I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 139 The quarrel started

More than half of the bushes on Ridai Island have been cut down, and just as the customers imagined, there are really zombies that can't crawl inside.

When you encounter this kind of zombie, it means that not only can you chop down trees without spending points today, but you also earn 30 points.

When they went out and saw that Boss Xia's store started selling apples and peaches, the fruits they bought with these 30 points were equivalent to free money!

It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced this feeling of collecting merchant’s wool! It’s really cool!

So in order to find another zombie, everyone was picking her wool. The axes in their hands were almost smoking, and there were huge beads of sweat on their foreheads, and there was no time to wipe them away.

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"You guys who live in a hotel, why are you here to join in the fun? Why are you still burning firewood?"

Customers outside the store were so heartbroken that they were about to explode when they saw the customers who were checking in were also wielding axes to chop down trees and chasing half-length zombies all over the ground!

"That's right, leave us a way to survive!" Others gritted their teeth and agreed.

"Let go of that zombie and let us do it!"

The check-in customer turned a deaf ear and raised his ax to pry out the crystal core and put it in his pocket.

Then he looked at everyone as if nothing had happened, grabbed the zombies and threw them into the trash can, and continued to chop down trees to look for zombies.

The people who were completely ignored were furious and stepped forward to prepare an argument.

"You little girl! You have no manners at all! I told you to leave us a way to survive!"

"That's right, you're already staying in a hotel, and you must have a lot of crystal cores in your hands. Why are you here to plunder our resources?!"

"Don't go too far as a human being. You have to leave some way for others to survive, you know?"

At this time, a person pulled up his hat, revealing his face with a buzz cut.

"It's a woman!" someone exclaimed.

Seeing that the other residents were even more arrogant, they were ready to beat her up.

The girl frowned hard, took back her hat, and shouted:

"What's wrong with women? Are you discriminating? If you don't accept it, just come and fight!"

"How arrogant! I'm going to teach her a lesson!"

A man with a slight limp walked out of the crowd, with fleshless cheeks and high cheekbones.

As if he was eager to express that he still had strength, he rushed forward after saying this.

"Just teach him a lesson, don't break it!" several women shouted.

"Hey, you guys are so kind. If you were about to starve to death, would she stutter?" someone mocked, causing everyone to laugh.

The women looked at each other and murmured, not daring to say anything more.

The lame man intensified his desire to beat her up.

Why can you stay in a hotel?

Why come to fight with them for zombies?

I'll beat you up!

The man picked up the ax and held it high, very fiercely, and he was bound to see blood for those staying there to see!

The noise attracted many people to watch. Seeing that the ax was about to fall on the girl, some soft-hearted customers turned their heads and did not dare to look anymore.

That's an axe. If it's struck by an ax, the person must be killed on the spot?

It's just a half-body zombie. Is it necessary to be so cruel? This lame man is so cruel.

Some people who couldn't stand it shouted: "Get away!"

Seeing that the ax was about to fall in front of her, the girl sneered, took out a silver pistol from her pocket, and pointed it at his forehead.

"Would you like to try one more step forward?"


The lame man's eyes were shocked and he stopped abruptly, his ax awkwardly stopping in the air.

The girl tilted her head and said, "Come forward, why aren't you moving?"

The finger gestures to pull the trigger.

"Ah, don't, don't, don't, I won't move, you must not shoot!"

The lame man threw the ax aside, put his hands on his head, and said urgently.

Not only the lame man, but also the crowd watching were shocked.

"Girl, don't be impulsive. Boss Xia prohibits making trouble in the store. It's wrong for you to do this."

"Yeah, don't get kicked out because of this person, it's not worth it!"

"You have to be merciful and merciful. It's not easy for everyone. If you can get over it, let's get over it."

The girl looked around as if she had heard some joke.

Sure enough, his face turned from red to white.

"It's okay to let him go. Kneel down and call daddy, slap him in the face and say you were wrong."

She scoffed with malice.

Sure enough, I saw the lame man's face become embarrassed.

"Why, didn't you just say you wanted to kill me? Come on."

The man gritted his teeth and looked at his companion.

"Are you just watching? Don't you realize that the people who move in are looking down on us who don't move in? Are you just going to suffer like this?"

"Even if I die here, why should they bully us, just because we are latecomers and don't have crystal cores in our hands? It's too bullying."

Everyone was aroused by a few words, and they picked up knives and axes in their hands and glared at the customers.

"Hey, don't stir up trouble like this. No one rules that we can't come in to kill zombies, and we don't want the trees we cut down. It's like helping you. How come it's our fault in turn?"

Check-in guests are also quitting.

Everyone has a share in seeing the zombies, and whoever kills them gets it.

It won't do to rake it backwards.

Watching the two parties getting closer and closer, they were frothing at the mouth and almost pointed their fingers at each other's faces, but no one took the initiative to fight. They were all trying to make the other party take the first shot.

After all, whoever strikes first is unreasonable.

Seeing that something was wrong, Bai Zuo and Bai You hurriedly ran out of the vacation house and complained to Xiong Xiong.

When Xiong Xiong heard that the results were coming, he went straight inside to resolve the conflict without saying anything.

"Stop arguing, stop arguing, Manager Xiong is here!"

"Manager, come and judge. Are these people being unreasonable?"

"You are! You are unreasonable and want to hit people..."

A group of people surrounded it in the middle, talking at the same time, pointing at each other and scolding.

Fingers were all over Xiong Xiong's eyes, and from time to time someone popped up, occupying all of its sight, and then his lips moved quickly, and a long string of words came out.

Soon she was pulled aside by another person by the arm, and the two quarreled.

Xiong Xiong, the central figure, didn't hear a word clearly...

The scene seemed to be a high-pitched competition, one voice higher than the other.

Everyone was quickly attracted to each other, leaving Xiong Xiong behind, and the two groups gathered again, arguing red-faced.

Some clever children took advantage of the adults' quarrel to sneak into the woods, looking for half-bodied zombies.

Bai Zuo and Bai You outside the circle were dumbfounded.

Manager Xiong Xiong couldn't control the situation...

Let's go find Boss Xia.

The two returned to the hall and didn't know where to look for a moment.

After all, Boss Xia rarely appears in the store.

Or, call him twice?


The two only called out the first word and saw Boss Xia walk out from behind the door.

"What's wrong? Did you call me just now?"

After more than half a month of depression, the two brothers of the Bai family seemed to have come out of the pain of losing their loved ones.

"Boss Xia, everyone is arguing in the holiday gate, you should go and check it out!" Bai Zuo said.

"Manager Xiongxiong is also in there!" Bai You added.

"What's the quarrel about?"


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