In the courtyard, Xia Yan randomly found an empty wall, took out the resort door, and installed it on it.

After three minutes of installation, a silver-white transparent door frame and a door filled with thick fog stood on the wall.

Standing outside, it was impossible to see through it, as if the world inside the door existed in another space. The thick fog was almost dripping with water, giving people the illusion that they could not identify the direction after entering.

Xia Yan reached in and stirred the thick fog.

Sure enough, there was a wet feeling in her hand.

She thought about it and stepped in directly.

What is inside, you will know after walking in.

As she stepped in, the layers of fog in front of her eyes suddenly dissipated, and she felt a fine sense of gravel under her feet, and the slightly fishy smell of sea water lingered at the tip of her nose.

She appeared on a vast and boundless island.

The clear sea water was sent to the beach by the breeze and kissed her ankles.

Looking far away, there is a high mountain to the west of the island, with lush greenery, tall palm trees and fine-leaved vegetation taller than a person.

Until it is close to the coastline, it is isolated by the white and delicate beach.

Beside her, the resort gate stands quietly.

It seems that this is not a certain illusory space, but a certain scenic spot in this world.

[Successfully bound, resort-Lidai Island is the resort of the hotel]

[Lidai Island, with an area of ​​50,000 square kilometers, has an absolute territory of 12 nautical miles, and there are 21 habitable islands in the territorial waters, all of which are deluxe islands]

[Please completely eliminate the hidden dangers on the island before you can operate it externally]

Xia Yan looked back and saw a long trailing beach extending into the sea, and several green islands surrounded Lidai from far or near.

The deep blue sea in the distance is calm, and there are a few soft white clouds on the horizon. The sky and the earth blend together, which is very peaceful.

The salty sea breeze blew, brushing the hair by her ears.

This is the taste of freedom.

She took a deep breath, took off her sandals and threw them aside, and ran happily into the beach.

The fine sand was warmed by the sun, and waves rushed up, and the white foam disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The seabed in the near distance was clearly visible, and the sea water turned into a beautiful ice blue.

Run, run to the distance, and salute freedom!

Blue sky, white clouds, beach, and overlapping waves.

This is a vacation!

Xia Yan lay on the beach until she was tired of running, looking at the blue sky, and her mood was about to explode.

"Ah! It's so cool!! How can it be so cool!!!"

Haha, vacation!

Sure enough, people can't be compared. She thought it was quite comfortable in the resort hotel. After all, there were no life-threatening tasks and punishments, and meals were free. She just had to upgrade the hotel leisurely and go out for a stroll.

But now, she suddenly felt that her previous self had no pursuit!

Since this island is hers, can she have a beach BBQ in the future? Can she scuba dive and fish? Can she still surf on the sea? !

Xia Yan felt that a good life was waving at her.

She turned over and sat up neatly, brushed off the gravel on her body, and prepared to patrol the territory first, and then plan how to arrange the venue.

Stepping on the soft gravel, she walked slowly and looked around. The island was overgrown with weeds, and the palm trees were tall and strong. Even if there were any buildings, they could not be seen from outside.

Continuing along the beach, she found that there were still dozens of scattered piles in the water.

As for the hidden dangers prompted by the system, she has not discovered them yet.

Could there be zombies here too?

Wait, what's that sound? !

She keenly noticed the rustling sound coming from deep in the bushes, as if something was moving out.

Xia Yan looked around, picked up a piece of dead branch as thick as an arm blown by the waves, turned around and ran, rushing towards the resort gate.

Based on her previous experience, if she didn't run quickly when she found danger, she would be killed.

Could it be a group of mutant beasts inside?

It would be reasonable that only mutant beasts existed in the dense grass, right?

The rustling sound gradually increased and approached.

At the same time, the outermost leaves were pushed aside with a swish, and a rotten zombie rushed out.


The zombie stared at him with eyes like dead fish, stumbling over, swaying left and right, unable to find the location of the sound just now.

Then, groups of zombies rushed out from different angles, roaring into the beach, and their heads full of rotten flesh bared their big mouths as if to confirm whether she was the same kind.

Xia Yan was surrounded.

The dense zombies crowded on the beach, and the rotten stench close at hand made her nauseous.

This smell was like herring juice added to rotten egg liquid, not only smelly, but also irritating.

She pinched her nose tightly with tears in her eyes, and was very glad that she still had a long stick in her hand.

She used the stick to hit the zombie's head and pushed it aside.


The high-level zombies behind her gradually approached.

! ! !

Xia Yan felt a chill on the back of her neck, goose bumps all over her body, and she turned around and hit him with a stick.

"Fuck, stay away from me! Don't you know you stink?! And you! You! Stay away!"

She pushed the zombies' heads hard and pushed them aside.

The point is that she hasn't put on shoes yet, how can she kick with bare feet...

Xia Yan pushed the zombies' heads while retreating into the water.

After finally walking out of the zombie circle, the sea water had reached her waist.

She threw away the stick and swam towards the holiday gate with her hands and feet.

Luckily, it was summer and the water was not cold. After returning to the beach, she sat and played in the water, looking at the dense zombies in the distance and feeling a little worried.

With so many zombies, where should the bodies be thrown?

"System, is there a bottomless trash can that does not need to be dumped? Please provide one."

[There is one in the mall, priced at 2888]

"Okay, give me one."

The bottomless trash can is also called a multi-functional trash can. You can throw anything into it without sorting the nature of the garbage.

The disadvantage is that it is relatively large and a bit bulky.

Xia Yan looked at the black trash can that was as high as her chin, grabbed the handrail and moved to the edge of the beach, clapped her hands, and prepared to go back and call for help.

Let the customers do the killing of zombies.

Xia Yan stepped out of the holiday door. From the outside, the door was still in a thick fog.

Fold the door and put it in the system grid, ready to hang it in the hall later.

Go back to the room to take a shower and change clothes. When she was about to leave, she found that there was another door in the private room.

This is a very simple and elegant wooden door with finely carved dark patterns on it and no handrails on the door.

Could it be that this is the door that leads directly to Lidai Island?

She stretched out her hand and pushed it open.

Behind the door is one of the small islands around Lidai Island.

A wooden sign with the words "Island Owner's House" was inserted in the gravel, and behind it was an island-style spire-style house.

There are three swimming pools in front and behind the house, and the outermost swimming pool is connected to the open sea.

The living room and bedroom upstairs are set with low windows and hexagonal viewing bay windows. There is a long slide at the corner outside the door, which can slide directly into the sea.

There is also an outer sky corridor that surrounds the outside of the house.

Xia Yan can clearly see Lidai Island opposite and the 20 nearby islands from here.

There is also a dusty speedboat on the beach as far as the eye can see.

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