I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 130 As long as there is no fighting in the store

After asking the staff to clean the private island, Xia Yan stayed inside for a long time and refused to come out.

The yacht was cleaned by Xiong Xiong until it was brand new and shiny.

The indoor swimming pool was also replaced with new water by Zhi Kang, and even the leaves of the green plants used for decoration in the room were wiped again.

Not to mention the sofa covers, bed sheets, quilt covers, etc., Xiong Xiong immediately changed them all and cleaned them, and hung them in the yard to be bulged by the sea breeze.

The weeds in the yard were removed, the ashes and dead leaves on the steps were sent to the trash can, the broken beach chairs were replaced with new ones, and parasols were set up.

The feeling of vacation came.

Xia Yan changed into a swimsuit, dived into the swimming pool, and swam a long distance holding her breath.

She waited until the oxygen in her mouth was exhausted before she rushed out of the water.


I haven't swum for a long time, and I feel a little rusty.

She slowly swam to the edge of the swimming pool and lay on the transparent glass edge to look outside.

The water level of the swimming pool is the same as the sea level, giving people the illusion of swimming in the sea.

"Boss, can you have a glass of orange juice?"

Xiong Xiong stood on the shore holding a tray. After getting her affirmation, he placed the wooden tray on the water and pushed it over.

The tray slowly floated over, and the orange juice in the cup shook gently.

Xia Yan reached out to catch it, took a sip.

The cold, sour and sweet taste was really refreshing.

"I'll live here for the next few days. Please help me take care of the store. Call me if you need anything."

"Okay, boss, is there anything I can prepare for you?"

Seeing that she was having fun, Xiong Xiong squatted down with some curiosity, stretched his furry paws into the water, and shook them.

The paws that were retracted again were all wet, and he frowned and shook his hands.

"No. This is good enough." Xia Yan looked at it leisurely and couldn't help laughing, "Does Xiongxiong like water too?"

Xiongxiong shook his head, "I don't like this wet feeling."

It called Zhikang, and the two of them went through the door of the island room back to the backyard of the hotel, walked into the lobby and continued to work in the store.

For several days in a row, Xiongxiong didn't see Xia Yan again.

It had the illusion that it was the boss...

Whenever night fell, it would put all the crystal cores it received into the backyard, and they would be taken away a few days later.

The customers in the store no longer went out, guarding the holiday door every day, and as long as they had a good rest, they would go in to kill zombies and earn points crazily.

The days seemed to go on like this.

Until one day, it heard a fierce noise coming from the stairs, and the sound of heavy objects being dragged.

What happened?

Xiongxiong walked over in confusion.

Everyone has been staying for so long, and they all know the rules, so why are they still making trouble?

Oh, isn't this Boss Jing?

Why is he so angry? What is he dragging in his hand?

Xiong Xiong looked closely and found that it was a person.

"Customer, please don't fight in the store."

Jing Yimai looked at him and said, "I know, let's go out and fight."

"Do you agree?" Xiong Xiong looked at Xi Yan who was being dragged.

The latter nodded decisively, but her purple eyes faintly changed to other colors.

Ah, then we really can't do anything about it. Xiong Xiong made way.

Jing Yimai walked all the way to the outside of the safe zone, threw Xi Yan aside, twisted her wrist, and moved her neck.

A red light flashed in Xi Yan's eyes, and she cursed, "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

Jing Yimai's body stiffened, his face was ugly, and the new and old hatreds added together, and he finally couldn't bear it anymore and swung a punch, hitting Xi Yan's face hard.

The latter instantly bleeds from two tubes of nosebleeds, and her eyes are full of physiological tears while she covers her nose.

Sha, so cruel.

Xiong Xiong looked at the fierce one-sided battle through his fingers.

"Hey, good fight! Another left hook! Right hook!"

Beside it, Bai Zuo and Bai You were waving their fists excitedly.

Xiong Xiong poked him and asked, "Do you know what happened?"

Bai Zuo nodded, "Of course I know, this man named Xi Yan has been pestering me, Boss Jing, every day, so she's being punished."

"Just two words, she deserves it!" Bai You laughed so hard that his stomach hurt.

Xiong Xiong understood that Xi Yan asked for it.

Since the two of them didn't fight in the store anyway, it didn't count as a violation of the rules.

Over there, Xi Yan was beaten and screamed, and she didn't even have the strength to fight back.

Even though her head was swollen, she was still yelling.

The arrogant tone was so arrogant that Xiong Xiong couldn't stand it!

The two people's movements attracted a lot of attention, and the customers upstairs looked out to watch the excitement.

Boss Jing was very angry at the sight, and he didn't even bother to wear a mask. He wore a vest and dragged the man out to fight.

The fierceness of the punch and the momentum were so fierce that ten Xiyans were no match for him!

Everyone had a higher opinion of the martial arts value of Brother Jing!

The boss not only had strong superpowers, but also was very good at fighting with fists!

Not long after, Xiyan was dying and collapsed on the ground motionless.

Jing Yimai's eyes were fierce. He took out a rag to wipe the blood off his hands, then threw it aside and stared at him closely.

Just when everyone thought Xiyan was beaten to death, his fingers moved.

After a while, he sat up again.

"It's amazing. He can't die even after being beaten like this? He's even more powerful than Xiaoqiang!" Bai Zuo and Bai You exclaimed while lying on the glass.

At this time, Jing Yimai, who was observing closely, saw that his pupils turned red and frowned.

What's going on? Can the eyeballs be congested?

Xizhi glanced at him, then closed his eyes to feel the changes inside his body.

After a while, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

From this moment on, the other two personalities no longer exist!

Xizhi turned his head to look at the resort hotel, and when he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, he pulled his skin, causing a stinging pain.

He slowly stood up and smiled at Jing Yimai, "Thank you, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to devour them."

Jing Yimai found that he had changed, as if he had changed into another person.

Jing Yimai stepped forward and grabbed his collar with some irritation, "No matter who you are, stay away from me in the future! Don't commit suicide!"

Xizhi's eyes flashed with doubt, but he still nodded. We are all men, and he also hates disgusting things.

Jing Yimai didn't expect him to be so sensible, and pushed him away with disgust, preparing to go back to wash his hands.

"Wow, Brother Jing is so handsome!" The two boys were full of admiration, and secretly vowed to be as strong as Brother Jing!

Xiongxiong nodded.

He is indeed handsome, but he is only a little worse than his boss Xia. If he tries hard, maybe he can't catch up.

Xizhi moved his aching limbs, sat down at the foot of the hotel wall, and looked at the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

Xiongxiong also left. As long as there was no fight in the store, he would not interfere with anything that happened outside.

Xia Yan, who was far away in Lidai Island, had no idea that such a lively thing had happened in the store.

When she later found that Xiyan had disappeared and was replaced by the red-eyed second personality Xizhi, the excitement she wanted to see was long gone.

Is there anything more painful than not being able to eat hot melon? !

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