I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 133 The news is accurate

"Yi Xinyi, tell me the truth, did you hear any news from somewhere?" the round-faced woman whispered.

Yi Xinyi snorted coldly, "I still have a clear idea. The day before yesterday, I heard someone privately saying that the alien beast tide was coming, and then I thought of us.

Were we assigned to guard the pass for 5 days? It just so happened that the person estimated that the alien beast tide would only last for a week. I have every reason to suspect that someone is deliberately messing with us."

Alien beast tide?

Everyone shuddered when they heard this. Could it be that the alien beast tide caused by the earthquake in the distance went out of control?


"Is the news accurate?" Su Mei asked.

"Oh, I don't know, anyway I believe it. I wanted to talk to you in private, but it happened today. In front of everyone, I want to hear what you are going to do, captain?"

Yi Xinyi looked like she was ready to go, and she felt relieved after saying what she had been suppressing in her heart.


The teammates showed panic expressions and looked at Su Mei.

If this news is true...

"Mom, I didn't expect there's a buffet restaurant in the city. It looks pretty good."

A familiar voice came from the food counter.

Su Mei turned around, hatred in her eyes.

It was Wajong and her mother.

Beside her stood a middle-aged woman in a slim-fitting cheongsam. Her exposed skin was fair, her earlobes were round under her bunned hair, and her face didn't show any signs of struggling to survive after the end of the world.

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"It's OK. Help me pick up some pork chops, leaner ones. And some vegetable salad. Pick up a few more cherry tomatoes. "The middle-aged woman crossed her arms, her eyes swept over the dishes, and her fingers tapped casually.

Beside her, Wajong picked up the food with a smile, and there was a bit of flattery in his behavior.

Her mother has been very favored recently, and her status has also risen a bit, so naturally she has to take good care of her mother.

A vacuum zone formed beside the two of them, and the customers who took the food took the initiative to make way after taking a look, fearing that they would cause displeasure from the rich lady.

What they were afraid of was not this middle-aged woman, but the power behind her.

At the same time, Wajong also saw Su Mei.

She snorted coldly and said something to the mother beside her.

The lady looked over lightly, and quickly looked away as if she saw some garbage, and glanced at her daughter.

Su Mei kept her mouth shut.

"Captain, how about I go and 'say hello'?" The round-faced woman said, biting her back teeth.

"Don't make trouble here. Let me think about it. "Su Mei interrupted.


Downstairs, Boss Xia was chatting with the mermaid.

Su Mei's team stepped forward to say goodbye.

"Boss Xia, we are leaving."

"Okay, come often in the future." Xia Yan waved and asked Xiao Wan to get busy.

Come often...

The teammates looked at each other, then smiled and nodded, "We must come."

Su Mei was also smiling, with a bit of indifference between her eyebrows, "Boss Xia, we are leaving. "

After that, the group left.


A few days later, at the pass.

A group of people stood in a row on the city wall. In the distance, there was a dense group of mutant beasts running towards here, and behind them was a large cloud of dust.

The mutant horned bull used its thick long horns to pierce the zombie dog in front of it without distinguishing between friend and foe, raised its upper body and let out a deafening roar, and trampled to death countless mutant rats the size of cats.

The mutant centipede was one meter long, with a black and shiny shell, dozens of long legs swinging at the side, and the venom-filled palate teeth exposed outside the mouth, biting the long snake next to it casually, and the two were entangled together, injecting venom into each other's bodies.

The mutant spider, which was as tall as a person, stepped with eight The legs with long cilia moved quickly, and a group of densely packed small spiders fell from it, crawling directly to bite the mutant beast next to it.

The bitten mutant beast jumped high, then fell to the ground and twitched to death.

The mutant leopard had sharp teeth, and its hairless body was exposed. It roared fiercely, jumped up nimbly and bit its own neck, tearing off a large piece of rotten meat.

Its extremely sharp claws caught the mutant crow that tried to peck its eyeballs to death, and then jumped over the tall beast in front, and jumped to the front with a few jumps.

Further ahead was a city wall several dozen meters high.

Everyone on the city wall was waiting seriously.

When they reached the attack range, the leader shouted: "Attack! "

Instantly, various superpowers descended from the sky, such as fireballs, ice arrows, black poisonous fog, or thunderball bombardment...

Wherever the superpowers went, a wave of mutant beasts fell down, and then they were trampled by the mutant beasts behind them, and soon turned into a ball of black meat paste.

On the city wall, after the first wave of superpowers were released, the superpower team retreated to the rear to prepare. The second wave of players with various hot weapons took over.

"Bang! Bang Bang!"

"Da Da Da Da Da!"


Under the flickering fire, countless mutant beasts fell down. After dozens of incendiary bottles were dropped, the exploded combustion-supporting liquid instantly splashed and burned.

The mutant beasts roared continuously due to the burning, and ran wildly again, rushing through the herd, causing a lot of death.

"Well done! Prepare for the second wave of superpowers!" The leader showed a satisfied look, and when he saw the time was right, he waved his hand to let the superpowers come forward, leaving time for teammates with hot weapons to reload.

At this rate, this mutant beast tide will be solved soon, but——

A "dark cloud" flew over in the distance with a strange cry.

"Attention, all teams! The mutant birds are coming! Put up the protective shield! Quick!" The leader frowned.

It's this damn group of birds again!

The earth superpower in a certain team put his hands on the ground, and the veins on his forehead bulged. With a shout of "Get up!", a wall of earth appeared out of thin air, blocking his teammates' heads in an arc shape.

And another space superpower took out a super-large parasol directly, and worked with his teammates to fix the umbrella firmly on the ground.

"Yi Xinyi, quickly put up the protective shield!" Su Mei shouted.

"Here it comes!" Yi Xinyi put her hands together, controlling the ice superpower to cover the teammates' heads in a circular shape.

"It's our turn! Charge!"

They rushed to the front and used their own superpowers on the mutant beasts under the city.

Su Mei held a superpower gun and aimed at several highly defensive mutant beasts through the scope. When the trigger was pulled, the mutant beasts' eyes exploded.

The mutant beasts in severe pain couldn't find the enemy, and angrily bit their sides. After falling down, they were trampled to death by the following mutant beasts.

The mutant birds quickly flew nearby, and the hot weapons and long-range superpowers behind them launched attacks at the same time.

The sound of clatter, explosion, and the roar of the beasts mixed together.

The mutant birds that were hit fell from the sky like raindrops.

Dozens of mutant birds that were lucky enough to survive flew through the hail of bullets and flew over the heads of the crowd. They saw their anus opening and closing, and the smelly bird poop fell from the sky.

"Ugh!" Everyone vomited.

"Damn, this group of uncultured bastards! They actually shit everywhere!"

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