I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 129: Big Boss's Protection

"Attract a wave of zombies first, and don't make too much noise. Jing Yimai said to Li Quan, who was responsible for making noises to attract zombies, without even turning his head.

Li Quan nodded and released the red-billed bird.

The bird circled in the air, making a crisp bird cry, and rushed into the forest.

Everyone stared at the bird, their palms full of sweat.

Under Li Quan's command, the red-billed bird circled at low altitude outside the forest, making a low cry, and then flew up into the sky, looking down with two small black bean-like eyes.


Seeing that there was no movement below, the red-billed bird continued to circle and sing softly, and when it heard a rustling sound from inside, it flew towards its owner.

"Chirp, chirp."

The red-billed bird rubbed against Li Quan intimately.

"It said there was movement inside. "Li Quan explained.

Hearing this, everyone became nervous again, holding their weapons across their chests, ready to kill zombies at any time.

There was a movement in the bushes, and as the rustling sound approached, dozens of zombies roared and rushed out.

"Here they come!" Jing Yimai shouted coldly.

The zombies noticed that the living people on the opposite side were running wild, and they approached ferociously with roars.

When they were close, the two big guys waved their hands and signaled to attack!

The long-awaited people raised their heavy weapons and smashed them hard on the zombies' heads!

One! Two!...

In a blink of an eye, dozens of zombies were wiped out, and the sound of fighting attracted the attention of other zombies in the bushes, and they rushed out one after another!

"Everyone get ready! A large wave of zombies is coming!" Sheng Nan shouted loudly, taking the lead in using his supernatural powers.

"Kill the zombies!"

"Fuck it, fight!"

"Go, go, go! "

The colorful supernatural powers in the sky were like a beautiful firework, and the debris splashed by the dull impact flew everywhere.

The nimble children and the old man shuttled between them and quickly picked up the crystal cores and put them in their pockets to be divided at the end.

On the other side.

Xia Yan sat leisurely on the beach, his feet were wrapped by the waves from time to time, and the ice-blue sea water was like a silky ribbon, passing through his fingers.

Ah, the weather is so good.


Three hours later, Sheng Nan and his team began to retreat.

There are mostly ordinary people in their team. It is very good to be able to persist for so long. Today's harvest is quite rich. After going back to divide the crystal cores, we will continue to come tomorrow!

Sheng Nan took the bag of crystal cores, washed it with sea water, and began to count it in front of Xia Yan.

"A total of 120 first-level crystal cores and 30 second-level crystal cores. If you pay 20% of the fee, I have to give you 10 second-level crystals and 4 first-level crystals. Here, Boss Xia, keep it. "

Sheng Nan handed over a handful of crystal cores and put the rest back into the bag.

Xia Yan put them into the small square bag and watched them leave.

Half an hour later, Jing Yimai and his group were also ready to leave, but there was a large group of zombies following behind them, so they could only run out of the resort gate first and then count the number of crystal cores.

"Sister Xia, let's go." Bai Zuo waved to her and hesitated to cross the resort gate.

Xia Yan waited until they all left before walking out.

Crossing the glass corridor, the customers who had fought in the Lidai were lying on the floor exhausted, with happy smiles on their faces.

At this time, Jing Yimai came to pay the fee.

"Hunted 210 first-level crystal cores and 80 second-level crystal cores, these are the fees. "He handed over 40 one-crystals and 16 two-crystals.

Xia Yan took it and threw it into the small square bag as well.

After they all rested, Jing Yimai scattered all the crystal cores on the floor, counted the number of people, and distributed them according to the strength of their efforts.

According to the prior agreement, he would take double portions, and this was only the first time they would cooperate.

No one would have any objections.

In a strange place, with a big boss protecting you, let alone double portions, three or four portions would be appropriate!

It's just a pity that the big boss is only willing to cooperate this time...

Jing Yimai got the portion he deserved, turned around and took the elevator upstairs to take a shower without saying much. He had killed zombies all afternoon and was stinking.

At the same time, Xiongxiong began to busy himself with checking in customers.

Customers living nearby had enough If you have enough points, you will naturally choose to stay in a hotel.

Who doesn't want to live comfortably?

The double rooms and single rooms in the hotel are finally full, and late customers can only choose to stay in suites.

A suite requires 150 points per night, and the family must consume at least two first-level crystal cores every day, including food and drink.

It is also a considerable expense for ordinary people.

The high temperature can be endured, but how to resist the extreme cold? They have to save some crystal cores to survive the cold winter.

2 first-level crystal cores a day, and the cold winter lasts at least 4 months, which means they have to save 240 crystal cores.

So many people are discouraged by the price, and at the same time they are also worried that the crystal cores in their hands will be targeted by someone with ulterior motives, so they simply charge all of them into the points card.

"Boss Xia, what time can I enter the holiday gate tomorrow? "Someone asked.

They were indeed anxious, after all, what they got was theirs. There were not many zombies nearby, and it was very dangerous to run far away. After thinking about it, it was best to kill zombies in the holiday gate.

His words attracted everyone's attention, and they looked at Boss Xia at the same time.

If they could only go in once a day, then they would have to stay a little longer tomorrow and try to save more crystal cores.

Xia Yan finished drinking the water in the cup, and then slowly said: "You can go in anytime in the future, as long as you pay the full fee to Xiong Xiong when you come out, you don't have to wait for me every time. And I have an accurate number of how many zombies each of you kills, so some people don't think they can take advantage of the loopholes and do something they regret."

She thought for a while and continued: "There is a trash can on the beach, throw the zombie bodies in it in the future."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, said sorry, and went back to the holiday gate to clean up the bodies.

The guests in the hall gradually left.

Xia Yan saw that there was nothing for her to do in the store, so she simply returned to her private room.

She changed into a comfortable nightgown, took off her bra to liberate herself, ordered a handmade spicy strips, sugar-fried chestnuts, fruit pizza, and a family bucket of perverted spicy fried wings in the food city, and a super large cup of fat house happy water, and lay on the sofa to watch a comedy movie.

There are so many zombies on Lidai Island that it will take a while to clean them up. At the current speed, it is estimated that it will take a month to clean them up continuously.

Xia Yan thought silently, why not drive the RV in and do the work herself? But she is here for vacation.

If she has this time, she might as well drive a speedboat.

As long as the points are returned to her in the end, the process is not important.

Xia Yan will never admit that she is lazy.

She put her feet on the sofa, leaned against the pillow and ate spicy strips.

We should enjoy it when we should, and she has to remind herself that she is here for vacation haha.

When she gets tired of watching, she will go to the swimming pool on the private island to swim, feel the sea breeze and listen to the sound of the waves, and then play her favorite music.

Who knows how comfortable this life is!

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