I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 135 Everyone will answer the question

Sleeping soundly, he heard a creaking sound from the door.

Dong Changbing woke up from his dream.

Being disturbed from his good dream, he was furious.

He grabbed the wooden clip beside him, threw it to the ground, and cursed: "Damn bitch, how many times have I told you! I told you to keep your voice down, but you never listened, right? Do you have to wait for me to get angry and beat you?!"

The cramped living room was silent. Dong Changbing cursed a few more times, turned his back to the door, closed his eyes and prepared to take a nap.


In a daze, he seemed to hear light footsteps approaching.

Damn, I still have to curse, and he will be honest after cursing, what a shame!

Dong Changbing was satisfied and continued to daydream.

It would be great if Waqiong's mother could arrange him to be the boss in the laboratory this time.

They said that it was a good job there. Whether the mutant beasts brought from the front line were qualified or not was decided by the people there, so there was a lot of room for maneuverability.

Whether it was for reselling, eating or giving as a favor, it was perfect!

Moreover, the mutant beasts usually had secondary crystal cores in their bodies, and the ones sent were complete corpses, so wouldn't the crystal cores be theirs?

Damn, Waqiong's mother must coax her man.

No, I have to treat her to dinner tomorrow, and I have to hang around in front of her from time to time to make her feel present.

The more Dong Changbing thought about it, the more he couldn't sleep. He sat up excitedly and prepared to take a few high-level crystal cores to give as gifts.

! ! !

"Why did you show up in my house?!"

Dong Changbing was so scared that his soul was about to disperse.

Su Mei, weren't they supposed to be at the front line? Why did they run into his house? !

Wait, Su Mei's face was not right, she looked murderous!

Dong Changbing was an old and experienced man. He immediately realized something was wrong and quickly put on a smile and said kindly:

"Captain Su is here. Come to the living room and sit down. I'll make you a cup of tea. I just got some good tea. Don't stand there, girls. Come together."

Seeing that he was about to move into the hall, several people blocked the door. Su Mei's superpower gun with a silencer was against his chest.

"Why did I come to you? Don't you know what I'm doing?"

Dong Changbing broke out in a cold sweat and said with a smile: "Captain Su, I really don't understand what you said. I've been miserable recently. I lost my job. I'm depressed at home every day."

"Captain, don't talk nonsense with him. He's deliberately delaying time!" Yi Xinyi held the ice spear in her hand and pointed it at him.

"No, no, no, little girl, you can't talk like that. I'm an old man alone now. I don't have many good days left. How can I delay?"

It has to be said that Dong Changbing's verbal skills are really good.

He carefully looked around at the few people, and quietly moved his hands behind his back to gather his superpowers.

Damn, these little bastards dared to come to his house to cause trouble? !

"Captain! He wants to sneak attack!" The round-faced woman noticed something wrong and said loudly.

He was discovered!

Dong Changbing didn't show any expression on his face, but the superpowers in his hands were gathering faster and faster, and he swung it out fiercely.

It was a burning red iron chain!

"Let you taste the power of my hellfire chain!"

At the same time, Su Mei pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Get out of the way!" Yi Xinyi urged her superpowers to form an ice shield before the iron chain arrived, barely blocking her teammates.


It was the sound of the iron chain hitting the ice shield.

The visible ice quickly climbed up along the iron chain, and a hissing sound was heard wherever it went.

"You, actually reached level 4?!"

Dong Changbing's eyes widened in disbelief. He was shot several times and blood flowed from his mouth. He slowly fell on the bed.

He looked at the ceiling and died with his eyes wide open.

"Do you think we play every day? We are just trying to prevent you, bah!" Yi Xinyi withdrew her hands in disgust.

"There is only one person left. Let's hide Dong Changbing under the bed first. The later we find out, the greater the possibility of escaping." Su Mei said calmly.


There are two rows of villas in the north of Yinshan City, where a group of dignitaries and ladies live. Their social status is not low.

The difference in factions is also reflected in the orientation of the villas.

Wa Qiong's mother lives in the second house on the east.

It's easy to recognize.

Even if they have never been here before, they found it at once.

There is a big sign hanging in front of her house, which clearly states it.

They wanted to go in, but were stopped by the guard.

"What are you doing?"

Yi Xinyi had a plan in mind, looked around, quietly took out a bag from her pocket, opened a crack to show the guard, and took out a 2 crystal and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Delivering something."

The guard saw that the inside was full of high-level crystal cores, and he understood what was going on.

"Okay, go in."

Until they walked a long way away, the round-faced woman dared to show an incredible expression, "You can get in like this?"

"Yes, it's very simple."

Yi Xinyi found it funny to see that she was still stupid.

Wasn't it like this before the end of the world? What's so strange about it.

Fortunately, when dealing with Dong Changbing, this bag of high-level crystal cores was found, and it was really useful.

The group walked into the villa very smoothly.

Then they were shocked.

Damn, they really know how to enjoy themselves.

The decoration in the room is exquisite, and there is even a bucket of mineral water in the corner.

Su Mei has only seen a water dispenser with water in Boss Xia's head office, but she didn't expect there is one here.

The more they looked at it, the angrier they became. After clearing the first floor, they headed straight for the second floor.

As soon as she reached the corner, she heard the long voice of Waqiong's mother: "Please use gentler techniques and don't pull my skin loose."

"Got it, ma'am."

Su Mei and others looked at each other outside the door. Inside, they were doing facial care? !


The soldiers in the front are working hard, but she is doing beauty and health care in the back?

After confirming that there were only two people inside, Su Mei kicked the door open, picked up the supernatural gun and walked in.

"Ah! What's going on?" Waqiong's mother screamed, and then a cold gun was pointed at her forehead.

"Keep quiet, ma'am," Su Mei said.

"You squat there too and don't make a sound!" the round-faced woman threatened while holding a dagger.

Yi Xinyi stepped forward and knocked the person unconscious, "You don't have to worry about talking to her, just knock her out."

The round-faced woman was speechless.

Why did she feel that ever since the captain decided to fight back, Yi Xinyi had been awakened to the evil in her heart?

"You, you, you, what do you want? I have a lot of crystal cores. Take them all. There is food in the kitchen. Take whatever you want. Don't scratch my face."

Waqiong's mother looked at them in fear and regretted not hiring more thugs.

After all, the city has a comprehensive system and no major incidents have ever happened.

"Crystal core? Where is it?" Yi Xinyi held Su Mei's hand and asked her to wait.

Seeing that there was something going on, she hurriedly said: "It's next door, in the lock box. I'll give it all to you!"

Anyway, Jing Nucleus will come back in the future to act coquettishly, so the main thing is to stay alive for now.

Yi Xinyi said no, ran to the next door and moved the password box over.



Everyone will answer.

Yi Xinyi was amused. After entering the password, the door opened with a sound, revealing the crystal cores inside.

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