Somewhere brightly lit.

Xie Ji walked among the guests holding champagne.


Today is his 32nd birthday party, a birthday party in the end of the world.

In order to prepare for this banquet, he ordered people to collect materials from all over for a long time, spending a lot of crystal cores and manpower.

But, it's very effective.

He took a sip of champagne and swept it across everyone's faces calmly.

Stop hiding.

The shock in your eyes has long been seen.

"Mr. Xie, congratulations!"

A man came over quickly, holding a cup and touching it with him.

Xie Ji turned around his round face and couldn't remember who it was.

The middle-aged man who was observing him silently said close to his ear: "He is the third son of the Lu family, his name is Lu Shi."

"Oh~ It turns out to be Mr. Lu. I've heard about his reputation for a long time. I've heard about his reputation for a long time."

Xie Ji suddenly realized and drank the wine in one gulp.

It turns out that the Lu family has mastered thermal weapons, so they need to make a good friend.

"No, no, it's rare to see Mr. Xie today. It's really extraordinary." Lu Shi put his hand in front of his mouth, his eyes swept over the table of delicious food and the waiter, "Big deal!"

The two looked at each other and laughed loudly.

Seeing this, people around him came up to say hello and tried to say a few words.

Who wouldn’t want to build relationships with Xie Ji, who has many superpowers?

Even if they don't get along well, at least they can become familiar and avoid having their house confiscated.

"Sister, look at how shameless these people are."

In the corner, Sang Yu rolled his eyes, grabbed some snacks on the table and stuffed them into his mouth.

Next to her is a tall, beautiful girl with big eyes.

"Yeah. Just get used to it. It'll be the same wherever you go."

Sang Yu pouted, "Sister, when should we go back? It's so boring here."

"Wait a moment, it's not the right time to leave now." Sang Guqiu lowered his long eyelashes and took a sip of the wine in the glass.

A young waiter with a handsome face came over and asked, "Do you still need champagne?"

"No need." Sang Guqiu put the cup aside.

"What about you?" He looked at Sang Yu and showed a handsome smile.

Sang Yu was a little bored to begin with, but someone happened to come over, so he would tease him.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Do you still want to drink?" The young waiter's eyes flickered, and his fingertips gently slid on the bottle.

Seeing this, Sang Yu slowly opened her mouth and poured the wine from the glass into the flower pot.

"Then have a drink."

The young waiter smiled shyly, leaned close to her and poured wine with his head half-bowed.

They were about to kiss each other.

Sang Guqiu turned his head.

At this moment, a vision suddenly occurred, and everyone froze in place, as if time had been suspended.

"Hello everyone. I am Boss Xia of the resort hotel."

The virtual Xia Yan's figure floated out of thin air and nodded to everyone.

What the hell is this?

Sang Guqiu's danger warning message was full. After looking around, he found that most people remained motionless as they were just now.

Only a small number of people showed the same expression as her. After the attack power failed, they ran away in panic.

The younger sister came closer to her, trembling.

"Sister, that's——"


She shouted low and dragged her sister to prepare to escape in the chaos.

Behind them, the man who claimed to be Boss Xia looked at them with a smile, showing no intention of stopping them.

"If we escape later, we'll split up and run away!"


Sang Guqiu lowered his figure, hiding himself from the still figure, and ran to the door.

I couldn't help but feel happy.

Just walk out the door!

But, it's a bit strange, it went too smoothly.

She suppressed the excitement and restlessness in her heart and pressed hard on the door handle.


A charged light screen actually appeared on the door, with strong current flowing on it.


Sang Guqiu shook his painful and numb hands, half of his body trembling.

"Sister, step back! It's coming!"

Sang Yu hurriedly pulled her back.

The light screen is slowly approaching, visible to the naked eye.

"Get out of the way."

Sang Guqiu put his hands together and threw out the supernatural power, but he didn't want to hit the light screen and only caused a layer of ripples before disappearing.

"Sister!" Sang Yu also used his powers to help, but got the same result.

"Is it Xie Ji's fault?" She clenched her fists and looked for him in the crowd.

Over there!

But why is he also using powers?

Wasn't he the one behind the scenes?

"Everyone, please don't panic, I have no intention of hurting anyone."

The virtual boss Xia in the center spoke.

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing here?!"

Xie Ji drank loudly.

What exactly is going on?

Who deliberately sabotaged his birthday party?

He couldn't summon many of his subordinates!

Xie Ji's gloomy eyes swept over everyone's faces, focusing on the few people who could move.

The devil must be in the middle!

Virtual Boss Xia continued:

“This hotel is now opening its high-end private island to the public.

There are independent villas on the island, a private beach, a swimming pool with sea access, complete household appliances, and full access to water and electricity, so you can truly move in with your bags.

The most special thing is that the island has its own protective barrier. I believe everyone has experienced the safety of the barrier. "

She pointed to the electrified light screen behind everyone.

"In order to let customers experience it for themselves, I will now take you on a tour."

"Boss Xia, please wait a moment."

Someone interrupted.

"Customer, please speak."

"Well, it's like this. I currently have a place to stay and I don't plan to move for the time being, so--"

The virtual boss Xia still had the same expression: "Since you're all here, it won't hurt to take a look, what do you think?"

Leave? Let's take a look first!

Without waiting for them to say anything else, the virtual boss Xia waved and led everyone to a void.

"Please wait patiently for ten seconds, the rest of the customers are on their way."


Somewhere in a dark valley.

Xuan Nan looked at his watch, stretched, walked into the tent and pushed his teammates.

"Bu Xin, it's your turn to keep watch."

"Um... Got it." Bu Xin opened his eyes and got out of the quilt, slapping his face to get energetic.

Xuan Nan lay down in it, and the comfortable temperature made him tremble all over.

And Bu Xin, who stepped out of the tent, also shuddered.

"Xuan, Xuan Nan, get up quickly."

Xuan Nan heard something wrong, jumped out of the quilt, and swung the crescent-shaped ability in his hand in her direction.

"Get out of the way!"

Bu Xin dodged to the side the moment he shouted.

The crescent-shaped supernatural power slashed the intruder sharply.

Xuan Nan ran out with a few big strides, pulled Bu Xin up, and shouted: "Something's happening! Get up!"

He looked at the chopped shadow, and his heart was still nervous.

The sleeping person in the tent rushed out after hearing the noise.

"What's going on?"

He pointed at the shadow with his chin, "Something is approaching."


Everyone gathered together, alert to the surroundings.

At this time, the shadow merged again.

"Good evening, everyone. I'm Mr. Xia from the holiday hotel."


In the rocky stone forest.

Yang Le was sleeping soundly.

Someone poked him in the back.

"Le, get up."

Yang Le had thick skin and flesh, and didn't feel anything at all.


A slap was slapped.

He suddenly got up, "Looking for death?!"

The man he held in his hand pointed behind him, with some horror on his face.

"Here, guests are coming."


What guest?

Yang Le frowned and turned back.

On the stone that he used as a pillow, there was a smiling young woman standing.

Seeing him turn around, she waved.

"Hello, I'm the boss Xia from the resort hotel."

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