Xia Yan was stunned when he heard his words.

It seems like this employee is different?

‘System, why does it feel like something is wrong with him? ’

[Advanced turntables are also divided into levels, including upper, middle and lower]

‘What are the levels of Xiaowan and Zhijiang? ’

[Xiaowan is at the low level, Zhiji is at the intermediate level]

'What's the difference? ’

[Xiao Wan is an employee in the true sense, and Zhi Zhi is the host who was punished for not completing the task before]

[Don’t worry, his memory will be erased in this world and his 100% loyalty is guaranteed]

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

Xia Yan looked at Zhijia for a while and didn't know what to say.

We are both fallen from the world, who is stronger than the other?

It seems that he is in a worse situation at the moment, but who knows what punishment she will receive if she fails to complete the task next time?

The severity of the punishment will be determined based on the completion of the task.

Xia Yan silently looked at his body. He must have been soaked in water for a long time, and his whole body was severely swollen. Fortunately, his face was normal and not too unbearable to look at.

She cleared her throat, attracted his attention, and said, "This is the backyard of the resort hotel, and you are my new employee."


Zhijiu murmured, does it sound familiar?

He thought hard.

The very clear picture in my mind just now seemed to have been wiped by an eraser and gradually disappeared. A big disembodied hand held a pen and wrote a series of words quickly.

Zhijiu followed silently in silence.

After reading the last word, he was like a recoded computer software that automatically restarted.

Zhiji stood up, bent over hard, and his pale flesh was squeezed into a ball.

"Hello boss, I am an employee. Please assign work to me."

Xia Yan nodded and silently asked the system:

‘Can you restore him to his original state while clearing his memory? How can I arrange work with him like this? ’

[It’ll be fine tomorrow, what’s the rush?]


Xia Yan waved him to sit down, hesitating where to arrange him today.

Zhiji did as he was told, looking at his swollen knees, as if he realized something, and said in a gentle voice:

"Boss, my swelling won't subside until tomorrow. Do you think you could give me a big box to live in first?"

As if being hit by an electric current, Xia Yan looked up. His straight eyes were clear and bright, his tone was sincere, and he looked loyal to his boss first.

But she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

After a long while, he said in a slightly hoarse voice: "No, you can stay in the yard tonight. I will prepare a bed for you later. I will go to work tomorrow when you get better."

Zhiji struggled to reveal a smile that she could tell was a smile, "Thank you, boss."

Xia Yan stood up, took out a bed purchased for zero yuan from the system grid, and placed it next to a fruit tree full of small fruits.

She pointed to the single bed with complete bedding and said, "You stay here for now, and I'll go take a look at the front."

Zhiji touched the soft quilt, looked back and nodded.

Xia Yan said nothing more and turned around to walk to the main store. The last moment she closed the door, she saw Zhizhi sitting on the ground, looking up at the small fruits hanging on the branches. The sunlight passed through the leaves and left a mark on his face. Mottled light and shadow.

In the front hall, Xiong Xiong had his hands on his hips, and in front of him were a group of children.

Xia Yan approached quietly and made a shushing gesture to the children who found her.

Xiong Xiong was so angry that these children were not obedient at all and ran outside in the hot weather. The exposed skin was red and had blisters.

"You are going too far. I have said many times not to go out and do it by yourself. Are Level 2 zombies something you can kill now? Don't let your eyes light up when you see a zombie appearing."

The raging bear swept over them one by one, its bright black eyes filled with flames, and it continued:

"Baizuo Baiyou, I know it was your idea. Even though your abilities have been upgraded now, level two is still rubbish! Do you know that brother upstairs who is all black? He is a level 6 boss!

He has the ability to run away, but you don't! From now on, just stay nearby! "

Grandma Jiang's two grandsons looked at each other and retorted in a low voice: "But there are no zombies nearby. We don't want to be driven out, so we can only risk going out..."

Xiong Xiong put down his hands and touched his chin to think.

"Well...no wonder the customers in the store no longer eat three meals a day recently. The performance has dropped..."

All the children nodded.

There is no crystal core, so of course we have to save money.

You have to walk a long way out at night, and sometimes the visibility is not good, so you can only try it during the day.

Xiong Xiong scratched his head and suddenly saw the reflection on the glass. He was so frightened that he took a step back, and his smooth hair trembled up and down with a comic effect.

"Old, old, boss, are you back?"

"Yeah." Xia Yan glanced at it and sat calmly on the sofa.

The bear winked at the children and drove them away.

"Thank you for your hard work, boss." Xiong Xiong came over with a glass of warm water and smoothed his hair.

Xia Yan took it, Xiong Xiong became more and more anthropomorphic!

"How's the situation in the store lately?"

Xiong Xiong organized his words and said: "This period is not very good, and there are not many customers coming to the door. It all depends on the old customers."

Maybe the customers were too aggressive and cleared the area around the hotel. Zombies rarely appeared. If you wanted to kill zombies, you had to run far away.

If the customer has no points, the hotel will have no profit.

It’s really not that it’s a bear, it can’t be changed.

"Well, I understand. I'll wait a few days. If it doesn't work, I'll go out and promote it again."

When new customers come, they will bring a wave of zombies, which can be regarded as giving old customers a chance.

Xia Yan can actually use the punishment system to throw customers into the first-level zombie pile, and call them back after killing them.

It just feels weird, like playing yo-yo.

When others wave their hands, it is a skill. When she, Xia Yan, wave her hands, it is a group of customers who look at the zombies with shining eyes...

She just thought about this method and there is no possibility of putting it into action.

The customers who were going to go out to kill zombies upstairs appeared in the hall in groups and greeted Boss Xia enthusiastically.

Xia Yan found that ordinary people followed them out, holding simple homemade weapons in their hands.

It feels that the lethality is very poor.

Compared with the older people, it is obvious that the younger generation has accepted the cruelty of the end of the world faster. Several children gathered together and excitedly discussed how many zombies to kill tonight and how many crystal cores to get.

In the crowd, Xia Yan noticed that the cheeks of the old couple who had lived there for a long time were sunken again. There were no teammates around them. The single woman and the girl who were originally with them had already integrated into another stronger team.

Not only the old couple, but also others, such as Jing Yimai, a lone ranger with strong superpowers, which was understandable.

There was also the boy who lived in 309 and the girl without superpowers who bought a pistol.

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