, but there were no employees in the lobby. It would be better to solve this problem today. You can't always let Xiongxiong run back and forth.

Moreover, the customers of the main store are already used to it, and the customers of the branch may find it a bit strange.

She knocked on the door of the takeaway packaging center.

A few seconds later, a rectangular transparent mirror appeared on the smooth door panel, and a pair of eyes appeared behind it, and a voice came out at the same time: "Who? Oh, boss. Please come in."

The mirror disappeared, the door was opened, and the employee wrapped in isolation clothing held disinfectant, waited for her to come in, and then disinfected 360 degrees in all directions, and handed her a mask.

This book was first published in 𝟔𝟗 book bar → 96𝘴𝘩𝘶.𝘯𝘦𝘵, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

"Boss, close your eyes." Another employee held a bubble machine, shook it up and down a few times, and sprayed a string of bubbles at her.

The bubbles in the air quickly merged together, becoming as tall as her, and swallowed her in it.

Under the light, the bubbles showed colorful halos and kept changing shapes. She touched it curiously.

The bubbles did not burst directly as she imagined, but were very elastic films.

"Welcome the boss to review the work."

The four employees bowed at their workstations and continued to work on their own things.

The food fell from the outlet one by one, was packed along the conveyor belt, and thrown into the takeaway delivery machine.

Everything was in order.

Xia Yan walked around the room and checked the hygiene.

The countertops were clean, the floor was tidy, the machines were shiny and dust-free, and the hygiene was qualified.

She stood at the door silently for a while, then turned and went out.

The moment she opened the door and walked out, the bubbles on her body made a small bursting sound and disappeared.

Some customers gathered in the lobby on the first floor at this moment, sitting on the ground in groups of three or five to hold a meeting.

Ye Qizhen, Grandma Jiang, her two grandsons, and several other new customers who came later, most of whom were female members.

The low-level superpowers huddled together to keep warm and kill zombies.

Grandma Jiang's two grandsons saw Xia Yan with sharp eyes and pushed their grandmother's arm excitedly, "Grandma, Sister Xia is back!"

A circle of people looked at the corridor at the same time, and indeed saw Boss Xia walking over leisurely, and hurriedly stood up to greet her.

"Boss Xia, I haven't seen you for several days."

"Sister Xia, where have you been?" The two little boys ran to her side, staring at her with their eyes, and their faces were the most sincere worry.

Xia Yan touched their heads and found that they had not only gained weight, but also grown taller.

"Bastard, don't ask what you shouldn't ask!" Grandma Jiang came over, patted the backs of the two brothers, and said in a reproachful tone.

"You have grown a lot taller. Have you gone out to kill zombies recently?" Xia Yan pinched their cheeks with a smile and looked at Grandma Jiang, "Grandma Jiang is also more in good spirits."

"Grandson is brave and has killed a lot of zombies. I, an old woman, will have someone to rely on in the future. I still have to thank Boss Xia for taking us in."

Grandma Jiang also understood Boss Xia's character and knew that she didn't like others to express gratitude again and again, so she stopped talking.

Sure enough, Boss Xia nodded and smiled, so she said nothing more.

Xia Yan looked at Ye Qizhen. Although his skin was still as dark, he looked much stronger.

The old couple and the woman with the girl were also among them. Their cheeks were fuller, their brows were less confused, and their eyes were full of expectations for the future.

The little girl looked at the two little boys and Boss Xia so intimately, and she put her fingers on her mouth and bit them lightly, with a hint of desire in her big eyes.

She also wanted to be touched on the head by the beautiful sister...

The girl's mother was sensitive to her emotions, and she put her arm around her, stroking her arm to comfort her silently.

Xia Yan looked around the store, and there were other customers who formed a team and greeted her.

She smiled and nodded one by one, and turned her eyes to notice the little girl.

Sure enough, as long as the children eat on time and get enough nutrition, they will grow up and grow meat.

Looking at the strange light in the eyes of these children, she understood why some people like to train killers or people who work for them from an early age.

Xia Yan walked to each child and rubbed them, picked up the candy on the coffee table, and stuffed two pieces into the children's hands.

"You guys go ahead, I'll go upstairs and take a look."

On the second floor, there were already customers eating in the hot pot restaurant. The table was full of meat and vegetables were placed in a corner.

Xia Yan took a quick look and walked straight into the restaurant.

Everything in the restaurant was the same as usual. The employees were wiping the table with a rag. She walked around to check the hygiene. The tables, chairs and benches were clean and stain-free, and the dining table was bright and shining.

"Good job. You can sit and rest when there are no customers. You don't have to stand guard all the time. Just complete your job." Xia Yan patted 002's shoulder and praised him a few words.

From the second floor up, she checked all the hygiene and found a major mistake.

The room number on the 5th floor actually starts with 3...

"005, tell your colleagues to change the room numbers according to the floor." She patted her forehead and felt funny about the mistake she made.

005 responded, walked to the door of the room, and moved her fingers on the numbers, changing 301 to 501.

Xia Yan looked at their clothes and felt that as a boss, she should occasionally give some benefits to employees.

In the evening, Xia Yan took advantage of the customers going out and called all the employees downstairs to hold a short meeting, mainly praising everyone for their meticulous work and hoping to continue to work hard in the future.

Then she took out the skirts she had bought in advance from the cashier counter and distributed them to the employees, letting them change and wear them. She even used room 515 as an employee room to facilitate their daily change and washing of clothes.

Although the employees are two-dimensional characters, after several upgrades, they also have simple joys and sorrows.

Girls, of course, want to be beautiful and have a lot of nice clothes.

Seeing the employees happily holding clothes and going upstairs to change into new clothes, Xia Yan really felt like a head of the family.

That's right, even if you want more points, you can't take them away, so you might as well build a hotel, upgrade the staff, and enjoy the holiday life comfortably.

Xia Yan stretched and suddenly remembered that the gun she bought had not been put into the vending machine, so she took it out of the system grid, played with it in her hand, and walked slowly into the store.

Through the glass, she saw another person shopping inside.

He was short, wearing ragged and loose clothes, and had messy short hair, like a survivor living nearby.

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