I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 143 Yellow Card Warning


Qiao Zhen snorted and turned around in front of the zombies with pride.

Who said ordinary people can't survive in the end times? !

After her breathing stabilized, she picked up the long stick again, aimed at the zombies' heads and shot them one by one.


The customers outside were already stunned.

It's not that they have never seen zombies killed.

It's that they have never seen zombies piled up like sardines, without any resistance, just like playing whack-a-mole, just hammering with a hammer.

"It's really awesome!" The strong man gave a thumbs up and praised sincerely.

"So many level 2 crystal cores, I can live a peaceful life." The middle-aged woman looked envious.

They are all level 2 crystal cores, one can be exchanged for 500 points.

Why is the level 2 zombie like a fool? Doesn't it know how to resist?

Just tripped like this?

Everyone's thoughts were flying, emotions were complicated, and they were envious and admired.

That was an ordinary girl.

Xia Yan threw the empty paper cup into the trash can. In the projection, Qiao Zhen had already collected a lot of crystal cores.

The zombies were stacked tightly together, especially the front ones, which were crowded and couldn't move.

This made it convenient for Qiao Zhen.

After collecting the crystal cores in the heads of the front zombies, she knocked them one by one.

The crystal cores were easily captured.

On the other side, the lame man was still hiding on the high roof, and he also got dozens of crystal cores.

After wiping the crystal cores clean, he carefully put them into his inner pocket.

He was already imagining the wonderful life in the future.

He decided to run into the buffet restaurant for a big meal after returning!

The girl named Qiao Zhen...

There was no movement over there, I wonder if she is still alive.

Actually, she is a good person, but it's a pity.

The lame man sighed and looked at his problematic right foot.

His foot was not born like this.

When the end of the world just came, he jumped down from the high platform in his arms to save a young child.

He twisted his foot accidentally, and it swelled up into a big lump on the spot. It was excruciatingly painful to move.

The child's father drove over later, and he and the child were saved.

But the foot could not be treated by X-ray. The world was so chaotic, where could there be doctors?

In order to thank him, the child's father ran to the pharmacy to find some medicine.

But it takes a hundred days to heal a broken bone.

He couldn't move, so he could only recuperate quietly and rely on the child's father to go out to find food to survive.

But the time he went out was getting longer and longer, and the food he brought back was getting less and less...

A month later, the father held the child and said he was going out to find supplies, and never came back.

He knew it in his heart, but he couldn't ask for anything, so he could only watch the two leave.

With the small amount of food they left, he supported himself for three days, and then dragged his injured foot out to find food.

Since then, his right foot has been lame. He also gave up the idea of ​​saving people.

A lame man, if he can't prove his strength, everyone will step on his head.

Everything is for survival.

He retracted his thoughts and sighed again.

For yourself, it is natural.

The lame man didn't have a God's perspective, and he didn't dare to run to the alley to take a look. He naturally thought that she had no harvest, or was dead.

But he never thought that she not only had a large number of crystal cores, but also hid in the car to eat takeout safely!

Qiao Zhen sneezed a little and muttered: "It would be great if I could eat spicy stew."

After waiting for three hours, Xia Yan called them both back.

The moment they stepped on the white beach again, they were still a little confused.

Obviously, they were slow to accept teleportation.

"You are good, buddy, you have earned a lot, and you survived. You can live in a hotel in the future!"

"You are rich, lame brother."

The customers who lived outside surrounded the lame man and joked.

They could see clearly that there were at least thirty or forty second-level crystal cores!

There is absolutely no problem in overwintering!

And he is still single, without burden!

Several people with ideas deliberately approached him, constantly pounding his shoulders and pinching his arms to praise him.

The lame man seemed to be smiling foolishly, and did not answer their questions.

Qiao Zhen walked to Xia Yan's side as soon as possible, and looked at the lame man in the crowd with her.

It's not too early to celebrate?

Forgot that Boss Xia is still here?

He is floating.

When the lame man looked at Boss Xia through the gap in the crowd, he was shocked, and hurriedly pushed away the people around him and ran over.

"Boss Xia, I'm sorry, they surrounded me, and I didn't see it."

The lame man's forehead was full of sweat, and his palms were rubbing on his trouser legs.

What if Boss Xia threw him back in anger?

Just now, with Qiao Zhen there, he survived by chance. If it weren't for her...

Thinking of this, he felt even more terrified and muttered to himself.

Xia Yan looked at him, and after a few seconds, he said:

"Although you are back alive, I still have to give you a yellow card warning. If you make trouble again next time, I will throw you directly into the level 5 zombie group. Do you understand?"

At this time, the two people's score cards flashed, not only the interface turned into a yellow frame, but also a small warning sign next to the personal information.

"Boss Xia, I will definitely live a peaceful life in the future! I will never make trouble!" The lame man said anxiously: "Boss, I want to live in a hotel, is it okay?"

The points in his hand are enough to spend the winter in a carefree manner, and there is no need to live outside in the cold.

"Go to Manager Xiong for this."


The lame man took two steps out in a hurry, and when he saw that Boss Xia had no intention of calling him, he left quickly.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

Xia Yan asked when she saw that she didn't leave.

Qiao Zhen took a deep breath, stepped forward, and bowed deeply.

"Thank you, Boss Xia, for taking care of me."

Xia Yan smiled, "I didn't take care of you. You rely on yourself, it has nothing to do with me."

If she hadn't had the courage to resist, she would have turned into a zombie long ago.

It really has nothing to do with her, Xia Yan.

Qiao Zhen nodded, "Well, Boss Xia, I'm going out."

Seeing that there was nothing exciting to watch, everyone turned around and continued to chop trees.

Some people had thoughts that they shouldn't have.

It's just that there is already a yellow card in their cards.

I'm afraid they will be driven away directly next time...

The hope that had just risen was instantly shattered.

It's better to chop trees honestly.

Xia Yan put away the tables and chairs and turned around the island.

As the green plants on the island were cleared, the original building debris was exposed.

There is a lake in the center, which is clear and transparent, and you can easily see the bottom of the lake.

In the center of the lake, there is a hole that extends downward to the bottom.

"Boss Xia, these wooden boards are rotten, can I move them?"

Guest A pointed to the remains of the wooden house and said.

"Take it away." She has no use for these.

The wooden boards scattered on the ground are covered with long-haired black mold, and the hyphae sway in the wind, and the tops look like blooming dandelions.

Guest A picked up a branch and dipped it in water, knocked down all the hyphae, and then grabbed them.

The others followed his way and collected a pile of wood.

This alone is not enough.

They have to be spread out in the sun when they go back.

The mutant hyphae may parasitize and cause severe pain to the host.

In less than an hour, the host will be sucked dry.

It is better to be careful.

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