The botanical garden is far from the hotel, in the southwest.

The area spans three or four blocks.

There are not only mutant kapok trees, but also trees that produce strange red fruits.

The strange fruits they brought back before were picked here.

The group united together and headed towards the botanical garden.

They were not worried about attracting zombies.

It would be better if they came, saving them from not enough to share.

Zhang Manxue followed Zou Yu closely, and the two walked on the edge of the team.

𝟔𝟗 Book Bar

It is convenient to rush up and kill zombies and dig out crystal cores as soon as they are found.

The streets are devastated and the debris is scattered all over the ground.

Everyone carefully bypassed the iron sheets stained with blood.

To prevent indirect infection from scratching the skin.

Two hours later, they arrived safely at the botanical garden.

The shade of the lush trees was full of zombie corpses.

There is a minimum distance of 20 meters between any two trees.

Standing at the edge, they could clearly see the thick trunk inside that could only be hugged by three or four people.

The branches were drooping, and they were full of gray-white fruits.

That was the mutant kapok tree.

"We're here." Lao Zhang said.

Everyone looked and found that the big man in black had arrived earlier and was picking fruits inside.

The big man is inside?

What are you waiting for? Go ahead.

The wide distance between the two trees gave them the opportunity to pass through quickly.

People are always more flexible than zombies.

Even if they see the thorny branches coming, they can quickly dodge.

The first person to run to the mutant kapok tree took out a big bag, shook it a few times to open it, and quickly began to pick the fruits at the bottom.

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The mutant kapok fruit has matured, and the pods have burst open, revealing the yellow and white cotton inside.

Zhang Manxue handed Zou Yu a bag, and the two walked to a place where no one was coming and quickly picked the fruit.

The mutant kapok tree is covered with long spikes, and there is even a drop of water on the top that is about to drip, which smells very sweet.

But if you accidentally touch your skin, you will immediately feel a burning sensation, and then it will become extremely itchy, which can last for a whole day.

Experienced people will wrap several layers of cloth strips on their hands.

The cloth bag on Jing Yimai's waist is already half full.

He stopped moving, shook his head, and when the double image in front of his eyes was no longer there, he hurried to the mutant He ran out of the range of the kapok tree.

On the branch where he was originally located, a huge water droplet gradually gathered, shook and hit the ground.

However, the water droplet was not absorbed by the soil, but instead fell limp on the ground, as if it were some kind of sticky object, turning into a pungent smell.

This is the attack mode of the mutant kapok.

Jing Yimai heard the sound behind him, rolled on the ground and hid aside.

He was hit by the thorns at the original position, leaving dozens of sharp needles.

After noticing the situation here, the others sped up their movements, reduced their breathing rate, and stared at the top of their heads to prevent being hit by water drops.

Seeing Zhang Manxue walking further and further in, Zou Yu hurriedly ran to drag her to the periphery.

"Are you crazy? Why go to the innermost layer?!"


Only then did Zhang Manxue realize that she had unknowingly walked into the most dangerous area.

She hurriedly held her breath and tried not to smell the sweet smell.

This kind of fragrance can confuse perception.

She only took a few steps...

"Wait for me here, don't run around, call me if there is danger."

Zou Yu poured all the fruit pods in the cloth bag into her pocket and rushed back with the empty bag.


Everyone walked back with bulging cloth bags on their backs.

On the way, they also met some strange survivors they had never seen before.

The two groups of people took a detour at the same time.

It can be seen that the other party was also going to the botanical garden to pick fruit pods.

After leaving in an interlaced manner, they quickened their pace.

After all, the fruit pods at the bottom of the mutant kapok tree had been plucked out.

If you want to pick them, you have to climb up.

And the tree is full of thorns...

Run away.

They definitely took less time to run back to the vicinity of the hotel than when they went there.

"Look, are there a few zombies up there? "

Someone noticed something moving on top of the pile of zombie bodies.

"It seems so!"

"It's a zombie!"

The voices of several people were a little loud, attracting the attention of the zombies on the pile of corpses.

He fell down from the top with a roar, and then rushed over.

"Xiaoxue, give me the long wrench." Zou Yu stretched his hand back and glanced at the top of the corpse casually.

It should be the zombie attracted by the corpse.

Brother, I didn't expect you to do good things after you die...

After getting the long wrench, Zou Yu went straight to the zombie.

At the same time, several people followed him.

"Brothers in front, everyone who sees it will have a share, one for each person!"

"O several k! ”

Anyway, they are all level one zombies, so just divide them up. He can’t take on 7 zombies by himself.

Zou Yu aimed at one of them and hit it on the head with a long wrench.

You need to use superpowers to deal with level one zombies?!

What a joke.

The others who didn’t get (grab) zombies comforted themselves:

It’s just a level one crystal core, so if you don’t want it, just don’t.

Zou Yu handed the cleaned crystal core to Zhang Manxue and asked her to put it into her points card.

The advantage of doing this is that you don’t have to worry about someone trying to grab the crystal core.

And the points in the points card are not transferable, which is equivalent to a mandatory guarantee of the cardholder's property safety.

Let those who are interested completely give up the idea.

The two returned to the front of the house, and Zou Yu went in with a wrench to test everywhere.

Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years.

What they didn't know was that the customers living nearby had developed a habit since then-to check the room before going to bed.

"How is it? Is it okay?"

Zhang Manxue waited anxiously, and asked anxiously when she saw him finally come out.

Zou Yu hummed.

"That's good. Take advantage of the daybreak and take out the kapok quickly."

It's better to make cotton clothes and thick quilts sooner rather than later.

The weather in the end times changes at any time.

It is also possible that the temperature drops rapidly overnight.

She found a clean plastic bag and placed it on the ground.

Zou Yu opened the cloth bag full of fruit pods, took one out at random, pinched it lightly with his fingers, and the dark brown shell cracked, and the kapok was easily taken out.

This is just the first step.

Zhang Manxue still had to take out the core.

The core of the mutant kapok was also covered with thorns.

So she had to be very careful.

The core should not be thrown around to prevent it from piercing the soles of shoes when walking.

This was a very tiring job.

She worked all afternoon and only collected a small bag of clean kapok.

While the house was still visible, she took out the quilt cover from under the bed and stuffed the kapok inside.

With a shake, the quilt cover seemed to be empty and light.

Alas, it's still a long way to go.

"Xiaoxue, let's go to eat." Zou Yu called at the door.

"I'm here."

She stuffed the quilt cover deep into the bed box and hid it, and walked out after tidying up the bed.

Zou Yu locked the door, looked around and prepared to go to the hotel restaurant for dinner.

With the ding of the elevator, the door opened to both sides.

At first glance, I saw a hot pot restaurant that was open.

The rich smell of hot pot wafted out.

The two took a deep breath.

“It smells so good.”

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