I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 119: Getting smarter?

"What you should know has already been known, and what you don't know will never be known until you die.

The elder sister saw that she looked a little sad with her head down, and comforted her: "Don't worry, there are plenty of people, and someone will appear in the base again after a while, don't worry, you will definitely earn the crystal core."

"...Didn't they notice something wrong?"

"Sister, don't be silly, can ants on the ground see lice in dog hair? What if you think it's wrong, they will brainwash themselves."

This book was first published in 𝟔𝟗 book bar → 96𝖘𝖍𝖚.𝖓𝖊𝖙, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

Xia Yan raised her head, her eyes were clear, and there was no sadness at all.

Seeing this, the elder sister nodded with relief, "That's right, no matter when, there will always be fools. "

"Are you planning to move to a new place? "Xia Yan rarely saw such a sober person, and considered sending her to the main store.

"Don't move for now. Anyway, our family of three has been here for a while. We want to save more crystal cores. When the situation is not good, we can run away overnight! Hahaha!" The eldest sister laughed happily, freely and fearlessly.

Xia Yan was infected by her emotions, "When you want to leave here, you can consider going to the main store of the resort hotel, which is much better than the branch. The address information of the hotel is in the points card."

The eldest sister said "oh" and agreed readily.

In the afternoon, bored Xia Yan moved out his recliner and put it behind the cashier, watching TV leisurely, with cold thick taro bubble milk green and round snow Mei Niang desserts on hand.

As a burst of rapid footsteps approached, someone outside the store exclaimed, "Boss, a new restaurant has opened here!"

"Yeah, I saw it, I'll come back for dinner later. "A quiet female voice responded.

Xia Yan was too lazy to get up after hearing their noise. He drank a cup of bubble tea, chewed some chewy pearls, and dozed off leisurely with his eyes half closed.

About half an hour later, this group of people came back again.

"Hello, welcome to the restaurant. Do you have a points card?" Meng Meng walked up with the card machine.

"Points card? What is that?" One of them asked.

Meng Meng pointed to the notice board, which included the card application process, section introduction, and the latest version of the points card picture.

"What is this? I've never seen it before."

"Hey? I've seen it!"

Everyone turned to look.

The leading woman looked at her and asked, "Where have you seen it?"

"Captain Zhang, I'm sure I've seen it. I saw it on Mao Yuanyuan's arm!"

Mao Yuanyuan? Isn't that a member of the ninth team?

"Tell me more about it. "

"I ran into her by chance two days ago. I found that she was much more energetic. I praised her casually and she wanted to run away. I saw that she looked flustered, so I held her hand and happened to show this card. I didn't take it seriously at the time..."

"In that case, no wonder they have been running outside these days. I thought they were so hungry that they ran to eat exotic beast meat!"

After hearing this, everyone discussed the strangeness they found.

Captain Zhang Ping shouted for silence, his eyes swept across the legs exposed behind the cash register, stopped on the notice board, and carefully read the rules and usage.

Can I order takeout?

"No wonder." Zhang Ping smiled knowingly, "Sisters, line up to apply for the card."

"Got it! ! ”

Although I don’t know what the captain has discovered, it’s right to listen to her!

When the Ninth Team had no food to eat and was almost starving to death, their captain led people to the warehouse to grab food, and scolded Dong Changbing who came over after hearing the noise, and almost couldn’t control his temper and beat him up!

In the end, everyone went back happily with a bunch of supplies, and Dong Changbing was so angry that he jumped up and down.

In the words of Captain Zhang Ping, Dong Changbing is a villain.

To deal with villains, either you are strong enough to make him dare not even fart, or you have someone backing you up. She also said that Su Mei people are okay, but they are stupid, their brains can’t work, and they are always fooled.

Zhang Ping touched the points card on her arm, studied it carefully first, and was a little curious about the interface where you can order takeout.

She glanced at the person behind the cashier again, and after ordering the meal, she sat down with her teammates with the plate and started eating.

"Captain, it's so delicious! "

"That's right, when did that bastard Su Mei become smart? He has this good thing but he doesn't say a word, and he goes to Dong Changbing every day to ask for it."

"Maybe he has fallen into too many traps and his brain has become clear?"

"Fuck, it's possible, haha."

"Eat quickly, and then go to the back mountain. "Zhang Ping listened for a while and suddenly interrupted. She figured out why Su Mei always ran to the back mountain. Just like her teammates said, Su Mei really started to grow a brain.

Xia Yan lay behind the cashier counter and took in everyone's words.

She reached out and picked up a snow meringue and took a bite.

The glutinous skin, the sweet but not greasy cream, and a large mango and strawberry in the middle.


The team members stopped talking and wolfed down the meal. Zhang Ping took the lead and returned the plates to the dishwasher.

Before leaving, Zhang Ping looked back again. The legs exposed behind the cashier counter swayed leisurely, as if nothing could disturb her.


When it got darker, residents who set up stalls appeared in the square, shouting and selling their own products.

Fu Niang passed by the restaurant, dirty all over. She glanced inside and looked down at her clothes covered with the blood of the alien beast.

It's better to go home and wash it first, and then come to eat.

When she returned to the restaurant and planned to ask Boss Xia to go to the night market, she learned that Boss Xia had already gone out. Mengmeng asked her to go to the square and see if she could find Boss Xia.

At this moment, Xia Yan was in the service hall, looking at the various recruitment information posted on the bulletin board.

‘We will go to the back mountain to kill monsters on Friday morning. There are currently two third-level superpowers (range attack + attack). We need a water superpower and a front tank. ’

‘Seeking life: We are a professional construction team, taking on various odd jobs and scattered jobs, and the price is right. ’

‘Seeking to buy a fourth-level crystal core, no attribute requirements, two three-crystals in exchange. ’

‘The end-of-the-world barber shop: curly hair, straight hair, bob hair, short hair, etc., we can do it, the price is very cheap! Welcome everyone to visit the hair salon...’

The information inside is messy, asking for people, asking for things, and asking for life.

Xia Yan silently thought, can the main store also set up a convenient place for customers to exchange materials?

The main store is not perfect now, there is no cinema arrangement, and there is no leisure and entertainment area for customers.

Every time the teams have a meeting, they have to run to the lobby on the first floor.

Points are required everywhere. Xia Yan sighed. Fortunately, the branch does not need to be upgraded, otherwise she would not feel like she is on vacation at all...

‘System, the branch does not need to be upgraded, how to activate the buffet restaurant? ’

[Served 1,000 different customers, currently 85/1,000]

Xia Yan retracted her gaze and left the service center. Not far away, the middle of the square was full of stall owners. Taking advantage of the afterglow, they waved their arms and tried their best to sell.

It felt a bit like the lively market in other worlds.

She returned to the store, took out three new sets of clothes from the system grid, and distributed them to the employees.

“You have done a good job these days, keep working hard in the future!”

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