I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 131: Buffet restaurant opening

Last night the system sent a reminder that the branch's task of receiving new customers has been completed, and the cafeteria will be open tomorrow.

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Xia Yan got up early on purpose, dressed up, left the island, and walked into the back door of the branch.

"Boss, you're here." Xiao Wanyan smiled and swung her tail to her side.

She stirred the water beside her with one hand, and there was a water ball in her palm again, with a yellow fruit inside.

"This is from the owner of the flower shop next door. She said she wanted to thank us for taking care of her flowers a few days ago. Boss, please try it. It's non-toxic."

Xia Yan took it and asked curiously, "Taking care of flowers?"

"Not really. She was busy going out these days. One time, she didn't move all the flowers back because the weather was good. Unexpectedly, it suddenly rained acid in the afternoon.

I felt sorry for it, so I moved the flowers to our store. This fruit is what she gave me." Xiao Wan circled around her, and her fingers twisted and wrapped the blue water around her.

Xia Yan knew that this was her way of expressing her love, so he let her play.

"Well, open the door when it's time to open the store. Customers outside are waiting."

Xiao Wan looked back and saw a long line at the door, staring at the door eagerly.

"Ah, the customers are here on time. We just announced yesterday that the buffet restaurant will open today. Qing Mingzi, please open the door."

After completing the initial task, the second floor of the branch was converted into a buffet restaurant. The food was the same as the main store, and the fee was increased to 150 points per person, and the dining time was 3 hours.

Captain Zhang Ping and his teammates were also among them.

They have been killing monsters and zombies in the back mountain for a while, and their ability level has increased a lot. In addition, they can eat enough food, and they have begun to grow muscles.

They happened to be resting in the city these days. When they heard that the buffet restaurant was going to open here, they were excited all night.

It was their turn soon. After each of them swiped 150 points, they happily walked upstairs.

On the second floor, the first thing you see when you enter is the food pick-up table placed by the window. On the white tablecloth is a silver-gray tray full of mouth-watering meat.

"Braised pork! Pork chops! And pork elbows!!"

"Ah! And my favorite steak! Amazing!"

"Look! There's a beverage machine over there! Damn, it's so fucking generous!"

"I love this place! I want to live here forever!"

A group of people were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths.

"My God, am I dreaming?" The middle-aged woman pinched her arm, not quite daring to believe it.

"Ah! Sister, can you pinch yourself? You pinched the wrong person!"

The man with glasses beside her covered his arm and cried out in pain.

The middle-aged woman glanced at him and said calmly, "If it hurts, it's not a dream. Meat! Here I come!"

After that, she hurriedly took out the plate, took the tongs and started to pick up the meat, picking up the meat like crazy!

"Damn, leave some for me." The man with glasses saw that more and more people were coming in, and the meat tongs on the shelf were almost used up, so he hurried over to grab one.

"Captain, I'll go and occupy a table first!"

Zhang Ping nodded, quickly put a big elbow on the plate, and handed it to his teammates behind him.

"Leave some for others! Why did you take it all!" The elder sister behind him gritted her teeth and said, picking up a large piece of pork chop without slowing down.

"You took it all, didn't you? How dare you say that to others?"

"Do you want to take the meat in front? If not, get out of the way!"

"Boss, there is no pork elbow, please restock it!"

"Wife, take a table quickly! Keep an eye on the plate and don't let anyone cut it off!"


"Customers behind please wait patiently. The buffet restaurant is full and cannot receive customers for the time being."

Xiaowan put a sign in the aisle leading to the second floor and said with a smile.

The customers in line behind looked up at the people who were picking up their meals behind the glass on the second floor, and they were envious.

It would be better if they came earlier. Now they can only watch others eat...

"Boss, I don't need a table, I can just stand and eat. Can you let me in?" A man with irregular alopecia rubbed his hands and tried to negotiate.

Xiaowan shook her head gently but firmly.

"For your safety, please wait patiently. The buffet restaurant is open until 8pm. You will definitely be able to come in for dinner today."

The man had to calm down and continue to wait in line.

Xia Yan was going to go upstairs to take a look.

Because the customers in the mountain city base are indeed richer than those in the main store, 150 points are nothing to them. After all, everyone goes out hunting every day, and the crystal cores they get are basically two crystals.

And the food in the restaurant is much better than the exotic beast meat sold every week.

Eat, must eat!

Xia Yan saw that 001 was constantly replenishing the stock, and it was soon taken away by customers.

It must be said that the customers here are in good health and have a better appetite.

She walked to the food pick-up counter, picked up a rag to wipe off the soup on the countertop, then gathered the meat pieces together with a clamp and put the clean plates back in place.

She walked around the table, and the customers were very happy to eat, and there was little waste.

Everyone has experienced the feeling of hunger and knows that food is hard to come by. Almost no customer takes food without eating it, or eats it wastefully.

"Boss Xia, your restaurant is like this!" The customer gave a thumbs up and was very satisfied.

Xia Yan smiled and nodded, "As long as everyone likes it."

"I like it! I must like it! Boss Xia, I will be your loyal fan from now on!"

The customer next door stood up after hearing this and clapped his hands in praise!

"Yes! Boss Xia is so awesome!!" The nearby customers echoed, their faces beaming with joy.

It had been a long time since everyone had eaten so much meat. At this moment, they thought the apocalypse had disappeared and returned to a happy era.

A woman with shallow tear sockets choked and wiped away her tears, bit her meat and thought about something. The relatives around her held her shoulders and whispered comfort.

Xia Yan looked around seriously and said, "The buffet restaurant has just opened. I hope everyone will point out any shortcomings and strive to provide the best service for everyone!"

"Thank you, Boss Xia!" Everyone replied in unison.

Three hours later, the first wave of customers began to leave, and new customers entered the cafeteria.

001 is too busy to keep his feet on the ground.

Seeing this, Xia Yan hired three more employees, two of whom were responsible for sanitation and one who was responsible for meal supplements.

All members of Zhang Ping's team left with support.

"This is the first time I feel inferior about my small appetite. Lao Liu, you can eat well." The short-haired woman put her hand on the shoulder of the person next to her and pressed half of her body on it.

"Get up quickly, I'm so heavy, my stomach is going to burst under your pressure." Lao Liu covered his bulging stomach with a look of pain on his face.

"Fourth, get up quickly." Zhang Ping saw that she was indeed uncomfortable and said.

The fourth child stood up in a hurry, turned his eyes and saw a group of people walking in the distance, and said in surprise: "Isn't that the Su Mei team? Why are you in the city today?"

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