I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 144 Eliminating hidden dangers

Xia Yan took down the notice after she returned.

The holiday gate was also taken back and posted in the private courtyard.

She bought a few more employees and called Zhikang to take people in to clean up the weeds.

To make it easier for the employees to work, she also bought a lawn mower and an oversized broom.

In the next few days, Xia Yan supervised the work on site.

The tree roots were pulled out, the pits were backfilled with soil, and the weeds up to the knees were flattened.

All the debris was thrown into the trash can.

There is another mountain near Lidai Island, which is lush and green.

Xia Yan led them to scout around like a minesweeper, and did not see a single zombie.

[The hidden dangers have been successfully eliminated, and Lidai Island can be opened to the public]

[Do you want to buy a protective cover]


[200,000 points]

Xia Yan opened the panel to check the total sales.

The cumulative sales of the head office were only 80,000 points, while the branch was twice as much, plus the sales of takeout, a total of 280,000 points.

"Does the shield include other islands?"


"Okay, pay."

After a ding-dong sound, a light curtain floated up around the island.

It closed from the top and disappeared.

The 21 islands around Lidai Island also have their own independent shields.

At the same time, the construction planning panel of Lidai Island popped up in front of her.

There are icons such as the rental department, public facilities, public kitchens, high-end restaurants, shops, and official detoxification shops.

Below are the corresponding prices.

Xia Yan became interested.

This is similar to the holographic business game, the only difference is that she has real customers staying.

With the 80,000 points she currently has, in addition to some houses, she can only afford shops.

Then the shop.

With her will control, a fully transparent glass house landed right in front of the lake.

Xia Yan opened the door and went in. The shelves were empty and labeled.

Waterproof goggles - 200 points

Net bag - 100 points

Swimsuit, swimming cap - 300 points

Diving knife - 80 points

Portable oxygen cylinder - 1000 points


The store is not big, but it has a full range of goods. In addition to diving equipment, there are also waterproof backpacks, towels and other items.

Xia Yan plans to purchase goods and ask about the price.

[It costs 500,000 points to replenish two quantities of goods in the whole store. Do you want to purchase goods?]

"Hiss, it's so expensive. I won't purchase goods for the time being."

She is too poor.

And the price of the icons is more expensive than the other.

Forget it, take your time.

She should take people to clean up the luxury island first.

Let Zhigang and others wait there, she ran back to the hotel, returned to the boss's island through the private room, and drove the yacht to pick them up.

"Come on." She waved.

After everyone arrived, she started the yacht and drove to the first island.

The 20 islands are of similar size and have the same villas.

Unlike her island, there is a suspended disc on the beach here, which is a means of transportation to the main island.

Xia Yan led the staff into the villa.

There is a spacious space inside, enough rooms, water and electricity, and various equipment are also complete.

Guests staying here can even cook their own food.

She walked to the sunken sofa area, shook off the dust, sat on it and said:

"Zhikang, start working."

Zhikang said hello, and started to work with his colleagues.

She sat on the sofa and took a nap.


The guests living outside were busy collecting the dried wood boards and dead branches.

They have collected enough wood for the winter, and then they should go out to find winter clothes.

But whether they can find them is another matter.

"Lao Zhang, I heard that someone in Shangyang Base is selling cotton clothes. Buy a few?" said the man with a long beard.

"Shangyang Base? It's too far. Let's go to the Botanical Garden tomorrow. I remember there is a mutant kapok tree there. The flowering period has been extended. It should be fruiting now." The one-eared man called Lao Zhang replied.

Someone nearby heard him and asked, "Botanical Garden? Aren't the plants there mutated?"

"They are all mutated, but this mutant kapok is more domineering. No other plants survive in the territory. In comparison, it is less dangerous." Lao Zhang tied up the firewood neatly and placed it on the woodpile.

"It's not that weird. Look at that island, aren't they all mutant plants? They are very weak and basically have no attack power."

"If you want to go, it's better to have more people and call a few people with superpowers."

"Brother, are you going to pick kapok fruits?" The bearded man patted the silent strong man beside him and asked.

The strong man turned around and looked at the few people. They were basically ordinary people. They looked skinny and had no attack power.

He thought for a moment, "Find a few more people. It's better to ask if anyone in the hotel is going, especially the one in black."

"Yes! And Sheng Nan, forget about her!"

The few people hit it off and went to look for people separately.

The woman squatting not far away stood up and approached the strong man, carefully wiping the sweat off his face.

"Hubby, I'll go with you."

"No, you wait for me at home." The strong man dodged her hand, walked to the side and shook his head vigorously.

"But I'm worried about you."

"It's okay, I know." The strong man smiled and whispered in her ear: "If something goes wrong, I'll run back quickly."

The woman's brows were instantly dissipated by the sadness, she laughed, and slapped his chest with her palm.

"Don't be weird. Seriously."

"It's too early to say now. Let's wait until the evening to see who will go and then decide. Xiaoxue, go home."

The strong man put his arm around her shoulders and walked towards home with dry firewood in his other arm.

A few days ago, the two moved from the high-rise building to the street in front of the hotel, which was only three shops away from the hotel gate.

There is also a small suite in the house, so it won't be cold in winter when you light a stove.

The strong man's name is Zou Yu, and his wife Zhang Manxue is beside him.

The two ran away from the Shangyang base.

The base is good in everything, but you can't eat enough. If you don't eat enough, everything is bad.

The two people actually found a holiday hotel by accident.

It doesn't matter if there are no rooms inside, they can also live nearby.

When they are hungry, they run to the hotel to eat, buy two bottles of water and go back. When they are free, they go downstairs to collect supplies and kill zombies to save crystal cores.

Life is more comfortable than in the base.

Seeing Sheng Nan moving things to a store near the hotel, the two of them decided to follow the boss and move!

The two of them had been bringing back a lot of stuff during this period, and there were quite a few big and small items.

It took them a whole day to move everything.

Then the others realized what was happening and started looking for things to renovate the house.

The window that was wide open was rebuilt with bricks, and broken glass picked up from somewhere was used as a window to let in light.

An iron door was also installed on the door frame, and there was a lock.

Just consider it a comfort.

There was a double bed in the room, with a thin quilt and two pillows neatly placed on it.

There were only a few scattered summer clothes hanging in the closet next to it.

There was a coffee table, a single sofa, a washbasin, etc., everything you could think of.

They were all collected by the two of them bit by bit.

A home should look like a home.

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