I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 147 Private Island

Zhang Manxue calculated that she still had a lot of points in her card, if the prices at the hot pot restaurant were not expensive.

They can also consume a meal once in a while.

Just improve the food.

"Husband, go and ask how much a meal costs."

She took Zou Yu's arm and walked to the guidance platform.

"Hello customer, would you like to have a meal?"

"I would like to ask how many points are needed for a hot pot meal?"

There were many customers dining in the hot pot restaurant at the moment, and she secretly guessed that it wouldn't be too expensive.

"Customers, you can order a la carte or purchase a set meal. Here are the set meal details."

The robot handed over a large menu.

She opened it, and pages one, two, and three were the a la carte menu, followed by a set meal introduction.

A meal for two is 169 points, a meal for three is 269 points, and a meal for four is 349 points.

"Honey, a meal for two is not expensive!"

She was pleasantly surprised when she saw the price. It was much cheaper than a buffet for two!

"Didn't you kill a first-level zombie this afternoon? It's equivalent to giving us a free meal!"

"Okay, let's eat hot pot tonight and treat it as a shock to last night!"

After paying 169 points at the robot, a staff member walked out of the store and took the two of them to a seat by the window.

"Excuse me, what pot bases do you want to order? There are mandarin duck pot, clear soup pot, mushroom soup pot and tomato pot."

"Is the Yuanyang hotpot okay?" Zou Yu asked her.

"Okay, I want the mandarin duck pot." Zhang Manxue replied.

The staff leaves.

The two looked around curiously.

If they didn't look outside, they would really think that these four years were just a dream.

Maybe after the two of them finish eating, they can drive home.

Maybe you can even get a concerned call from your parents...

The two-dimensional employees pushing the food cart broke all illusions.

“You two can go to the snack station to prepare dipping sauces, and free side dishes and ice cream are provided.”

It introduced while placing the dinner plate on the table.

The two of them took a rough look.

It feels similar to the set meals in hot pot restaurants before the apocalypse.

So affordable.

"Let's go make some ingredients." Zhang Manxue was a little excited.

It’s really been a long time since I’ve had hot pot.

Yesterday we were on the line between life and death, but today we can enjoy hot pot?

The small food table is very complete.

There are three large plates on top, which include free fried shrimp crackers, marinated kelp shreds and sour crispy radish.

There are three large vats of ice cream of different flavors in the freezer next door.

Zhang Manxue's hands were shaking.

So arrogant...

Boss Xia is so arrogant...

She took a bowl of each of the free side dishes.

Zou Yu prepared their favorite dipping sauce according to their preferences.

The two of them returned to the table with their feet weak.

At this moment, the mandarin duck pot is bubbling, and the delicious smell rushes into the nose.


"Honey, eat!"

She loved mutton rolls and vermicelli, so Zou Yu put these two into the pot first.

Zhang Manxue cooked beef rolls and mushrooms.

The two of them cook what the other likes to eat.

After seeing too much of the cruelty of the apocalypse, they cherished their time together even more.

Worried that their stomachs couldn't handle the spicy food, they tried their best to eat clear soup.

Or rinse off the spicy oil and eat it slightly spicy.

The side dishes are also crunchy and delicious, especially the spicy and sour radish, which is so delicious!

The two of them didn't dare to eat the complimentary ice cream, for fear that one spicy and one cold would irritate their stomachs and cause stomachaches.

In this era of shortage of medicines and doctors, if you get any kind of disease, you can survive it, but you can die if you can't resist it.

Zhang Manxue really likes spicy and sour radish, so she planned to get some more after eating.

In front of the snack counter, she saw Boss Xia scooping out ice cream and eating it.

"Boss Xia, come and have hot pot too."

When she heard someone calling her from behind, Xia Yan scooped out a large spoonful of chocolate ice cream, then put the scoop back before turning around.

It turned out to be a customer who lived out of town.

"Yes, you have to support your own hot pot restaurant occasionally, right?"

Zhang Manxue didn’t quite understand.

Seeing that Boss Xia had no intention of explaining.

She understood very well and didn't ask any more questions.

But there was one thing she cared about.

"Boss Xia, I wonder if there will be any free rooms for rent in the future? We would like to move in."

This question.

Xia Yan scooped another spoonful of vanilla ice cream into the cup.

spare room...

"The store is already full now, so we have to wait until some customers decide not to stay."

"Boss Xia, I would like to make a reservation first, or pay part of the deposit." Zhang Manxue was really anxious to move in.

She didn't want to go through what happened last night again.

"Okay, you can go to the store manager Xiongxiong to register."

Xia Yan thinks this is also a good idea.

Maybe some people will be willing to move to Ridai Island in a while.

"Really? Thank you so much, Boss Xia!"

Zhang Manxue clasped her hands on her chest and watched Xia Yan leave with great joy.

She happily picked up some hot and sour radish, sat down and said to Zou Yu:

"I just met Boss Xia. She said we can go to the store manager Xiongxiong to reserve a room!"

"Really? That's great. We'll go as soon as we finish eating!"


Xia Yan returned to the lobby on the first floor, sat on the sofa, ate ice cream and watched the singing competition show.

Xiong Xiong came in from the back door holding a fruit frame.

"Boss, these are the fine fruits left for you."

It placed the top pocket of apples next to her.

"Thank you, Brother Xiong, for sending me the love apple~"

Xia Yan admired Xiong Xiong for a while and scratched his head shyly.

Just got back to the topic.

"Xiong Xiong, there will be customers coming to book rooms soon. You can reserve more than ten rooms."

"Okay, do I need to collect a deposit?"

"Just collect 100 points. Tomorrow Zhizhang will have to take people to the island to clean up. I'll thank you for keeping guard."

"You're welcome, this is what Bear Bear should do."

While the two were talking, Zou Yu and the others walked out of the elevator.

"Manager Xiong Xiong, we need to reserve a room."

The two smiled gently at Boss Xia and followed Xiong Xiong to the front desk to register.

Upgrading the hotel requires 600,000 points, and the houses on Lidai Island also require points.

Xia Yan held his forehead.

At present, it mainly makes money from the branch's cafeteria and takeout system. There is also a private island that has been tidied up and can be rented out.

Maybe she can rent out a private island.

‘System, can private islands be rented out? ’

[Please specify the daily rent, monthly rent, semi-annual rent, and annual rent]

After Xia Yan thought carefully, he replied in his heart:

‘No daily or annual rent, minimum rent is one month. The monthly rent is 180,000 points, and the half-year rent is 1.08 million points. ’

[Set price successfully]

[Whether the private island is equipped with a butler]

'Need not. ’

It's a private island, so she still needs to prepare a personal butler.

There is no such advanced service.

She only rents out the island, not her employees.

What if we catch employees doing dissections or experiments?

【Are you interested in becoming a customer】

‘None yet. ’

[There are currently two private islands available for rent]

[Identifying senior customers...]

[Business cards have been issued]

[Please go to Island No. 1 to receive customers]

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