I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 120 Many teams came to the city

Early on Friday morning, Xia Yan opened the door of the restaurant on time. Unlike usual, the customers in front of the door rarely lined up. They gathered in groups of three or five in the square and chatted happily.

"Fu Niang, why are there so many people in the square? What happened?"

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Fu Niang next door moved a pot of flowers outside the store. Hearing this, she wiped the sweat on her forehead, looked around, and said, "Today is Friday, the official day for selling exotic meat. Boss Xia should have never seen it, right?"

She smiled, with dimples, "Boss Xia, if you want to go and see the excitement, go with me. It just so happens that I grabbed the exchange card a few days ago, and this time I can exchange for 10 kilograms of meat."

Xia Yan suddenly realized, "I heard the big sister of the iron shop mentioned it. When are you going? Take me with you."

She really became interested.

Exotic meat, I don't know if it tastes good.

"The time of sale is not fixed each time. I will call you when the time comes."

Xia Yan nodded and went back to the store to eat breakfast.

Since she came to this world to enjoy a vacation, she has eaten three meals on time, went to bed early and got up late, and her stomach has been better.

At this time, Xiong Xiong came out from behind the door, saw her and called her boss, then began to arrange the work of the three employees, and asked them to clean up the sanitation outside the door together. After a while, he went back to the main store.

As the sun shone high, a group of neatly arranged teams appeared on the street, walking slowly towards the city center.

The team was basically full of disabled people, with gauze tightly wrapped around their foreheads, arms, thighs and other parts, stained dark brown by coagulated blood.

The superpowers looked tired and their eyes were dull, as if they had not rested for a long time.

Many people noticed the newly opened restaurant on the street, and then saw the plates of various fresh foods on the glass table. The diners ate fragrantly, and they seemed to smell the fragrance and their stomachs growled.

"Captain, look there." A dark-skinned male mutant gestured to the captain, touched his stomach with his only intact hand, and said pitifully: "Captain, let's eat first. There are so many people going to the hospital, and we have to queue up when we get there."

"Yes, captain, let's eat first, the brothers are almost starving to death."

Many people followed suit.

The captain ignored them, stepped back a few steps, stood on a high place, looked around, and frowned.

There were a lot of people.

"Everyone, turn left!" She gave an order, her tone was clean and sharp, without a trace of rising ending tone.

Under her order, the team of more than 20 people marched towards the restaurant in an orderly manner.

The team behind looked at them enviously, looking at their captain, and also wanted to eat.

"Follow them!"

Oh~ The captain has spoken, and we can finally eat!

Xia Yan saw it clearly, drank the last sip of red date soy milk, asked Meng Meng to send the plate back, stood up and put the public notice board in the most conspicuous place, and called Qing Mingzi to prepare to apply for a card.

The door was pushed open, and a woman wearing a hat came in. She had a dignified face and a firm gaze. Her exposed arms were strong and full of momentum.

"Can we eat?"

"Of course, please look at the notice board first."

The female captain read it quickly, pondered for a few seconds, and carefully looked around the store. She noticed the working air conditioner and the large TV playing TV series, and took out a two-crystal from her pocket.

"Please top up for me first."

"Captain..." The team member who was as black as a coal block couldn't help but speak. The content on the notice board said that the points were stuck on the arm, which was a bit dangerous. Such risky things should not be done by the captain.

Another team member pulled it, shook his head slightly at him, and said in a low voice: "You don't have to say it, the captain won't listen. You just came and don't know. The captain never lets us take risks, and she has special abilities."

Then, you can't always let the captain charge in front.

He sighed, stared at her nervously, and an indescribable feeling stirred in his heart.

This feeling is a bit like the sadness of a mother who always supports her children and then smiles and tells them that she is not tired.

In this era, who doesn't live for themselves? Who would be as stupid as the captain...

No wonder this team has become the No. 1 in the hearts of all superpowers.

The captain pinched his skin and felt nothing strange. He double-clicked on the card and seriously checked all the processes. He focused on the takeaway interface and calculated the price of the order in his mind.

She walked to the ordering machine and ordered a meal under the guidance of 001. After picking up the meal, she tasted each one, then calmed down and carefully felt the changes in her body. After 5 minutes, she spoke:

"Everyone, apply for a card in turn and charge three two crystals."

She didn't know where the food in this restaurant came from. Everyone has secrets in the end times. If you are curious about everything, you won't live long.

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The restaurant was clean, with plenty of food, water and electricity, and the proprietress looked quite impressive. She never got involved in such mysterious matters.


Everyone sat down and stuffed food into their mouths quietly.

Xia Yan retracted her gaze. In just a few days, she had seen many outstanding women in the base.

Unlike the survivors who escaped from the third base, the residents here believe in self-reliance and are more mature in their thinking. They are not so easily defeated. They know clearly what they want and rarely have useless disputes between men and women.

They are calm, smart, and have a long-term vision. They understand the importance of strength.

Even Fu Niang will go out to kill low-level monsters at a fixed time to prevent herself from losing the ability to attack.

At this time, another team of people walked in from the door, neatly applying for cards, queuing up to order food and preparing to eat.

The team that was originally going straight outside the store rested on the spot, looking at the people eating inside, waiting patiently.

As long as someone takes the lead in applying for cards, everyone will rush in.

Is it dangerous to have a card on your arm? Isn’t it dangerous in the wild? Isn’t it dangerous to be hungry? Is there anything more important than filling your stomach?

10 minutes later, the first team finished their meal, stood up in unison to deliver the meal tray, and lined up to walk out.

The team waiting outside immediately stood up, holding the crystal core in their hands and looking forward to it.

Like an assembly line, when one team leaves, another team comes in. There will be no situation where there are too many customers and no seats in the store, and the customers are quiet.

At this time, Xia Yan saw Fu Niang waving at her, and she stood up and walked out.

"Business is good today." Fu Niang glanced at the grand scene in the store and joked.

Xia Yan smiled and said nothing.

In the center of the square, the busy crowd was covered by a shadow. Looking up at the sky, it turned out that a large dark cloud was slowly floating over, blocking the scorching sun, and even the air was much cooler.

"Ah, it's not going to rain?" Fu Niang raised her head and said in an unhappy tone.

As soon as the voice fell, the raindrops fluttered down, and it still brought a hint of warmth when it fell on the face. The skin it touched was faintly hot, and the nose was lingering with a sour smell.

The teams on both sides of the street took action, took the tents, umbrellas, and simple high-legged wooden boards handed over by the space ability users, and set up camp on the spot.

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