
It’s not that they are rare and strange, but they are full of high-grade crystal nuclei! Not a single crystal!

The corners of Yi Xinyi's smile almost reached behind her ears.

She put all the crystal cores into her pockets, and even packed three pockets.

Let’s just say these mother and daughter are very good at receiving gifts.

"You guys, since you've all taken away the crystal core, shouldn't you let me go? I know the rules and I won't say a word!"

Waqiong's mother's heart almost bled when she saw that all the wealth she had accumulated over the years was wiped out in an instant.

"Haha, boss, we should go."


𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟗𝟔𝐬𝐡𝐮.𝐧𝐞𝐭

Waqiong's mother didn't expect these people to talk about credibility so much, and they would rob money just when they said they wanted to, and they were indeed trustworthy——

After a subtle gunshot, her eyes still held the joy of surviving the disaster, and she slowly fell to the side.

"Let's go."

Su Mei put away the supernatural gun.

The guard didn't stop them when he saw them coming out quickly. After all, the gift-giving was done as soon as it was delivered, and waiting for a long time was of no use.

Su Mei and his party quickly left the city and rushed to their distant destination without stopping overnight, starting their escape journey.


"What's going on today? There are so many guards on the streets?"

Xia Yan sat by the window holding a coffee cup. Opposite her was Fu Niang, the boss next door.

The guards walked through the streets with serious faces, the cold weapons in their hands glowing coldly.

"I don't know. Could it be that something happened?" Fu Niang stood up and looked out the window with the same confusion.

After living here for so long, this is the second time she has seen this happen.

Last time, when a large wave of alien beasts came, everyone panicked.

Could it be that the tide of alien beasts is coming again?

Fu Niang's face turned a little pale.

At this time, a long queue passed by at the end of the street, surrounded by a middle-aged man with an ashen complexion.

A group of people passed by in a hurry, and soon came back with dark faces.

The middle-aged man seemed almost unable to suppress his rage.

Next to him stood a woman with her hands tied, her face full of panic and her eyes looking around.

The middle-aged man waved his big palm and ordered his men to close the shops on both sides of the street and prohibit anyone from going out.

He also ordered his men to seal off the residential buildings and began searching for the target.

"Isn't that the female owner of Qingrong Beauty Salon? Did she commit a crime?"

A customer recognized her.

"Is that Yang Zizheng downstairs? I heard that his little wife is a big customer of the beauty salon. It's too late to hold her up, who dares to offend her?"

"Then who knows."

"Ah, look, what are they carrying?"

People crowded in front of the glass and looked around.

In the central square, two team members carried a person out of a residential building.

A woman with a headscarf on her head suddenly rushed out from the nearby onlookers, crying loudly and rushing towards her.

"This is a dead person."

"Is someone causing trouble in the base?"

"Probably, otherwise there wouldn't be such a big fuss."

Customers in the store analyzed and rubbed goosebumps on their arms.

This is really strange. Someone actually dares to cause trouble here. Aren't they afraid of being thrown into the pile of mutant beasts?

The middle-aged man paced back and forth angrily.

The person who killed him even ran away. Wasn't this like slapping him in the face in front of a group of people? !

Just then the guard in charge of guarding the door came over and said shivering that Su Mei's team had left long ago.

He slapped him angrily.

"A bunch of trash! Come on, chase them! Bring me their bodies!"

The middle-aged man directly dispatched an elite team.

The woman wearing a headscarf climbed up from the dead man, threw herself at the middle-aged man's feet, and cried:

"Leader, my man is dead. Can I collect the subsidy tomorrow? He has contributed a lot to the base!"

The middle-aged man looked at her expressionlessly.

The people around her hurriedly pulled her aside and said:

"If the man dies, just go to the relevant units and submit the materials tomorrow. Why are you making so much noise here?"

"Yes, but if we can't get the batch..."

“If you can’t get it approved, submit it to another higher authority. If you try a few more times, you’ll be able to get it approved.”

The man didn't want to talk to her anymore, so he just fooled her and put her aside.

The middle-aged man took a deep breath, turned around and left.

The Sumei team has left, and his old face is no longer embarrassing at all.


"Whose name is Team Sumei?"

"Belongs to General Chu."

"Oh? Huh. Let's go and talk to General Chu." The middle-aged man turned around and ran straight out of the city.

Doesn't General Chu always like to be neutral? Let's see how he handles it this time.


A few days later, Xia Yan learned from others that two people had died in the base, one was the middle-aged man's wife, and the other was Dong Changbing, who had just been demoted.

She didn't know any of them.

However, this does not prevent them from recovering the remaining points in their membership cards.

It was Sumei's team that was being hunted.

Xia Yan just smiled at this.

Since the cafeteria began to operate externally, the branch's daily performance has been twice that of the main store.

She quickly arranged a leisure area and movie theater for the main store.

The entire 11th floor is open.

She asked Xiong Xiong to inform him that the movie theater would be open for trial operation at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. The first-time ticket price was only 30 points, and for only 15 points, you could buy a small portion of popcorn and a tall soda with ice in the movie hall.

When she took the elevator to the 11th floor the next day, the spacious hall was empty.

Just when she thought that the customers were not going to watch the movie, her footsteps into the cinema stopped.

It turned out that the customers had been waiting inside for a long time. Basically, everyone had a bucket of popcorn in their hands and talked in a relaxed and comfortable manner. When they saw her, they asked repeatedly:

"Boss Xia, what movie are you playing?"

"I want to watch a relaxing and funny one."

"No, it's better to watch something sci-fi."

"Aren't you living a sci-fi life now? Let's watch something relaxing and funny."

After the customers present voted by raising their hands, Xia Yan followed the majority's opinion and chose a comedy movie shot in peacetime that had not been released in time.

As the movie started, the cinema became dark, with only the big screen in the front shining.

Xia Yan found a seat and sat down, holding popcorn in his hand, and watched the movie with everyone.

When the funny scene was played, there was a burst of laughter in the cinema, and some people even laughed to tears and kept beating their chests and stamping their feet.

She laughed so hard that her cheeks became sore, and the popcorn in her hand fell out.

The whole movie was very nonsensical and funny, and everyone was relaxed and at ease.

Until the end of the movie, the lights in the theater were turned on again, and the customers were still immersed in the cheerful movie plot.

Everyone had a smile on their face, and they picked up the garbage and threw it into the trash can outside.

Outside the movie theater is the leisure area, where there are many circular sofas, hammocks, and coffee tables. There is a row of long tables with high chairs by the window.

It is convenient for customers to chat here and check the situation outside.

There are several vending machines against the wall, and on the other side are bookshelves with various books, and even paper and pencils are provided free of charge.

There is an extra-large TV screen in the hall, on which a TV series is being played.

After watching the movie, the customers were not in a hurry to leave, but sat on the circular sofa to plan the next plan to kill the zombies.

The changes in the hotel also made everyone feel that only by striving can they live a better life.

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