I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 126 Take good care of grandma

Returning to the resort hotel, Xia Yan felt confused.

On one side is a scenic resort, and on the other side is a dilapidated apocalyptic landscape.

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There were many people gathered in the hall at this moment.

Grandma Jiang walked back and forth nervously, clasping her hands together and looking out the door from time to time.

There were also equally nervous customers around her, their faces a little pale.

Several younger children clung to the glass door, staring at the end of the street without blinking, hoping that their loved ones would come back safely.

"Xiong Xiong, what are they doing?"

Xiong Xiong trotted over and said, "All the customers went out in groups this morning, saying they were going to see further places, but they haven't come back yet."

It turned out that because there were no zombies nearby, the customers took the initiative.

Xia Yan nodded to show that he understood, and after taking a second look, he walked into the cafeteria to prepare for lunch.

After spending a lot of time on Ridai Island, she was already hungry.

When she saw the four people eating frantically in the cafeteria, she was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that there were still customers who hadn't gone out.

She glanced over the three bald heads and remembered the glowing braised eggs she saw last night...

Why did you shave your hair so smoothly?

Xia Yan picked up some of his favorite meals, casually found a seat by the window and sat down, eating quietly.

Her appearance also attracted the attention of four people.

"She should be the hotel owner!" Li Quan scolded the people around him and whispered.

After coming here for so many days, he finally met the legendary female boss!

He eats and drinks here every day, watches TV on the first floor if he has nothing to do, and goes out with everyone to kill zombies and save a few crystal cores at night. In such a comfortable life, he almost forgets the purpose of coming here!

So when he saw Xia Yan, the long-lost memories suddenly kicked his brain and forced themselves out.

If Boss Xia doesn't show up this time, he will really forget about it!

"Brother, don't forget the mission!" Li Quan said this, but he hesitated in his heart.

Life here is much better than at the base...

The man beside him glared at him fiercely, "Shut your stinky mouth. What kind of mission are you guys? I've never heard of it!"

The man opposite continued: "If you don't want to stay here, go back to the base and eat noodles! The brothers will live here from now on. Don't mention Shangyang Base in the future, do you hear me?"


Li Quan stared at the man who had been silent and asked, "You really don't want to go back?"

The man glanced at him, eating his pork chop and didn't bother to answer.

The food is so good and the accommodation is comfortable. Why go back and live a hard life?

Isn’t it because your brain is sick that you still can’t tell which life is more comfortable?

Li Quan felt that the big stone in his heart had fallen to the ground, and he was actually a little happy.

He drank the cold beer in the glass in one gulp, burped, restarted another bottle, and poured it into the glasses for the three of them.

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"Brothers, you and I thought we would go together. Life is difficult now, but of course we will feel better one day at a time. I respect you!"

Xia Yan took a sip of his drink silently and listened clearly to the conversation between the four of them.

I thought I was going to come here to cause trouble, after all, I haven’t received any small cubes for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the three bald men made the most correct choice at the critical moment. Alas, what a pity.

"Brothers, I also want to have a bald head. Who did you ask to cut my hair?" Li Quan touched the top of his head, trying to establish a friendly cooperative relationship starting from the hair.

"There is an old couple on the third floor. They are good at craftsmanship and don't collect crystal cores." The man beside him stroked it, and the bare and slippery hand felt quite comfortable.

"After pushing it, it will be clean as soon as the water is rinsed, and there are no lice."

"There's nothing wrong with that."


"Look, daddy is back! Dad!!"

The little boy pushed his sister beside him and shouted excitedly.

"What, they're back?!"

People who were waiting anxiously rushed out of the store in droves, looking at the figure appearing at the end of the street, eager to find the person they were waiting for.

"What! What!" Wang Mei was very anxious. She couldn't find her child in the crowd of running people.

"Grandson, my two precious grandsons must come back!" Grandma Jiang's head was a little dizzy, and double images began to appear in front of her eyes. She shook her head, and her throat was tight.

"What's behind them?" Someone with sharp eyes immediately saw something was wrong and shouted.

Everyone looked intently.

"It's a zombie wave!!!"

"It's a zombie wave! Run quickly!!!"

Zombie, zombie wave?

Grandma Jiang couldn't take a breath, her vision turned black, her body became unstable and fell to one side.

Just as she was about to fall to the ground, someone held her arm and lifted her up with force.

Grandma Jiang glanced at Boss Xia next to her with a pale face, and looked toward the street with trembling lips.

People living nearby heard the noise and poked their heads out from high places. When they saw the hundreds of zombies following behind the people running for their lives, they took a cold breath and hurriedly turned around to block the door. Run into the safe area of ​​the hotel.

"Dad!! Run faster!!" The sister hugged her brother tightly and shouted with tears in her eyes, pinching her arms heavily with her fingers.

"Run! Run!!"

Everyone in the safe zone clenched their fists and gritted their teeth, their bodies trembling slightly.

The few people running in the front looked at the hotel that was so close, hope surged in their hearts, and they ran hard while holding their breath.

It's getting closer!

It's right in front!

The chance to survive is right in front! !


Someone behind him was caught by a zombie, fell to the ground with a plop, and was immediately surrounded and bitten by the zombies that rushed over, and screamed through the sky.

"My son!!"

Someone in the safe zone shouted miserably, and the grief of losing a loved one infected everyone. Many people had red eyes and clenched fists.

The people running in the front didn't dare to look back at all. Even if their lungs were about to explode, they ran back desperately. In their eyes, there was only a safe hotel and their families waiting for them to go home.

Jing Yimai heard the sound from a distance and rushed over quickly with a few jumps.

When he saw the dense group of zombies, his brows furrowed fiercely.

How could there be a zombie tide here? !

In the crowd of people fleeing for their lives, two boys were running as fast as they could, with abnormal redness on their faces and bloodshot eyes.

Just now, Bai Zuo was almost caught, but Bai You squeezed out the last bit of his superpowers and repelled the zombies, saving him in a very dangerous way.

But a strange man beside them was caught by zombies...

At this moment, the two of them were left behind, and the zombies behind them were almost touching their hair. The two people who were fleeing under the scythe of the god of death had their hearts beating so fast that they were about to burst out of their chests.

After Bai You used up the last bit of his superpowers, his body felt extremely hollow, and his legs suddenly became sore and he almost stumbled.

"Bai You!" Bai Zuo looked at him in panic, his eyes full of worry.

Bai You barely managed to stabilize himself, but he was still a step slower and was grabbed by the clothes by the zombies behind him.

"Bai You!!!" Bai Zuo shouted hoarsely with red eyes.

Bai You showed despair and took a last look at him.

"Take good care of grandma."

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