I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 141 Memorize the store rules

Xia Yan brought up the panel and projected it through the air. Eight different real-time images of zombie groups appeared inside.


A zombie suddenly appeared in front of the screen, its two empty eye sockets filled with maggots, which continued to fall out with the movement.

Everyone didn't expect it to be so clear, even the rotten flesh on the face could be seen clearly, as if zombies were about to burst out of the curtain and pounce on him.

The lame man's expression was even more ugly.

"Which map do you want to go to?" Xia Yan asked.

Qiao Zhen looked around carefully and pointed at the second picture, "It's better here."

There are a moderate number of zombies here, and the complex terrain makes it easy to escape, making it very suitable for kiting zombies.

Xia Yan nodded, "Okay, then let's take the third picture."

! ! !

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Qiao Zhen was stunned. Before he could speak, his eyes flashed and he appeared in a strange environment.

"Look, they're in!"

The customers came to the front and looked at Qiao Zhen and Qiao Zhen inside.

"Oh my god, are you going in like this?"

Isn't it too incredible?

If you can't afford to offend him, just memorize the store rules when you get back!

"Look, the zombies nearby heard the noise and ran over!"

"Run quickly!"

"Why isn't that girl still moving? I'm so worried!"

The customers said they were worried, but they sat on the beach and watched the zombies' escape being played in real time.

Xia Yan directed Bai Zuo and Baiyou to help her move the table to the opposite side for easier viewing.


Qiao Zhen slapped the lame man on the head and shouted: "Shut up! The zombies are coming!"

They were now in a house with only a broken bed splattered with blood and two rickety cabinets.

You can clearly hear the roar of zombies running towards you.

Qiao Zhen closed his eyes and carefully recalled the entire third picture he had just glanced at.

If her memory was not confusing, there should be a street outside, with wide roads and low houses.

The zombies who were close had already run to the window and spotted the two of them.

"Roar!" The zombies rushed over.


Qiao Zhen shouted, opened the door first and rushed outside.

The room is too small. If you are surrounded by zombies, you will have to wait for death.

"Wait, wait for me!" The lame man stood up in a hurry and followed him up and down.

She remembered it correctly! It is indeed a street!

Qiao Zhen raised the homemade iron rod and hit the zombie hard on the head with his backhand. He bent down and took out the sharp knife from his ankle, and quickly cracked open the skull to take out the crystal core.

She looked back and saw that the streets were filled with dense zombies, roaring and rushing over.

Qiao Zhen jumped up and down excitedly, adrenaline secretion accelerated, and his body quickly entered a fighting state.

The location here is not good enough, we need to find a higher place!

She looked around quickly and quickly determined her location.


In order to avoid the three zombies that were charging at the same time, she jumped onto a nearby car. The moment the zombies were about to grab her ankles, she jumped high to avoid them. After landing firmly on the ground, she accelerated and ran.

The lame man also took advantage of the zombies being attracted to her and hid around the car on the other side, keeping up with her pace.

In this environment where zombies are swarming, his only hope is the thin girl in front of him.

"Don't leave me." The lame man muttered in a low voice, suppressing his panic and fear and running.

Qiao Zhen had already run under the eaves. She tried bouncing, but unfortunately she wasn't tall enough and couldn't catch it.

Soon she saw the round table next to her, quickly moved over and moved it back, then turned over and jumped on it.

She first threw the iron rod up, then jumped high and grabbed a protruding corner of the eaves, using her abdominal strength to wrap her legs around it.

Use your whole body again and flip to the roof.

She picked up the iron bar and swung it to warm up.

At this time, the lame man came with the three zombies.

"Save me! Girl, help me!"

The lame man climbed onto the table, jumped up and clung to a corner of the eaves, his legs dangling feebly in the air, unable to find a place to lean on.

That's the limit of his ability, he can't go up.

Seeing that the zombies were about to rush to his legs, he hurriedly called for help.

"Come up quickly!"

"I, I can't use my strength, I can't go up!"

An old zombie tremblingly walked over and bit him on the shoe.

"Ah, I was bitten. Pull me up quickly. A big wave of zombies is coming!!!"

The man screamed and threw his legs.

The old zombie was kicked out and collapsed on the ground with no teeth in his gaping mouth.

Qiao Zhen clicked his tongue, took his hand, and tried to pull him up.

Maybe it will be useful later, so save it first.

"Come on, work harder!" The lame man watched the zombies bite him under him, trying to pull him off, wishing he could die directly.

"You should be stronger!" Qiao Zhen gritted his teeth and backed away, forcefully pulling him up.

Then the zombies rushed over and bumped into the table, their rotten hands kept reaching up.

The lame man escaped from the edge of death and was so excited that he couldn't say a word.

The blood drained from his face when he saw the hordes of zombies below.

"Here, what can we do? We have to survive three hours!"

"What else can we do? Just hold on tight. You stay over there and don't let the zombies climb up."

Qiao Zhen pointed in another direction, where zombies could easily climb up.

The lame man picked up the ax and walked over with a nod.

Just as she said, there were indeed zombies trying to climb up here. The lame man held an axe and chopped down any zombies that approached.

Qiao Zhen did the same on the other side.

Her iron rod was longer, so in order to save energy, she would aim and then hit the head with all her strength.

As more and more zombies rushed over nearby, there were signs of a pile up.

When she saw the zombies below being stepped on and unable to move, she had an idea.

"Help me watch here, I'll go up and take a look!"

"What are you going to do? Don't leave me behind!" The lame man hurriedly stood in the middle, and his axe would fall wherever there were zombies trying to come up.

Qiao Zhen ignored him, climbed to the highest point, and looked far away.

Soon, she saw an alley that sloped downward.

The alley was narrow, with high walls on both sides.

How to lead the zombies over?

Moreover, she needed a rope to trip the zombies.

Where is the rope nearby?

Qiao Zhen continued to check.

Maybe, I have to look in the house.

She already had a rough plan in mind, and after planning the route again, she decided to set off.

"You stay here, I'll find a way to go over there."

"Wait! You want to leave? No! Don't leave me alone!" The lame man panicked and hurriedly called her to follow.

"Don't move! Help me attract zombies here! If you want to live, listen to me!" Qiao Zhen shouted.

"Suction, attract firepower? I can't!" The lame man was panicking.

"You'd better say yes." Qiao Zhen sneered. "Otherwise, why do you think I saved you up, kind? Don't be funny, if you didn't have some use value, would I save you?"

The lame man was dumbfounded and understood what she meant.

"I, I can do it, as long as you don't leave me in the end." Qiao Zhen thought about it, jumped down and walked to his side, took out another exquisite knife, cut his finger, and the bright red blood dripped on the zombie's face.

The zombie group became more and more violent and gathered together.

"If you keep guard, I won't abandon you." Qiao Zhen said this, walked around to a corner without zombies, took a deep breath and jumped down.

After landing smoothly, she carefully looked around, and when she saw that no zombies noticed her, she quickly and lightly rushed to the back of the car.

The lame man looked back at her from time to time, and his fear turned into motivation, smashing the zombies' heads with the axe in his hand more and more forcefully.

But there were too many, and the fallen zombies were stepped on by new zombies in a blink of an eye.

The lame man looked at the sky with an expression that looked like he was about to cry.

If he could survive, he just wanted to live a good life, and he would definitely keep his tail between his legs and never be the first to stand out again.

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