I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 140: Exploding Sky

The moment Xia Yan stepped through the door, a loud quarrel could be heard in his ears.

The customers were so noisy that they started to greet their parents.

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Xiong Xiong stood aside and scratched his head, his black eyes bright. He didn't expect to be able to curse like this. He gained knowledge.

Seeing this, Xia Yan stepped forward and covered its eyes with one hand, and put the other hand around its neck.

"Xiong Xiong, leave this to me, go out and look at the store."

Then push it out the door.

Xia Yan took a long breath, casually patted the non-existent dust on his palms, and slowly walked around them.

The girl who bought the gun sat on the tree stump with her legs propped up, and the crystal core in her hand dropped with her movements, as if she was watching a show.

She didn't panic when she saw Xia Yan, but smiled and nodded.

Xia Yan looked behind her. A group of half-grown children were busy inside.

Some customers who didn't want to get involved stayed away and watched the excitement while cutting down trees. Seeing Boss Xia coming, I couldn't help but feel a little sweat for them.

It’s really seeking death.

I forgot all the store rules.

After Xia Yan walked around, he set up a table and high chair on the spot, sat on it and ordered a cup of sour plum juice in the food court.

Turn on the monitor and watch the replay while drinking.

Since the Vacation Gate was bound, it has built-in monitoring function, which is why Xia Yan is so relieved.

The quarrel here quickly reached the level of an ancestor. Some customers were stepped on sore spots and were completely anxious to take action.

"Hey? You dare to take action? Didn't you see Boss Xia here? Do you dare to take action?"

The check-in customer yelled loudly and took a step away to let him look at the person behind him.

"Boss Xia is here??"

When they heard this sentence, everyone finally regained their senses, breathing heavily, eyes red, and chests heaving.

Seeing that the customers had calmed down and automatically divided into two groups, Xia Yan took a sip of sour plum soup and said:

"Are you done arguing?"

No one spoke.

Xia Yan glanced across.

"Who can tell me what the quarrel is about."

Everyone looked at each other. One party is looking at the lame man, the other is looking at the girl with the gun.

When the lame man saw Boss Xia looking over, he panicked and waved his hands hurriedly:

"It's not just me, everyone participated! I——"

"Let me tell you." The girl stood up and walked to the front. "Not only did they not let me kill zombies, they also beat me with an axe. The brothers and sisters in the store couldn't stand it, so they started arguing."

"Yes, we were right to kill the zombies, and we didn't take away the chopped branches. Instead, they came to cause trouble."

Check-in guests are very dissatisfied.

"What did you say?" Xia Yan looked at the lame man.

The latter swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at the people around him. He felt a little confused and didn't know how to speak.

At this time, a woman next to him said: "Boss Xia, we have no choice but to earn more points from half-body zombies so we can survive the winter."

"That's right, we don't have any special powers. It's not easy to kill a zombie. They all have abilities. They really shouldn't compete with us..."

"What are you talking about? Why is it a robbery? This is your home!"

"Are you crazy? If you want to accumulate crystal cores, why don't we use them? It's all for survival, where does it come from?"

One word stirred up a thousand waves.

The two groups were about to quarrel again.

"Don't make any noise." Xia Yan stretched out his hand to stop.

Some women with shallow tear sockets in the crowd sobbed softly.

In fact, everyone is right, they are all trying to survive, but they are obviously more powerful when they move in.

Everyone looked at Boss Xia without saying a word, his mouth tightened and his body trembling.

Afraid of winning and afraid of losing.

Xia Yan was silent and sipped the sour plum juice.

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Everyone waited patiently.

The lame man is frightened, and the girl with the gun is expecting something.

Finally, Xia Yan raised his head again and said:

"Since the two people who led the riot are ordinary people, they will be fined to swim among the second-level zombies for three hours. The remaining customers who participated in the quarrel will be given a yellow card warning and will be expelled and blacklisted next time."

It's over.

The lame man's knees were weak and he sat on the ground, sweating all over his body.

Level 2 zombies, a group?

Who can run faster, a lame disabled person or a zombie? !

His vision went dark and he was breathing hard.

"Boss Xia, please let me go. I shouldn't hit her. No, I didn't even hit her. If I can't, I will die!"

The lame man crawled to the girl on his hands and knees, grabbed her clothes and begged with tears streaming down his face:

"Hurry up and tell Boss Xia, I really didn't hit you. I still want to live, not die. I'm sorry, I apologize to you, I kowtow to you, please forgive me!!"

After saying that, he knelt on the ground seven or eight times, his face covered with white gravel.

The girl looked at him expressionlessly, "Is there any use in apologizing now? Why don't you pick up the ax? Maybe you can use it when you run away."

Behind them, a group of people had mixed emotions. They lamented that they did not have to die in a pile of zombies immediately, but they also felt that it would be too tragic for two living people to turn into zombies immediately.

"Boss Xia, my name is Qiao Zhen. Can you go back and get your weapons? I'll be back right away." Qiao Zhen shook off the lame man and came to Xia Yan and asked.

Everyone was shocked and looked at her in surprise.

Didn't Boss Xia just say that she was just an ordinary person?

Go back to get weapons? Does she want to fight back? !

Just based on this point, all of them were compared to scum!

Xia Yan was also a little surprised. Qiao Zhen's eyes were clear and firm, without a trace of fear or retreat.

"Go." She said.

Qiao Zhen didn't waste time and turned to leave.

"What about you? Don't you need to prepare anything?"

The lame man moved his lips, "Use, use, prepare what... Hurry up and give me your long wrench!"

He stood up hurriedly and tried to grab someone else's long wrench.

"Get out! This is my old one! I won't give it to you!" The strong man kicked him in the chest and kicked him aside, cursing.

"Are you going to watch me die?! I came forward for the benefit of the collective! Why don't you lend it to me?!" The lame man roared.

"Just lend it to him, only your long wrench can be used." Someone on the side couldn't stand it and spoke for the lame man.

The sturdy man gritted his teeth in anger, "You really know how to use other people's things to do favors! Why don't you give him your baseball bat? Don't you have a mace in your hand? Give it to him!"

The sturdy man took a step forward with each sentence.

The man kept backing away, with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Shit! What a rubbish! If it weren't for the fact that you can't hit people here, I would definitely slap you!" The sturdy man spat fiercely and glared at him.

The lame man had to hold the axe at a loss.

Not long after, Qiao Zhen came back carrying a spiked iron rod.

She first glanced at the lame man.

What he was like when he left, he is the same now.

How did you get by in the last four years? Did you live in the base for four years?

Qiao Zhen didn't bother to care about him and looked at Xia Yan.

"Boss Xia, I'm ready, do you want to go in now?"

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