I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 121 Professional Butcher

"This weather is really annoying!" Fu Niang covered her head with her arms and let out a long breath in depression, frowning slightly, hesitating whether to go back first and come back after the rain stops.

Xia Yan took out an umbrella from the system grid, held it up to cover the two people's heads, tilted one side slightly, and looked at the blue sky on the other side of the dark clouds. It turned out to be a local shower.

"Wait in my store for a while, the rain should be over soon."

Fu Niang looked at the people running around in the center of the square looking for a place to hide from the rain and nodded.

The stalls were not set up, so there was no point for them to go there.

As the thunder rumbled overhead, the rain intensified, and the edge of the umbrella flowed down in strings. The sour smell in the air became heavier and became pungent.

The superpowers sitting on the high ground on the roadside looked at the two people expressionlessly, and their eyes without any emotions moved slowly with their movements.

The water flow on the ground became a dividing line, forming two worlds, like a pantomime, black and white silent oppression.

Fu Niang shrank her shoulders, her fingers felt a little cold, her eyes focused on her feet, watching the small splashes of water when she landed, and the ripples seemed to hit her heart.

They were people who were closer to death, and they also had an unconcealable silence on their bodies.

Xia Yan noticed her discomfort, walked outside calmly, and glanced at her lightly.


There were a few more special customers in the store.

She put away her umbrella and put it by the door, and called Fu Niang to the room on the second floor to wash her face and hands.

It was very uncomfortable to have raindrops on the skin, and there was always a burning feeling.

Fu Niang was a little embarrassed, and shook her hands to refuse.

"Then give me a pot of flowers, sunflowers are good."

Xia Yan dispelled her concerns with one sentence, and happily agreed and started to wash her face.

Only an equal relationship can get along for a long time.

Fu Niang does not do evil to others, but she is not stupid.

After returning downstairs, the customers who were full of the aura of superiors were chatting leisurely. When they noticed Xia Yan, they nodded kindly, which instantly made people feel that they were very friendly.

Xia Yan would not be deceived by their appearance.

She was also gentle and acted harmless.

Several people retracted their gazes and continued to chat, as if just to say hello.

Fu Niang took the meal plate and found a table far away from them to sit down and eat silently.

The rain was tilted and hit the glass surface directly, exploded into a small pool, slowly flowed down, mixed in the water flow and accumulated together, ran into the sewer, and ran to the periphery of the base.

There were watermarks on the glass. Qing Mingzi looked at the glass with a basin in his hand, intending to rush out to clean the glass again when the rain stopped.

The rain here came and went quickly.

An hour later, the clouds had run to the other side of the sky, and the visible mist gathered between the sky and the earth, which felt a little strange.

In places with wide vision, you can clearly see the direction of the clouds, and you can also see the thunder and lightning in the distance.

The team on the street began to pack up their bags, quickly folded up the tools, handed them to the space ability users, and lined up to wait.

An unusual team appeared in front of them - led by four men wearing bibs and holding sharp knives, followed by four flexible women in charge of recording, and three seemingly empty-handed two women and one man.

"They are coming! Boss Xia, let's follow them." Fu Niang stood up, pushed open the door and walked out.

The table had been set up in the center of the square, covered with a thick waterproof and oil-proof tablecloth, and four long lines were lined up in front.

Fu Niang was in the rightmost line, holding the exchange card tightly in her hand.

"Boss Xia, stand with me, and I'll give you half of the meat I bought!"

Xia Yan looked back and smiled, sincerely thanking, "I'll go to the front to see."

The four professional butchers holding sharp knives and responsible for cutting meat stood behind the table, and the women next to them were responsible for recording information.

The empty-handed psychics grabbed four huge mutant pigs and dropped them heavily on the table. Their long and dense fangs were exposed, their bodies were covered with thick black hair, and their four thick hooves had sharp, inward-curved nails.

The butcher sharpened his knife and peeled off the pig skin neatly, revealing the whitish meat inside.

"First person, come over here and give me the card." The recorder looked at the card and said to him, "5 pounds of meat, plus two hooves."

The butcher was indeed a professional. He smoothly divided the whole pig along the bone seam in a few seconds, cut off a piece of meat very accurately, weighed it with his hand, and handed it out.

The buyer opened his pocket and walked back happily with the meat.


Xia Yan stood aside with his arms folded, watching the scene in full swing in front of him.

A pig was quickly divided, and the space psychic took out another mutant horned cow.

After peeling off the fur, the meat was still whitish.

Xia Yan thought that it should be the effect of removing the poison?

The head of the mutant beast was taken away by the fire-type mutant waiting on the side, and burned to ashes on the spot, leaving a black skull.

The people holding the exchange card did not choose the type of meat, and took whatever they were assigned.

After watching for a while, she felt bored, and happened to hear the neat footsteps coming from nearby, so she was attracted.

Following this team past a building, a 3-story small building suddenly appeared in front of them. There was a red cross on the roof, and wounded people kept coming in and out.


Xia Yan followed him in.

The hospital's interior is simple, with not so many departments. Basically, there are only three healing psychics on each floor, and the simple beds in the corridor are already full of people.

Unlike the noisy hospitals she had seen before, this place is very quiet. Except for the occasional voice of the doctor asking questions, there is only the sound of footsteps.

She stood in the corridor and saw the doctor in a white coat cut off the rotten flesh with a sterilized scalpel, placed his hands on the wound, and the white psychic appeared in her palms, gently healing the wound.

Three minutes later, the wound from the secondary trauma began to heal, and a long blood scab appeared on the skin.

"It's okay, don't do strenuous exercise these days, it will be healed soon." The doctor said.

The injured stood up and whispered thanks, pulled down his clothes, and vacated the bed.

"Next." The doctor looked up and his voice was soft and powerful.

She noticed Xia Yan in the crowd outside the door, and knew that this was the restaurant owner that her friends had been talking about recently. Boss Xia came here to see a doctor?

The doctor tilted his head slightly, with a question in his eyes.

At this time, another injured person came into the room, and the doctor withdrew his gaze from her and stopped paying attention to her, doing his job seriously.

Xia Yan also left here and went upstairs to read all the doctors' treatment methods.

The halo of the healing system has various colors, and the strength of the healing is also related to the level of the psychic.

A powerful healing psychic sitting on the third floor actually emits a halo of almost black color, which can regenerate a broken arm, so the injured people queuing outside the door are all seriously ill patients.

Xia Yan returned to the restaurant, waited for the last wave of customers to leave, closed the store, and went home to ask the system for people.

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