"Boss Xia, look, in this case, can we..."

Sheng Nan brought a few people to find Xia Yan on the 11th floor and told him about wanting to cut down trees.

I just don't know if Boss Xia will agree.

"Is that so?" Xia Yan put down the remote control.

That's what she meant.

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After the zombies on the island are cleared, the bushes and trees must be cleared.

Otherwise, there is no way to build a house.

It's really thoughtful to send a pillow when you are dozing off.

"How much wood do you need?"

"This, there is no way to estimate, but the more the better."

Sheng Nan couldn't tell the exact number, and it was related to the number of people, the size of the room, the outdoor temperature, etc., so it was difficult to estimate.

"If you can live in Lidai Island in winter, you don't actually need so much wood..."

A young man with a beard standing behind her murmured.

The eyes of several people looking at Xia Yan showed expectation.

Indeed, if you can live in Lidai Island...not only is the scenery beautiful, but it is also warm.

They discussed it privately. Some people said that this island is in the tropics, with warm weather all year round and no winter.

But no one is sure whether the island will also cool down when the extreme cold comes.

If it is really cold...

A place surrounded by the sea must be colder than land.

Thinking of this, some people gave up the idea.

Life is only one, and they can't afford to gamble.

"Lidai Island cannot be opened to the public for the time being. There are no buildings inside. And if it is open, the price will be more expensive than here." Xia Yan replied.

"Is that so..." The bearded man didn't know what to say.

It was just a casual question, and there was no loss if it didn't work.

"Boss Xia, how about cutting down trees? How about you charge some points? This way we don't have to go far away." Sheng Nan said.

"Well, then charge 50 points a day, as many as you cut down." Xia Yan said casually.

Oh, everyone helps her work and gives her points...

"Do you agree with 50 points?" Sheng Nan asked the few people who came with her.

"50 points, Boss Xia, is it one person or a family?" the bearded man asked.

Several people looked at him at the same time.

What are you talking about? How could it be a family!

But isn't it too expensive for one person?

"A family." Xia Yan smiled.

"Xia, Boss Xia? Really?!"

A group of people were shocked.

Xia Yan nodded, "Really."

"Thank you, Boss Xia!"

"You're welcome."

It's just mutual benefit.

When the news of tree felling was released, the residents living nearby were very happy.

There was no need to do anything else, just prepare the firewood first.

Finally, everyone didn't have to run far and cut trees with fear.

In order to facilitate their transportation, Xia Yan deliberately moved the door to the empty wall of the hall.

For a while, the hotel hall was very lively, with customers coming and going with firewood and branches.

They divided the streets into areas and spread the wood they cut on the road to dry, ready for use in winter.

It was still very hot at noon now, and the fresh branches would become dry branches after a few days of drying.

The big store near the hotel was requisitioned, and it was filled with dead firewood with different marks on it.

Sheng Nan also occupied the store closest to the hotel as her future residence.

She now lives in a high-rise building, without even a windproof window, and will freeze to death when the extreme cold comes.

It is best to renovate it while the weather is good now.

It is close to the hotel, safe and convenient for eating.


Xia Yan stood on the steps, looking at the customers who were busy moving in the high-rise building opposite.

Both sides of the street have been occupied by them, and they are now sealing the windows with bricks they found and reinstalling the doors.

The house, which was originally close to ruins, is now cleaned up, with beds and cabinets inside, as well as simple cooking utensils.

It feels a bit like home.

But if you want to spend the winter safely, these are not enough... she thought.

As the temperature began to return to normal.

The customers outside the store not only did not feel relaxed, but showed anxious expressions.

They increased the number of times they went out to look for supplies, and also picked some red strange fruits and brought them back, cut them into slices and dried them at the door.

Every day they were busy, constantly moving things into the house, constantly sticking heat-insulating foam on the wall, and trying to build a kang...

After the dried fruits were formed, they were put into large bottles and sealed to prevent moisture.

Although this kind of fruit is poisonous, fortunately, it only takes a nap to be cured.

It is also a rare food in the end times where food is scarce.

Seeing them like this, the customers in the store also began to feel uneasy and tried to stock up some dry food for emergencies.

Even if the hotel provides food, what if?

Where can you find food in severe cold weather?

If you don't think about the future, you will have immediate worries!

Thinking of this, the customers in the store also joined the food storage team.

One day when Xia Yan was strolling out, he saw a large area of ​​strange red dried fruits in the safe zone and was shocked.

After listening to Xiong Xiong's explanation, he understood what was going on.

"Boss, are our fruits ripe? Want to sell them?"

XiongXiong blinked.

"Are the fruits ripe?" Xia Yan was not sure, mainly because he rarely paid attention to those fruit trees.

"They are ripe. I saw them fall." XiongXiong was sure.

"Then you call Zhijiang and go pick the fruits."

Xiong Xiong happily ran to the backyard, let Zhizhi catch up below, and climbed up the tree to start picking fruits.

Ah, picking fruits must be left to the bears!

There are two different kinds of fruit trees in the boss's orchard, one is an apple tree and the other is a peach tree.

The red apples are easy to pick.

The peach has small velvet, and its paws are covered with white hairs when touched.

"Come down, I'll pick it." Zhiji said.

"Okay." Xiong Xiong reluctantly came down and looked at Zhiji with his head held high.

He climbed up the tree in twos and twos, looked around, pulled out a peach and threw it into the frame around his waist.

“There’s also a big peach on the left!”

After half an hour, the two had gained a lot, and the eight boxes they had brought were all full.

The two of them carefully separated the fruits according to their sizes and put aside the ones with serious injuries.

The best part will be sent to the boss, and the other part will be sold at a high price.

"Xiong, if you want to sell it at a high price, you'd better package it, make it clean and attractive, and then promote the effects of eating it, or just say it's a new variety."

Zhichi still has some opinions on this aspect.

Xiong Xiong felt that what he said made sense, and extended his hand to give a thumbs up.

The two carried the fruit frame to the lobby and placed it next to the holiday door so that customers could see it at a glance.

"Boss, what do you think the selling price is?"

"It's still sold according to size. The big one is 10 points, and the small one is 8 points."

"What about those with serious injuries?"

"Sell it cheap, 6 points for the big one, 4 points for the small one."

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