I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 142 Qiao Zhen's plan

"This girl is too fierce."

"What is she going to do? Why did she run into the house again?"

"What is she looking for? Damn! It's so scary!"

The crowd suddenly hid back.

In the camera, when Qiao Zhen opened the cabinet door, a zombie suddenly rushed out and knocked her down with its mouth wide open.

"It's over, it's over, she's definitely going to die."

"The second-level zombie is much stronger, how can a girl like her resist it? "

Several people turned their heads away, unable to bear to watch her being bitten to death.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝔰π”₯𝔲.𝔫𝔒𝔱

What a pity.


Qiao Zhen held the iron rod across her chest, pressing it tightly against the zombie's mouth.

She stretched her arms straight, trying to fight the zombie.

The zombie's almost skull-like face was close at hand, its mouth wide open, its sharp teeth full of scarlet liquid, its gray skin covered with blue veins, and it looked extremely terrifying.

Get out...

Qiao Zhen clenched her teeth and tilted her head to prevent the zombie's body fluid from entering her mouth.

Seeing her arms begin to become sore, she tried her best to pull her legs against her chest, pushed them upwards for a certain distance, then kicked out with all her strength, turned over and stood up, holding the sharp blade and piercing the zombie's head.

"Huh. "

Her chest rose and fell violently, and her brain finally received the message that her body was weak.

She took a deep breath and tried to stabilize her heart rate as quickly as possible, shaking her arms and legs to prevent numbness.

After she felt better, she walked forward, took out the crystal core and put it in her pocket, and got a long clothesline from the closet.

She walked to the door and observed carefully. When she saw that the zombies were still surrounding the lame man, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Hold on for a while.

Qiao Zhen held the iron rod and walked out lightly.

There were a few scattered zombies not far away, standing there shaking their heads. Shaking, her gray eyes looked around.

She turned her head and looked at the alley not far from here.

The premise is to kill these zombies and not attract the zombies of the lame man.

There are no obstacles on both sides of the road ahead.

It's a bit difficult.

Qiao Zhen sighed and looked at the zombies that fell to the ground and were shot in the head.

Or, you can contribute another wave?

After checking her hands and finding no wounds on them, she smeared some rotten blood on her body, then held it in front of her, and then moved step by step with her back against the wall.


"Is this method okay?"

"I don't know, I don't dare to try it anyway."

"Do you think the zombies are fools? Can't you smell her?"

"Zombies are worse than fools, okay. I learned it, I will try it when I have time. "

When everyone saw Qiao Zhen's unexpected behavior, they exclaimed and talked about it.

I have never seen anyone so bold.

What if it doesn't work?

Xia Yan laughed when she saw her behavior.

Qiao Zhen is really brave, which is very rare for an ordinary person, but it's a pity that she has no superpowers.

In the projection, Qiao Zhen was holding the zombie and walked safely to the alley.

Qiao Zhen didn't expect that there were still zombies in the alley, and there were five or six of them.

The zombie turned around suddenly after hearing the noise, its gray eyes were motionless, and it bared its fangs and made a loud sound.

She also followed motionless.

I have come here, how can I retreat.

The zombie in the alley didn't notice her behind him, and turned around staggeringly.

The opportunity came.

Qiao Zhen took the opportunity to move to the side of the trash can.

She moved the zombie above her head, huddled under the zombie, picked up the glass bottle beside her and threw it far away.

It made a ding-dong-dong sound.

The zombie in the alley turned around suddenly.

"Roar! "

The zombies rushed out in a violent manner.

Qiao Zhen pushed away the zombies on her body and quietly moved to the alley.

The alley was a downward slope, three meters wide and 30 meters long.

She found a suitable position, fixed one end of the rope on it, and tied the other end loosely.

Then she determined the escape route.

If the plan failed, she had to make sure she could run out.

There was a cash delivery truck parked in front, with the back door wide open and blood stains on the edge of the door.

Qiao Zhen picked up the iron rod and walked over to check.

There was a half-body zombie in the cash delivery truck, wearing work clothes, yelling at her.

Worry The sound of the zombie attracted other zombies. Qiao Zhen observed the surroundings and got into the car to kill it with a knife, and harvested another crystal core.

She threw the half-body zombie out, then checked the door lock to make sure it was usable and working well, and then prepared to go back to find the lame man.


He was already exhausted, and there were more and more zombies below. After killing one, there was still a group, and there was no end in sight.

He became more and more desperate.

A zombie roared and climbed up on the corpse, and its gray hand almost touched the corner of his clothes.

The lame man chopped off its hand as if to vent his anger and kicked it in the face.

"Take your garbage away!"

The same gray bones were exposed at the broken end of the chopped hand.

The zombie felt no pain and still stretched out half of its arm to grab him.

The lame man was angry.

"Even you look down on me? "

He chopped its head with two axes, like cutting a watermelon. After a crisp sound, the zombie fell to the ground.

The head was split in half, full of black and smelly brain matter. In the middle, there was an orange-yellow crystal core that was crystal clear. He looked at it with great pity.

You can only look, not take, otherwise you can live comfortably in the hotel.

Another zombie stepped on it and buried the crystal core back in a pile of black tofu dregs.

"My crystal core! Give me back my crystal core!"

The lame man was stunned and raised the axe to vent his emotions.

He only cared about the zombies on this side, and completely forgot that zombies could also climb up from the other side.

When he heard the roar in his ears, he was immediately shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

! ! !

Zombies are climbing up? !

Almost in the blink of an eye, three or four zombies climbed up.

He screamed and ran to the next high roof.

"Qiao Zhen! Where the hell have you been? Are you kidding me?! Iβ€”β€”"

"Shut up! Zombies! Look at me!!"

At the critical moment, he finally heard a familiar human voice.

Looking in the direction, Qiao Zhen was waving his arms and shouting not far away.

Even the zombies around him were attracted.

Taking advantage of this time, he hurriedly climbed up the ladder to the high roof and killed the zombies that followed him.

Qiao Zhen was still shouting.

The zombies surrounding below rushed towards her in unison, and the people who saw it were numb.

He didn't dare to make a sound, and shrank his body to deal with the zombies trying to climb up the ladder.

Qiao Zhen, I was wrong just now, I shouldn't scold you.

You are the best person in the world, and the term "self-sacrifice" is tailor-made for you.

Don't worry, I will burn paper for you every year.

The lame man couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw all the zombies chasing him. After carefully observing the surroundings, he climbed down happily to collect the crystal core.

Mom, I'm rich! !


Qiao Zhen kept rushing forward, followed by countless zombies.

She didn't need to look back, just wait until she reached the destination to implement the next plan.

It's almost there, the alley is ahead.

She ran and jumped, her heartbeat almost bursting through her throat.

The extreme tension and excitement made her five senses sharp.

She kept rushing forward.

It's almost there, the rope is ahead.

She could already hear the collision of zombies crowded in the alley.

Countless zombies followed behind.

Come on!

Qiao Zhen suddenly slid and stopped, and pulled the rope tight at the moment when the zombies rushed over!


The zombies that rushed too fast were tripped by their calves and fell down in a row.

The zombies behind them fell down one after another, one layer on top of another!

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