I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 137 Gains and Pains

After a month, the zombies on Lidai Island were basically wiped out.

The customers stayed there for 15 hours out of 24 hours a day.

The points in the card were growing rapidly.

Even the mother and daughter had tens of thousands of points.

There are gains and losses.

There is no hotel shield on Lidai Island, and all safety depends on oneself.

Under the siege of zombies, customers will also lose their lives.

For example, the old father with a son and a daughter lost his beloved son, Ye Qizheng lost his mother, Grandma Jiang passed away, and the old couple never came back...

Not to mention the death rate of mobile customers.

Ye Qizheng hugged Bai Zuo and Bai You tightly, looking at the blue sky out of focus, his body stiff like a puppet.


The three of them curled up their feet against the outer wall of the hotel and sat quietly with expressionless faces.

Xiongxiong watched silently behind the glass, scratching his pocket with his furry paws, and when he took out again, there were several beautifully wrapped candies in his palm.

He looked at the candies, then at them, his shoulders sank, and he put the candies back in his pocket.

Their injuries could not be cured by candies...


A warm palm touched the top of his head.

It turned out to be the boss.

Xiongxiong lowered his head again, his eyes fell on his round belly, and he felt like a monster was scratching inside, sore, swollen and painful.

Xia Yan also saw Ye Qizheng and the other two, sitting in the dazzling sunlight, but it seemed like hell.

Bai Zuo and Bai You snuggled up to Ye Qizheng, staring at the family of three walking in the distance with their eyes wide open.

Seemingly indifferent, but in fact their bodies were getting more and more tense, and their eyes were getting bigger and bigger.

In the distance, the mother picked up the child and covered him with a long gown to block the scorching sun. The man walking beside her noticed it and opened a holed umbrella to block the mother and the mother's head.

The sunlight came out of the hole, falling on their bodies and the ground, forming irregular circles.

The light and dark changed with their movements.

At that time... Grandma also protected them like this...

Bai Zuo and Bai You looked at them and suddenly realized that grandma was really gone...


The two half-grown children pouted and tears came out.

There is no one in the world who will love them so selflessly anymore. They have become unwanted children, no, adults.

The moment when there are no relatives in the world, no matter how old they are, at that moment, their identities in this world have changed from children to adults.

Pain surged like a tidal wave, sadness was like the sea, surging and wanting to swallow everything.

Bai Zuo and Bai You bit their lips tightly, letting the tears flow, without making a sound in their throats.

Without relatives in the world, who can they cry to? Who will feel sorry for them?

Ye Qi was expressionless, not only was there not a tear in his eyes, but there was even a hint of wanting to laugh in his heart.

He has seen too many farewells with his own eyes.

Cruelly speaking, he knew there would be such a day.

Either his mother or himself.

But he hoped that his mother would go first. If he went first, how could his mother accept the death of his mother?

How could a weak mother survive in the end times?

God, you must have heard my begging, right?

Ye Qi was looking up at the sky.

The dark blue sky was cloudless. He seemed to see through the disguise and looked directly at the main god behind the scenes. He was pressed into the mud by His pressure and could not make any sound...

He couldn't cry! Not a single tear could flow out!

He seemed to feel no sadness!

He seemed to be a very ruthless person!

Isn't his ability to force communication? How can he be as stable as a pervert? !

Ye Qi was leaning against the wall with his hands holding the two brothers, and his hands fell to the ground, and he had no strength to pick them up.

He was actually a piece of trash, a piece of trash that couldn't even protect his mother...

The family of three passed by them without even a glance and walked straight into the hotel.

Xiong Xiong checked in the three people and learned from chatting that they came from a base in another city.

They heard by chance that there was a holiday hotel in Shiji City. After careful consideration, they planned to leave the base and live in the hotel.

After all, the environment there was too unsuitable for children, and there were news of missing girls at any time...

Xiong Xiong welcomed them and sent them to the elevator entrance, telling them that they could eat in the restaurant on the second floor.

The elevator door closed, blocking the surprised and grateful expressions inside.

Dad flattened his mouth and looked at the corners of the elevator calmly. Although he didn't see any surveillance cameras, he was still careful.

He winked at the two people, who understood, smiled at the corners of their mouths, and had a surprised expression.

After the elevator door opened, just as they thought, there were customers waiting for the elevator outside the door.

They nodded friendly, walked out of the elevator, and walked to their rooms.

They had successfully checked into the hotel, and all they had to do was wait patiently.


Xia Yan walked into the resort gate, and the customers inside were doing the final check near the bushes -

trying to find another zombie from inside.

After more than a month of experience in killing zombies, everyone is no longer surprised.

And their strength has greatly improved. No matter men, women, young or old, at least when they see the zombies coming, they are no longer afraid, and can calm down and try to counterattack.

Since zombies will always exist, then smash the darkness and face the fear!

"There is a zombie here!" Wang Yi shouted.

"Brother, don't move, let me do it!" Sister Wang Zili rushed over with a steel fork.

"Inside, only half of it is eaten, easy to kill." Wang Yi made way.

This zombie was slow to transform, with no lower body, and the chest was empty with residual meat hanging.

Wang Zili didn't frown, and quickly solved the half-body zombie and dug out a first-level crystal core from it.

"Ah, it's only a first-level crystal core."

"It's good to have it. If you add a few more points, it will be enough for us to have a buffet." Wang Yi comforted.

"It would be great if I could go in and take a look. There should be such half-body zombies, right?" Wang Zili stood on tiptoe and looked into the distance, rubbing her hands and trying to climb up the tree to take a look.

Wang Yi pulled her back and said in a serious tone: "Don't mess around! Stay by my side!"

Wang Zili had to give up.

There were many people who had the same idea as her, and some customers had even used the sharp blades in their hands to cut down the bushes.

The hot season is gradually passing, and the next is the rare comfortable autumn.

Some guests who do not plan to stay in the hotel have begun to prepare for the winter.

After experiencing four severe cold weather, they already know how to survive the winter smoothly.

First, they need to reinforce the house, then prepare firewood, and then prepare as much dry food as possible, collect heavy clothes...

There are too many things to do.

This year, there is no need to risk going out to chop wood, there are enough trees in the holiday gate.


This belongs to the hotel's finances, they can't just go up and chop.

It's better to talk to the female boss.

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