"System, you must assign me a senior employee. I don't even have time to rest, let alone go to the gate of vacation! I am already seriously restricted!"

Xia Yan lay on the bed, pitifully selling misery. '6''9''s''h''u''x''.''c''o''m'

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱

"Please system, love me."

[...Do you want to draw again? ]

Xia Yan jumped up, "Draw, draw, draw! Draw as many points as you want!"

[Just draw a senior employee, 30,000 points each time, and the points will be taken back after the vacation progress bar is completed]

"How many times do my points have enough to draw now?"

[If the sales of the two stores are added together, it's enough to draw twice]

"Use them all!" When Xia Yan heard that there was such a good thing, there was no reason not to draw.

Why do you need so many points? You can't take them away.

I hope that more and more people will order food through takeout in the future, so that she will have endless points to spend? !

Xia Yan became more and more excited as she thought about it, and felt that the real holiday day was just around the corner.

"System, draw the lottery quickly!"

Under her repeated urging, a high-level turntable finally appeared in front of her, with different names written on it, all of them were employees!

100% of them are employees!

Xia Yan happily clicked the button for the lottery, and saw the turntable spinning rapidly, leaving only afterimages of the colorful colors. After three seconds, the speed of the turntable slowed down and gradually stopped.

The pointer stopped at the fiery red color.

[Congratulations, you have successfully drawn the Koi girl - Xiaowan]

[Koi girl: Xiaowan, gentle personality, no weaknesses, work 24 hours a day, cannot be upgraded]

[Work experience: worked as a manager of a restaurant, has rich management experience, excellent adaptability]

[Employee Xiaowan has been issued, please assign work as soon as possible]

Xia Yan likes the one without weaknesses, it would be great if Xiongxiong also had no weaknesses.

"System, draw another one."

The advanced turntable appears, click on the draw, the turntable spins, and when it stops again, it is black and gold.

[Congratulations, you have successfully drawn Mr. Zhicang]

[Mr. Zhicang, modest, no weaknesses, works 24 hours a day, cannot be upgraded]

[Work experience: once an excellent surgeon, later changed career to become a chef, has many fans]

[Employee Zhicang has been issued, please assign work as soon as possible]

Successfully received two employees, the turnover was swept away, and there were two avatars waiting to be assigned on the store's business page that were very shining.

"Thank you for the two employees sent by the system brother, I wish my brother's career to flourish, and his luck will be stronger day by day!"

Xia Yan naturally had to flatter him, give and take, and the business will last long.

[Thank you! ]

That night, not only did Xia Yan sleep well, but the system also felt refreshed, reflecting its own value.

Early the next morning, Xia Yan ran to the branch and took out the employee Xiaowan.

When she saw the photo, she thought Xiaowan was a beautiful girl, but she didn't expect that she was actually a fish? !

In the rotating water flow as tall as her, a mermaid with a beautiful red long tail turned around, her soft and boneless arms stretched out of the water flow gracefully, and a pearl was clamped between her slender fingers.

"I am your employee Xiaowan, please take care of me in the future. A small gift for meeting, please accept it, boss." Xiaowan blinked her smart blue eyes, and her seaweed-like golden hair fluttered slowly.

Xia Yan put away his shock and reached out to take the pearl.

"Boss, please arrange a job for me." The mermaid Xiaowan stood still obediently, and the light blue water flow wrapped around her side in circles.

The fiery red scales extended all the way to the bottom of the collarbone, gradually fading to a rose pink, and two or three very petite koi swam in her neck, jumping high from time to time, flicking their tails, and sprinkling small golden water droplets.

This... The lottery is worth it.

Xia Yan circled around Xiao Wan, feeling extremely satisfied. She stretched out her hand to brush the water, but it was as if she was passing through air, and her fingertips were still dry.

Seeing this, Xiao Wan twisted her fingers, and small blue water drops slightly darker than the water appeared between her fingers and were sent into Xia Yan's palm, spinning round and round.

Xia Yan pinched it, and it felt very elastic.

"This is my branch, Xiao Wan, you will be the store manager, responsible for the daily operation of the store, and protect the safety of yourself and your colleagues."

She waved to Qing Mingzi and the other two, and introduced them to them: "This is Xiao Wan, she will be the store manager here in the future, and everyone can find her if they have any questions. Xiao Wan, this is Qing Mingzi, Meng Meng and 001."

"Hello, store manager." The three said in unison.

Xiao Wan smiled and nodded, and three round small blue water balls were attached to their earlobes, like special earrings, rotating with their movements.

"A small gift for meeting you. I hope you like it."

At this time, the door of the store was opened from the outside, and a team walked in, ordering food and eating skillfully.

"Boss, leave this to me."

Xiao Wan's long tail exerted a little force, and her body moved forward naturally.

Xia Yan only saw at this time that Xiao Wan was 5 cm above the ground, completely suspended.

If Xiao Wan had not been pulled out of the high-end turntable by her own hands, she would have thought that this was a big guy from somewhere pretending to be a newbie...

Xiao Wan slowly moved and began to familiarize herself with the facilities in the store, the ordering and serving process, the points card redemption rules, etc.

Xia Yan also put his mind back, ordered a Hong Kong-style morning tea in the food city, and found a table to sit down and observe while eating.

The branch store is small and the facilities are simple. Xiaowan quickly got familiar with it. She stood at the door of the store, looking at the people coming and going outside and thinking.

Xia Yan followed her gaze and saw that the flow of people had increased since yesterday.

Xiaowan turned around and put the notice board outside. She found another blank sign from the cashier counter and painted it with a black bold marker to attract the attention of passers-by.

A pedestrian walked up to her curiously and talked to her. After getting a reply, he walked into the store to apply for a card with satisfaction.

‘Aren’t they curious about Xiaowan in such a look? ’

[No, this is Xiaowan’s own attribute. Except for the boss, others will only treat her as an ordinary person.]

Xia Yan could only say that it was awesome.

She stayed for a while. Xiaowan had already gotten the hang of it. She could quickly break the concerns of skeptical customers and successfully apply for a card.

Seeing that there was nothing to do in the branch store, Xia Yan greeted her and returned to the courtyard.

She now has another employee, Mr. Zhigang.

Xia Yan took him out while sitting in the cradle.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a bloated man with a pale body sat on the wooden sofa.

His eyes showed confusion, and he was not used to the strange environment. He looked around before looking at the girl sitting solemnly opposite.

"Where is this...?"

Zhikang's memory was still stuck on the scene of making sashimi for other companions who had died many years ago in Zhihu Lake.

He was about to put the cut pink fish meat on the customer's plate when he heard a sentence that seemed to come from a distant place - you have been drawn and are about to be transferred...


Before Zhikang could figure it out, his eyes began to blur. In the end, he only had time to see the other customers opposite looking at him with dead fish eyes, and their swollen white hands slowly clapping to celebrate.

After spending a long time together, he knew that it was an expression that was truly happy for him.

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