I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 132 We finally met

Everyone looked over, hey, it was them.

"Do they also know that the buffet restaurant is open today?"

"They have been killing strange beasts in the back mountain. Where did they get the news? They probably went to the city to treat their illnesses?"

Everyone nodded in agreement, "You make sense."


Seeing the other party coming, everyone quieted down.

As the two teams gradually approached, Captain Zhang Ping took the lead in greeting.

"Captain Su Mei, did you just come back from outside?"

Su Mei nodded, "Captain Zhang looks in good condition."

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "Not bad, mainly because I've been eating well recently."

Su Mei glanced at the teammates behind her and felt that they were much stronger than her own teammates?

"Then don't bother Captain Su. We have to go outside to digest the food and move around." Zhang Ping glanced at her with a smile and asked his teammates to leave.

It was not until Zhang Ping's team walked away that Yi Xinyi behind Su Mei spoke up: "Captain, did they also apply for a card?"

"Yes, I smelled a meaty aroma when they passed by. It was so fragrant."

"Did they eat the meat of a strange beast? That thing is dry and woody, how can it be cooked?"

"Let's try to roast it later."

"Okay, let's go to the hospital to treat the wound first, stay in the city tonight, and continue to the back mountain tomorrow to try to upgrade as soon as possible." Su Mei shook off the dirt on her cuffs.

The group continued to move forward.

In the past, there was always a long line in front of the flower shop, and today was no exception.

Su Mei was no longer surprised to see a long line of people at the door, and was ready to go around from the back.

"Boss, look, is that a new store?" Mao Yuanyuan pulled her, excited.

"Yes! The sign says the first branch of the Holiday Hotel! Go! Holiday Hotel!"

"Is that the store that the boss said? It's opened here?"

"Could it be that Boss Xia is here?!"


Su Mei turned around in a hurry.

It turned out that everyone was not queuing at the flower shop, but next door!

The huge glass window, the long food pick-up counter placed by the window on the second floor, and the meat that stood out!

The first branch of the Holiday Hotel!

"Boss, is Boss Xia here?!" Mao Yuanyuan shook her arm eager to confirm, her eyes scanning the windows on the second floor.

Su Mei took a deep breath, "Let's go, queue up and go in and see."

She was actually very sure that it was Boss Xia who came. No one else had the ability to open a buffet restaurant except her!

They lined up at the end of the line, looking at this unusual-looking store with excitement and curiosity.

After another three hours, they finally walked into the store.

"Hello, customer. If you want to eat at the buffet restaurant, please pay 150 points."

A big-eyed employee she had seen before stood at the door, and next to her was a mermaid with water flowing all over her body.

Su Mei retracted her gaze, paid the points and walked to the second floor.

Her teammates followed her.

In the buffet restaurant on the second floor, Su Mei saw Boss Xia standing in front of the food counter at a glance.

"Wow, that's Boss Xia?"

Everyone felt that their eyes were not enough, and they looked at the various delicacies on the table and the female boss who was obviously different from everyone else.

Wow, seeing is believing.

Su Mei stepped forward quickly, "Boss Xia."

"Huh? Captain Su." Xia Yan turned around and said in surprise.

There was a group of people following behind Su Mei, and they greeted her very friendly.

"Boss Xia, I always hear the captain mention you, but I didn't expect to finally meet you today."

"You are really young."

"Thanks to Boss Xia, we can all eat well recently, and our abilities have been upgraded a lot."

Faced with everyone's sincere compliments, Xia Yan accepted them generously, took out the plate with a smile and handed it over, "Eat as much as you want, don't be polite."

"Okay, let's eat." A group of people rushed to get the food.

"Boss Xia, I didn't expect the hotel to be opened here. Was it safe all the way?" Su Mei picked up a few pieces of meat and ate them, she was really curious.

"I didn't encounter any danger. Come, sit down and eat."

Xia Yan spread his palm and pointed to the table beside him, and also picked up some food.

Speaking of it, the two of them are old acquaintances, and after several times of getting along, he has a good impression of her.

There are all kinds of birds in the forest, and you can't completely deny a person based on one thing. Su Mei is not a very smart person, but she is very sincere to her teammates.

Seeing too much negative energy, this kind of sincerity that can be trusted is very precious.

Soon, Su Mei's teammates brought back many plates full of meat.

"Captain Su, is the front line still tense?" Xia Yan asked while eating vegetarian dishes.

Su Mei nodded, "I heard that there was an earthquake over there, and a large number of strange beasts wanted to pass through the pass. If we let them pass, Yinshan City might be trampled to the ground."

"Strange beasts? Some time ago, I saw mutated pigs and cows, which can be eaten after detoxification."

"Among the mutated beasts, only these two can be eaten. You haven't seen the mutated mole beasts, whose skin is so thick that you can't penetrate it, and their whole body is poisonous.

Cats have lost their fur, their muscles and bones are exposed, their bodies are more than twice as large as before, and their claws and teeth are comparable to baby arms.

Although the group of birds is better, their body size has not changed, but they have a lot of feces. A pile of feces is comparable to a small bomb. Not only does it make your whole body itchy, but it also stinks to death."

Su Mei seemed to recall something, with a disgusted look on her face.

Xia Yan felt the same way and felt a little bad, so he casually said something to end the topic.

If we continue chatting, we won’t have to eat.

Su Mei smiled apologetically, “Boss Xia, don’t worry. There are many powerful teams guarding ahead. There are snow-capped mountains on both sides of the pass, and they can’t get through.”

“The captain is right. It will be our turn to guard the line in a few days. We will do our best!” The woman with a round face added with a smile.

“Yes, Boss Xia’s store is our hope to survive!”

“If possible, I would like to come every day. Boss Xia, don’t worry. We will take care of everything!”

Looking at the pairs of eyes filled with enthusiasm and friendliness, Xia Yan sighed secretly.

"I have something else to do, so I'll go over first. Have your meal."

"Boss Xia, please be busy first, don't worry about us."

Su Mei waved to her teammates, and after she left, someone whispered, "Why didn't Boss Xia react just now?"

"What reaction do you need? The money they paid for renting the store was paid to the base, and the base will naturally ensure safety. Why are you rushing to do it? Are you stupid? You're fighting for the restaurant, and I can't stand it anymore."

"Yi Xinyi, you're so rude!"

She rolled her eyes, "Unpleasant? OK, OK, I won't argue with you, you're always right!"

"Yi Xinyi, what's wrong with you recently? Why are you so rude?" Su Mei frowned and looked at her.

Yi Xinyi bit off a piece of meat sullenly, feeling suffocated. She looked around and said, "Captain! If you ask me, can't we just leave here? With our strength, we can survive anywhere, why are we looking for trouble here?!

We are not a regular army, so how can we be loyal? Sisters have no brains, no background, and have offended people. What are you waiting for if you don't run away quickly? Reunite in the underground after everyone is gone?!"

Yi Xinyi became more and more angry as she spoke, throwing the meat on the plate, crossing her arms and turning her head to look the other way.

Su Mei's face also turned ugly in an instant.

The others looked left and right, put down the food in their hands, and their faces were heavy.

In fact, what Yi Xinyi said was right.

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